WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: The Sky’s the Limit
We have three separate stories on this episode of Warehouse 13 so I think I will take them one at a time.
Claudia and Steve:
Artie sends them to England to find out what is going on when two jockeys fall into comas after their races. The strange part is the jockeys were riding long shot horses that ended up winning and the jockey’s bodies were drained of every bit of adrenaline. After much questioning and quipping – I do love Claudia and Steve – they find out the horses were treated for injuries a day before each race. The injuries were abuse from the jockeys. When they talk to the vet she says each complaint about the horses was brought to her attention by a stable hand named Ricky. They question Ricky who says he puts a piece of old blanket under the saddle to teach the jockey’s a lesson. Claudia tries to get the next jockey to not run the race but he won’t so she jumps on the back of the horse and manages to get the artifact out from under the saddle and into a neutralizing bag. Case Closed.
Pete and Myka:
Artie sends Pete and Myka to Vegas where a guy who was glowing dropped from the sky. Turns out he died of altitude exposure even though there were no planes around. While they are tracking his movements another body drops from the sky. Pete and Myka get find one common place both victims visited, a magic show. They are just about to question the magician when he starts to glow and flies up into the sky. After talking to the magicians manager they find out he stole his tricks, most notably from Monty. Monty is another magician at the hotel so they go to question him. In his show he levitates people so they think they are on to something. Monty however believes he has finally found real magic and insists it isn’t a trick. At his next show he levitates Pete, which is bad since that means Pete will probably be next to glow and fly off into space. While Monty is contemplating real magic with his assistant/granddaughter Pete and Myka search his house. They find some notes on St. Cupertino who back in his time could levitate. They surmise that Rose, the assistant, is using the artifact to give Monty one last hurrah as a magician. That night Monty is doing a show out in front of hundreds of people. He levitates Rose and as soon as he does Pete starts to glow and float into the air. Fortunately Pete is able to grab onto Rose’s hand and explains to her what is happening. She takes them back down to the ground where Myka neutralizes the artifact. Monty however feels very foolish for believing in real magic. Pete and Myka feel badly since Rose was really just trying to do a nice thing so they bring Monty to the Warehouse to show him all of the magic they have there. Monty is impressed and grateful. Case Closed.
Artie and Abigail:
Mrs. Frederick brings Abigail Chow by the Warehouse to introduce her to Artie. She is the new owner of the Bed and Breakfast. Artie isn’t really okay with this but agrees to give Abigail a tour of the Warehouse anyway. While giving the tour Abigail wants to touch all of the artifacts and Artie gets upset. He yells that things are dangerous there and if you aren’t careful people can get hurt. When Abigail suggests Artie can talk to her if he ever needs someone to listen he realizes she used to be a therapist. He is not livid; he says he doesn’t need anyone to talk to and to leave him alone. In fact he leaves Abigail in the Warehouse to find her own way back.
Later Abigail finds Artie in the office of the Warehouse she says that he can’t power through or ignore grief. He has to battle it or it will eat him alive. That night at the bed and breakfast a tearful Artie finds Abigail and admits he killed someone he loved and now he doesn’t know what to do about it.
Also at the beginning of the episode a lady is watching the Warehouse from quite a distance through binoculars. She calls someone to say she thinks she knows where he is. At the end of the race horse case she is also there. She asks Claudia if she is okay and then takes her picture secretly before sending it in a text with the message, “This is your target.”
Two weeks until a new Warehouse 13 episode. What did you think? How are you liking the second part of the season and are you glad to see Kelly Hu joining the cast for a bit?
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy