WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Instinct
Warehouse 13 brought back HG Wells this week and I was glad to see her.
The case of the week has HG – now going by Emily – calling Pete and Myka when she finds some odd goings on in her town of Boone, WI. She is a forensic scientist for the police department and a killer, who got off on a technicality, runs into the police station to confess his crime. He is terrified and while HG is collecting DNA from him she sees him change physically. Pete and Myka travel to Wisconsin to investigate where they find the DA and a detective have started using an artifact that scares criminals into confessing. Actually the artifact is a hyena jaw bone from back in caveman days and when held in front of someone it scares them almost to death while regressing the “victim” to a caveman state.
Of course Pete and Myka manage to get the artifact back but not without some trouble along the way. Turns out HG is living with a man who has a daughter. She is trying to live a normal life, something Myka doesn’t understand. Myka says HG isn’t normal and she is using this man and his child as a way to have her daughter back. The DA and detective end up kidnapping the child and while it doesn’t come out that Emily is HG Wells it does come out that she isn’t who she said she was. When the episode ends Myka apologizes, she thinks HG should really try to make her normal life work, as long as she doesn’t lose HG as a friend.
Over at the Warehouse Claudia is still getting randomly electrocuted and on top of that the Warehouse is having earthquakes. After some investigation, Steve, Abigail, Artie and Claudia figure out that the railroad spike that connected the continental railroad has lodged itself into the beams in the Warehouse ceiling. Since the Warehouse is constantly making itself bigger to accommodate more and more artifacts the spike, which brings things together, is causing some “friction”.
Most of the episode Claudia isn’t too nice to Abigail, mainly because Claudia is wary of therapists. She did, afterall, end up being committed to a psych ward for opening up to a therapist about her brother back in the day. By the end though Claudia shares with Abigail the fact that the Warehouse is zapping her and Abigail thinks it isn’t because the Warehouse is mad at Claudia – like Claudia thinks – it is because the Warehouse was trying to get Claudia’s attention. The Warehouse needed help and Claudia is maybe one day going to be a caretaker so the Warehouse was reaching out. Claudia takes that advice and manages to save the day with a modified rocket launcher filled with the purple artifact goo.
It was nice to have HG back and it was also nice to see Artie being his old curmudgeon self, with a side of sarcasm.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy