THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Recap: She’s Come Undone
This week on The Vampire Diaries Elena is at school – that is how you know something is wrong. Elena agrees with me and besides she doesn’t want to be there and then Damon appears. He is in her head to show her all the things she has been missing out on.
Stefan asks Damon if he is making progress and when they check on Elena she responds with, “Go to hell”. So I’m guessing that is a no. Damon locks her back in the cell they have her in and tell her they can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way all they have is time.
Caroline gets to Casa de Salvatore and demands to see Elena. Stefan says no, she is being isolated. It’s a vampire intervention. Caroline wants to talk to her and because Stefan will try anything he lets her. Caroline pulls a bottle of blood out of her pocket for Elena who devours it. They have been starving her after all. Caroline goes on to say she doesn’t agree with the Brothers Salvatore method. Elena snarks at her but Caroline says she isn’t going to give up on her. Well that is until Elena questions what about Caroline makes guys run away from her. First Tyler and now Klaus. Caroline turns her back and Elena attacks her. She is too weak to get the upper hand though and Caroline snaps her neck. She tells Stefan to do whatever he needs to do.
Over at the Mystic Grill Matt finds Rebekah drinking away her sorrows. She lost the cure to Silas and her brothers are in New Orleans doing their own thing. Now it’s Rebekah’s turn to give her two cents on Elena, she happens to like her the way she is. This does not sit well with our one remaining human. He asks her why she is even still in Mystic Falls. Some people can’t leave, but she can and maybe she should.
Caroline calls Bonnie to talk about Elena. She wants to see if Bonnie is okay. Bonnie assures her she is, Silas doesn’t control her anymore. Just than Katherine sits down at Bonnie’s table. Bonnie asked her there to hear an offer she won’t be able to refuse.
At Casa De Salvatore the boys have now resorted to burning Elena with sunlight. They have removed her daylight ring, but hey they have a fire extinguisher at the ready. She practically dares them to do it and they do. She didn’t think they had it in them and to be honest Stefan is looking a little squeamish. Elena rages a little, gets a little vindictive and Damon mocks her before they open the curtain again and burn her some more.
Outside the house Caroline and Matt are talking. He is there to distract Caroline from what is going on inside the house. Caroline ordered Matt a cap and gown, in case he forgot to order one for himself. I love Caroline’s enthusiasm to all things high school. Matt looks up to see Rebekah, she is there with food, as a peace offering. Caroline tries to show her the door but Rebekah says she is going to stay. Matt mentioned he was failing some classes and he needs a tutor. The news that Matt is failing is knew to Caroline and she is so side tracked by it she actually forgets to hate Rebekah for a moment. Matt says this year has been a little distracting. Caroline goes into full valedictorian mode. She is going to run home and get her flash cards, study guides and energy bars.
Caroline is out at her car about to leave when she senses someone is there. She turns around to see Klaus. Caroline looks almost relieved to see him.
Back at the diner Bonnie is telling Katherine she wants Silas’s tombstone. Katherine can’t believe Bonnie is working for Silas. Bonnie says she isn’t, in two days there will be a full moon and Silas wants her to use it to harness enough power to drop the veil. She said she would help him and she has been hiding from him ever since. Katherine wants to know what Bonnie needs with the tombstone but Bonnie won’t tell her. She reminds Katherine that Bonnie is psychic so the less she knows the better. Katherine of course wants to know what is in it for her. Bonnie says she will make it worth her while.
Still not wanting to play nice Elena is spewing her special kind of hurtful comments at the Brothers. She distracts them with her chatter just long enough to break free from the chair and pull the drapes open. She bursts into flames and they rush to put her out with the fire extinguisher. She laughs as she lies on the floor because she knows they love her and won’t do anything to really hurt her.
Have I taken a moment to mention I do not at all like this version of Elena.
The Brother’s go out to discuss what is going on. Damon says all vampires turn off their switch, do what vampires do and turn it back on. Why is Elena being so stubborn? They decide Elena is smart to think they won’t really hurt her, but they know someone who will, Katherine. She is the one that killed Jeremy so that might actually work for them this time. Stefan knows that Katherine won’t be able to turn down a chance to torture Elena.
Caroline and Klaus are walking in the woods. She thought he was gone for good and he says that is true. He didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye though. For some reason that annoys Caroline who says he doesn’t owe her anything, he’s moving on, just go. Klaus says he never had any intention of moving on and he can’t stop thinking about her. Then he asks her to come to New Orleans with him. She says she can’t and when asked what she is afraid of she responds, “You. I’m afraid of you.” Klaus never one to back down from a “challenge” thinks she isn’t afraid of him, she is afraid of herself and what she is feeling. Can you blame her? She’s a little in love with the devil. Klaus makes a little mistake though and quotes what Elena said to Caroline in the cellar earlier. Turns out it isn’t Klaus it is Silas. He wants Bonnie to come out of hiding or he is going to do terrible things to Caroline. Silas stakes Caroline and leaves her in the woods.
In the house Matt is waiting for Caroline to return while lamenting to Rebekah that he doesn’t want to be left behind when his friends go off to college. Rebekah says he needs better friends, like her. She could compel him better grades and a scholarship. She offers to be his advantage in life. When she saved April, due to him, she realized she could be better and now she has some advice for Matt. “Take advantage of what I’m offering you. Make something of yourself.”
Unfortunately there sweet little moment is ruined by the arrival of Katherine. Rebekah is not happy to see her, neither is Matt when he hears why she is there.
Damon: You have a better idea Prom King?
Matt grabs his coat and leaves to go call Caroline.
It’s now dark and Caroline is just waking up in the woods. She runs towards Casa de Salvatore when she sees Matt. She tells him Silas is looking for Bonnie. Poor Caroline, that isn’t Matt, it’s Silas – again. He puts his hands on her throat and says he is going to kill someone if she doesn’t’ get him Bonnie, maybe her Mother. She tries to run into the house but he turns back into Klaus and pushes her down the stairs. She does her vamp speed and gets in her car while calling her mother. She tells her to get home and lock all of the doors. Before she can drive away though Silas is there by her car, with what looks like his real horror movie scary face. Caroline screams and punches the gas.
Downstairs in the house Katherine grabs Elena out of her cell and puts her hand in her chest. She says she is there on behalf of her boyfriends. Before she gets started though she wants to know what Elena told Elijah back in Willoughby. Elena who is not at all being smart about this goads Katherine about being dumped. Katherine gets annoyed and shuts Elena back in her cell. She doesn’t lock the door though.
Katherine goes upstairs to have a drink and snark with Damon. Stefan interrupts to announce Elena is gone. Katherine just smiles, she can’t wait for Elena to do something really horrible, something she won’t ever be able to come back from. Damon grabs Matt to lure Elena out as they start to search.
Caroline leaves another message for Bonnie as she gets home. Her Mom comes out of the other room and wants to know what is going on. She figures it is really her and gives her a huge hug.
Elena is wandering around in the woods when she sees a truck. She falls to the group and calls for help. Matt gets out of the truck and kneels down in front of her. She says thank goodness you found me and vamps out. Matt tells her she doesn’t want to do to this, she doesn’t want to hurt him. Elena however assures him she does. Matt reminds her they are friends, not only that but he has loved her longer than he can remember. Elena un-vamps, is un-vamps the right word? Anyway, Matt says he knows that means something to her. She steps closer vamps out again and bites his neck.
Still at home Caroline can’t believe Bonnie hasn’t called her back. Just then there is a rattling at the back door. Caroline gets up to see Bonnie outside. Caroline isn’t sure it is Bonnie though so she doesn’t let her in right away. Bonnie keeps rattling the door knob and saying she just got the message, let her in so they can talk. Behind her Caroline’s mother turns into Silas while Bonnie watches. With her back turned Caroline can’t see it. Explain to me why Bonnie can’t just unlock the door with her mind? Am I missing something? Witches can’t unlock doors?
As I type that Bonnie does just that, bursting in the door. Caroline turns to see Silas behind her. She runs into the other room to help her mother who is on the floor unconscious while Silas and Bonnie have a little chat. Bonnie promises to do what he wants as long as he leaves her friends alone. They leave the house as Caroline is trying to get her mother to wake up.
Still in the woods Elena is standing over Matt who passed out. She tells him she needs more blood and even though he has been drained so much he can’t stand on his own she hauls him up to drink more.
Fortunately Stefan and Damon show up. Stefan drags Elena off to one side while Damon holds up Matt. Damon calls Elena a spoiled brat. That is an understatement. He says she is right, they can’t bring themselves to truly punish her but they can hurt Matt. He isn’t going to play nice anymore so turn the emotions back on or so help him. Damon pushes Matt to his knees and says he is going to kill him. Matt begs Elena who says Damon is bluffing. Only he is so not bluffing, he grabs Matt’s neck and snaps it. Elena actually gasps and starts to cry as Matt falls to the ground. Damon asks if she is angry now or maybe she is just sad that Matt has been reduced to a bag of bones. Damon drops to his knees next to Matt and holds up Matt’s hand. He is wearing the ring that keeps him from dying by the supernatural. Elena is so relieved. She keeps saying Matt’s name and touching his face while crying.
They may have finally gotten through to her. Isn’t that always the way, the human characters hold powers the supernatural don’t. Reminds me of Xander in Buffy.
Elena is really crying now, Damon insists she will be okay but she is remembering killing the waitress and attempting to kill Bonnie and Caroline. She smashes Matt’s truck window out and Damon and Stefan grab her. Stefan tells her to focus on one thing that makes her strong, the one thing that makes her want to live. They watch as she screams and tries to collect herself.
Caroline is still working over her unconscious mother. She has given her some of her blood and now has a first aid kit out. Caroline stabs herself with a needle to get blood to inject directly into her mom’s heart. Caroline starts to plead with her mom when suddenly she coughs and wakes up. Caroline hugs her and cries.
Back on the couch at the Salvatore’s Matt wakes up as well, he is understandably a little out of sorts. Rebekah is sitting next to him. She tells him how brave he was but Matt says he was just returning the favor. She did save him from drowning in the river. Rebekah does have the sense to apologize for her part in all of that. Rebekah promises to spend every day until graduation helping him/paying him back.
Katherine is in the diner with Bonnie again asking what is in it for her if she gives Bonnie the tombstone. Bonnie says the one thing she wants most, freedom. Bonnie says after she drops the veil she can ask her ancestor for the spell that made Silas immortal, truly invincible. If Katherine gives her the tombstone, she will do the spell on Katherine. They seem to have a deal.
Elena is in front of the fire at Casa de Salvatore. Damon brings her over a blanket and asks how she is feeling. Elena says things have happened that can’t be undone and she needs to do something about that. She thinks everything bad that has happened can be traced back to one person, Katherine. She turned Caroline, brought Klaus to Mystic Falls and killed Jeremy. It is time she is stopped. Turns out the one thing Elena focused on was hate. So now she is back to having emotions but the one she picked was hate. Fantastic.
Until next week…which I may remind you is the season finale. You do not want to miss it.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday The CW