NICE BOY OF THE WEEK: Kris Holden-Ried
Kris Holden-Ried was amazing at Dragon Con and even showed the Nice Girls some love. I was lucky to talk with Kris and he said “Thank you so much for covering our show! I love you guys!” Kris, we love you too, that’s why there was no question who our Nice Boy of the Week would be. Mr. Kris Holden-Ried.
Kris currently stars on the Syfy hit Lost Girl as Dyson, a sexy werewolf-shifter who is also a homocide detective trying to cover up the existance of Fae in a human world. You may also know Kris from The Tudors (William Compton), Degrassi: The Next Generation (Tracker Cameron), K-19: The Widowmaker (Anton), The Listener (Adam Reynolds), and Underworld Awakening (where he plays another Werewolf named Quint).
Kris was born in Scarborough, Ontario and got bit by the acting bug early on but chose to attend Montreal’s Concordia University School of Business. He is very athletic and became a member of the Canadian National Pentathlon Team where he received silver medals from the Pan American and Pan Pacific Pentathlon Championships for riding and fencing (I guess that explains how he got his incredible body). His co-star KC Collins said during a Lost Girl panel at Dragon Con “Kris has the best shoulders ever!” I think I have to agree with KC on that one.
Kris was so pleasant and willing to take pictures with everyone. He hung out with fans at Dragon Con and even bought drinks for fans at the bar. He is a great father, talented actor, athlete, gamer, intelligent, charitable, handsome and humble. He had nothing but the highest praise for all of his Lost Girl Castmates. My favorite moment at Dragon Con was when I talked with him, he suggested we take a picture with a sign he made that read “Thanks Nice Girls TV! XO!” Yay! We thank you Kris for being awesome!
Kris Holden-Ried truly defines Nice Boy of the Week! You can follow Kris on Twitter @KrisHolden_Ried and you can catch Kris on Lost Girl when it returns to Syfy in January 2014!
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