WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: The Big Snag
There are two pretty separate stories on this week’s Warehouse 13 so let’s take them one at a time shall we?
Myka and Pete are catching electric sparks flying around the Warehouse when one of the sparks arcs off and buries them in a mound of papers. The papers are an artifact and they end up “transported” to a black and white 1940’s Chicago. It turns out they are actually in an unfinished crime novel written by Anthony Bishop. Oddly enough that makes perfect sense for this show.
Pete ties to “outrun” the black and white world but it just goes on and on for at least ten blocks. He gets back to the office just before there is a knock on the door. Enter Missi Pyle as Mrs. Carson. Her husband is missing and she hears they are the best detectives around. She fears her husband got mixed up in something to do with a jade elephant, the artifact Pete was holding before getting transported into the novel. They figure the way to get out of the novel is to solve the case – get the artifact back.
Pete and Myka start to do some sleuthing. Pete is narrating in the 40’s slang, much to Myka’s annoyance. They get to a door where a big burly man looks at them before punching Pete in his pretty face. Pete comes too to find he and Myka both tied to chairs. An overweight gentleman welcomes them to The Indigo Club. He is also looking for Mr. Carson and the jade elephant. Myka lures him over before punching him in the face and taking out his henchman. With Pete free they hold the club owner at gunpoint. He hired Mr. Carson to find the elephant and now Mr. Carson is hiding out with his artifact. He gives Pete a retainer to find the artifact and bring it to him.
At Carson’s office they find a clue that leads them to a hotel. There they deduce their way up to room 204. When they get to the room they find Mr. Carson dead on the floor and someone running away from the scene. Pete and Myka make their way over to the Carson’s to inform Mrs. Carson of her husband’s passing only to find a different woman at the residence who says she is Mrs. Carson. She tells Pete and Myka Mr. Carson took all her money and ran off with that blonde, she didn’t think she would ever see him again. She says her husband met the blonde at The Indigo Club. So Pete and Myka get dressed up and hit the club. The bartender, Enrico Colantoni, glares at them but before they can think much of it, Missi Pyle makes her way to the stage. She is a lounge singer. In order to blend in, Pete pulls Myka onto the dance floor. He is a surprisingly good dancer and the kiss on the shoulder was quite cute.
Backstage after the song they corner “Mrs. Carson” and question her. Her real name is Lilly Abbot. The owner of the club made Lilly get close to Carson, she didn’t want to though and she didn’t kill Carson. She swears she has a man and they are going to leave all this behind and be happy.
Myka and Pete get a note asking them to meet in the alley for information. Pete thinks it is a trap but Myka says they have to talk to them right now. They get out into the alley to find the bartender. It turns out the bartender is the author of the book, Anthony Bishop. He is trapped in there as well. He holds them at gunpoint and tells them to drop this case or he will drop them.
He lowers the gun when they ask him how he got into the manuscript. His wife died and his grief threw him into his new manuscript until it was all he could think about. One day he opened his eyes and he was there, in the world he had been writing about. Pete thinks finding Bishop is great news. They can now solve the case and get out of there. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen just yet. Bishop doesn’t want the case to be solved. He doesn’t want to lose Lilly; she is based on his wife.
Back in the club Pete and Myka find the owner of the club gone. He went to meet someone about the artifact. On a foggy4th Street bridge, Pete and Myka find the club owner dead from electric burns. On the body they find long black hairs and the owner has scratch marks on his face. It looks like the jilted Mrs. Carson was there with the spark shooting elephant artifact. She is still there though and in order to protect Myka Pete gets zapped before Mrs. Carson makes her escape. Myka manages to bring Pete back to life. They head to The Indigo Club where they figure Mrs. Carson is going in order to get the money she feels she is owed.
At the club Bishop and Lilly are taking money out of the till when Mrs. Carson shows up. Pete and Myka aren’t too far behind her and they get there to find Mrs. Carson has Lilly hostage until Bishop gets her the club owner’s money. A fight ensues and just before Mrs. Carson can zap Pete for a second time Myka shoots her. Pete and Myka leave the club and wonder why they are still in the 40’s. Pete holds up the artifact and points it at the fog; a circle of color opens up. Behind him Bishop is saying goodbye to Lilly who obviously doesn’t understand what is going on. Bishop can’t do it though; he decides to stay with Lilly as Myka and Pete walk into the fog and right back into the Warehouse.
Pete and Myka pick up the pages of the manuscript and read the end. Bishop and Lilly went on a trip to Bora Bora – he got to live his happily ever after.
At the Bed & Breakfast Artie is playing the piano while Steve and Claudia watch from the doorway. They are getting him to help with a case. Claudia figures if they get him into the field and working on a case maybe he will start to feel better, like his old self.
Artie, Claudia and Steve are at an automobile dealership where they think they have found the cars that were stolen by some sort of artifact. The owner won’t cooperate so Artie shoots something with his special ray gun. They owner starts talking, he calls a guy, he wires money and the car he wants shows up. They have the owner make a request for a car, Artie’s car. They figure they can catch the thief in the act.
On their car stake out, the thief shows up but Claudia isn’t done setting the tracking device. She hides in the trunk as the thief drives away. Artie isn’t going to let the thief get away but when he stands in front of the car to stop it the car goes right through him, and then right through the wall. That is one cool artifact. Steve chastises Artie for jumping in front of a moving car but Artie says he was just trying to save Claudia, “No one else is dying on my watch!” The tracking device Claudia had in the car sends them a signal so they hop in their car and take off after it.
Arties car and the thief are back at a garage. Claudia gets out of the trunk and is about to grab the artifact, they are driving gloves, when the thief comes back and tries to hit Claudia with a tire iron. The thief is the saleswoman from the car showroom they saw earlier. Claudia and thief are duking it out when Artie and Steve show up. The thief makes off with another car but only one glove. Artie throws on the remaining glove, jumps in a car and goes after her. He manages to catch up to her but it looks like the gloves don’t work when used on the same car twice. A nice car chase, game of chicken commences and Artie gets the upper hand.
The episode ends with Steve meeting with the Regent. He was tasked with keeping an eye on Artie and he is reporting Artie’s reckless behavior on the car thief mission. The Regent says it is now their time to act and Steve is worried they are going to bronze Artie. He looks scared.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy