New Girl Recap: The Cool Kids Club
So this episode of New Girl was better than the premiere – at least for me.
Jess is getting ready for work and she confides in Nick, who wants to “put it on her.” that she hasn’t made any friends at her new school. There is a group of teachers who run things and they completely ignore her. I need to take a moment to mention that the “mean girls” are played by Angela Kinsey and Dreama Walker so best casting ever. Anyway, Nick thinks he can help her. Jess heads off to work and tries some more to fit in with the teachers. That goes as well as you would expect considering how awkward Jess can be when Nick shows up with free school supplies. Oh, that was his plan to help Jess, when he can see that it is failing he invites the teachers to his bar for free drinks. They seem much more receptive to that idea.
At the bar that night Jess is still not really fitting in. Nick suggests she drink – a lot – so she does because drinking makes you cool. This coming from a guy that actually was accepted to law school. I wonder if we are not supposed to remember that.
The thing is Nick’s plan works. Jess drinks A LOT and is so hung over the next morning the guys have to sing badly and loudly to get her out of bed in time to go to work. Oddly enough it is Schmidt – I’m dating two women Schmidt – who tells Nick he is supposed to protect Jess, not encourage her to make bad decisions. Schmidt doesn’t think Nick should be turning Jess into a version of himself.
As part of the Cool Kids Club Jess is going to break into her Principles yard and put her butt in his new jacuzzi. Suddenly Nick thinks this is a very bad idea. Jess wants to fit in though so she goes anyway. While Jess is committing her felony Nick shows up and follows Jess over the gate into the Principles yard. He is there because if she is going to do something stupid he should be there to do it with her. Awww. Just then the Principle comes outside and catches them. The Principle thinks they heard about his new jacooz and they want in. Cue music, tiki torch lights and Nick and Jess joining the Principle in the jacuzzi.
The next day at school the teachers thank her for covering for them and ask her to join them for a drug filled paper grading session. She declines so she can spend time with Nick. They are a mess of a couple but still so cute I just can’t stand it.
Meanwhile Schmidt is still juggling two women and it is really stressing him out. Schmidt’s office is having a party and thanks to Schmidt’s meddling coworker both Cece and Elizabeth show up.
Did I mention Schmidt’s office at work is a perfect 2/3’s replica of Don Drapers office? Anyone surprised?
Cece and Elizabeth actually see each other and speak to each other at said party but somehow Schmidt’s manovering works and they are none the wiser. No one is more surprised then he is.
Again saddled with the crazy, we weren’t sure what else to give you, story line is poor Winston. Winston has been tasked with watching Daisy’s cat. When he tells Schmidt however it prompts Schmidt to utter, “They carry disease, they’re obsessed with my nipples and they are unwelcome in this loft.” Cue a flashback that somehow involves Schmidt in a barn, no shirt wearing a cowboy hat covered in kittens who are licking his chest.
While picking up the cat it is obvious that Daisy has another guy over. Winston asks her to be his girlfriend anyway and be exclusive and she says sure, but it looks like she just needs a babysitter for her cat.
Back at the loft Winston is talking through the whole Daisy issue with Nick. Nick says the only logical thing to do is break up with Daisy. Winston thinks the only logical thing to do is kill her cat. He seems serious. I mean making a noose to hang the cat, getting out a hammer and a baseball bat serious. Winston is completely crazy. He pulls it together though and decides maybe killing the cat isn’t a good idea.
That night when Daisy comes by to pick up her cat, he confronts her about her sleeping with some other guy and when she says yes he says he is keeping her cat. He and the cat both deserve better.
Last shot of the episode is Winston’s new cat laying on Schmidt licking his nipples while he sleeps. It is as disturbing as that sounded and I’m sorry I ever had to type that sentence.
What did you think of this episode of New Girl?
New Girl airs 9/8c on Fox