WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: The Living and The Dead
Where did we leave off – Artie had a psychotic break, killed Leena and released a plague that could kill half the world’s population.
Leena is talking to Artie about how he ate the last of the cookies. He is dreaming though, because his body is in a helicopter with the dagger in his chest while Myka, Pete, Claudia and Jinks sit around him uncomfortably. Claudia looks the most affected. They are headed to The Warehouse where Mrs. Frederic meets them. They have a lot of work to do.
Mrs. Frederic tells them they are all infected now, the whole world. Pete’s Mom shows up to say the virus is spreading faster than they thought. They now have 16 hours left in the incubation period. Mrs. Frederic congratulates Claudia on using the dagger on Artie. He is still comatose but they were able to remove the dagger, it did no damage to Artie. Claudia’s gut told her the dagger would separate the evil in Artie from the good and she was right.
Pete’s Mom takes Claudia and Jink’s with her to Artie’s bedside. They need to reach Artie’s subconscious before his mind shuts down. Pete’s Mom has a clock owned by Freud that will allow Claudia and Jink’s to interact with Artie’s subconscious and figure out what is going on. Claudia and Jink’s activate the artifact pulling them into Artie’s mind. Artie’s mind is a replica of The Warehouse and while they are about to make their way to the office where they suspect Artie is they run into Vanessa. She tells them to get out, it is too dangerous in there. Jink’s hears a loud booming and climbs up a shelf to see that Artie’s brain is shutting down. Claudia is losing hope so it is good she has Jink’s. He gives her a pep talk, it’s the fight that matters, just then Mrs. Frederic shows up in the subconscious and throws an artifact at Claudia and Jink’s. She tells them they have to go.
The artifact Mrs. Frederic threw at them traps Claudia and Jink’s in cocoons while the darkness of Artie’s mind inches closer to them. Jink’s manages to shake loose a spear disabling the artifact. They get a few steps away when another obstacle is thrown at them, MacPherson. He chases them down and Jink’s leads him in another direction while Claudia goes for Artie’s office. The darkness closes in on Jink’s and he is kicked out of Artie’s subconscious leaving Claudia in there alone. Claudia manages to make it to the office but the door is locked. She yells for Artie and the door opens as the rest of The Warehouse fades into black. In the office is actually Leena’s place where Artie is playing the piano. He tells Claudia he isn’t trapped and he doesn’t want her there. Claudia accuses him of hiding. Just then Leena comes out accusing Artie of eating the last of the cookies just like she did at the beginning of the episode. He is playing this scene over and over in his mind. Claudia tells Artie he can’t live in denial, if he stays in there he will just disappear. That is what Artie wants. He doesn’t want to have to remember killing Leena he can’t face that.
Unfortunately for Artie, Claudia makes him remember and Leena disappears. Claudia tells Artie she isn’t leaving him, she is going to save him no matter how mad he is. She doesn’t think he is done fighting. She pushes him out of a door in Leena’s and they wake up back at the real Warehouse.
Later Mrs. Fredric finds Artie at Leena’s playing the piano. He doesn’t know how to come to terms with what he did. Mrs. Fredric says they will make it through this together. Artie continues to play the piano.
Meanwhile Pete, Myka and Mrs. Frederic research the disease. They decide they need to figure out how to bring the orchid back to life so they can stop the plague. Pete gets a little overwhelmed but Myka thinks she may have found something. There was a Count who said he possessed the ability to bring ailing plants back to health. Unfortunately they can’t find a reference to what artifact The Count used. Pete finds a book written by a Professor at Columbia, in it The Count is mentioned numerous times. They may have a lead. At Columbia, Pete and Myka look for Professor Sutton, played by James Marsters. I need a moment for my Buffy fan girl to geek out. Okay I’m back. Professor Sutton’s office looks like it has been tossed, files everywhere, apparently that is just how his office always looks. Pete feels right at home while Myka is uncomfortable.
Sutton to Myka: “You are reasonably hot, what say you ditch the forehead here and um interrogate me.”
Sutton delivers that line before passing back out into his drunken stupor. Pete shakes him awake to get some answers about The Count. Sutton starts to talk but he is interrupted by the need to throw up. He is quite a charmer. Turns out The Count always wore a very garish ring and Pete and Myka think this may be the artifact. Now they only have to locate it. Sutton says The Count was buried in the catacombs in Paris with all of his belongings. Pete thinks that is great, they will just head to Paris. Of course that isn’t all, Sutton says Marie Antoinette locked The Count’s crypt with a very elaborate impenetrable lock that would flay anyone who attempted to open it. Pete is still pretty confident in their abilities. Myka is a little worried about how to navigate the catacombs and then she realizes they have a map at The Warehouse for the catacombs. She is going to get a scan from Mrs. Frederic. Oh and look at that the charming somewhat sober Sutton has The Legend for the map so he is coming along.
Myka, Pete and Professor Sutton get to Paris with seven hours left before the plague starts to kill people. Sutton makes more hilarious mocking jokes about Pete’s forehead.
They arrive at the house of Charlotte Dupree who is a collector and a rival of Suttons. Since she would never have given them access to The Legend Sutton sent her on a wild goose chase to Spain so they could break into her house. While they are standing outside Charlotte’s house Sutton says he figures they need the ring to stop the sweating sickness, something about reconstituting an orchid to make it stop. He is a history Professor and he has heard the rumors. So sober Sutton is pretty smart, I guess. I’m just enamored with James Marsters being on my TV Screen. Okay, that is probably the last time I mention it in this recap. Probably.
So they break into Charlotte’s house and are looking for The Legend when Charlotte shows up with a shot gun. She is very unhappy. Even with a gun at his head Sutton is still a smart ass. Pete distracts Charlotte long enough for Myka to stun her with their fancy Warehouse gun. Myka then punches Sutton in the mouth for basically being such a jerk. She knocks him down to the ground with her one punch – go Myka.
They now have one hour left until the first mortalities from the disease. Myka grabs Sutton and says she noticed in all his research there are no pictures of The Count and she knows why, she flips around a portrait in Charlotte’s home to reveal The Count. It is Sutton. Sutton is The Count. Unfortunately a second after saying that Myka falls to the ground, the disease has really started to take its toll on her. Pete gets Myka up off the floor and she demands the truth from Sutton. He admits he is The Count. Pete wonders if he is a vampire.
Sutton: Oh please, vampires are for gothic novels and apparently preadolescent girls.
Back in the day an alchemist used a stone to keep his body from aging. He is 519 years old.
When he heard government agents needed his help he saw it as an opportunity to get into Charlotte’s house and get back some of her antiques which are actually his belongings, including The Legend, which he did manage to find. They head to the catacombs where they find The Count’s crypt. They get the lock open and find the ring. As they are getting the ring, The Count snags a huge diamond causing poisoned darts to start flying out of skulls placed around the crypt. Myka is about to be hit by one when The Count throws her out of the way taking the dart to his chest instead. He insists they leave him there to go save the world.
Pete puts the ring onto the orchid plant and suddenly all the black plague like dust that covered the world is sucked back into the orchid. They saved everyone – everyone except The Count.
Later Charlotte goes to The Count’s crypt. She looks at the floor where The Count has gotten away somehow. The dagger is on the floor covered in blood but there is no body. Turns out she is the wife The Count and the way she is talking she may just be as old as he is. Charlotte vows she has plans to take The Count down. That sounds ominous.
I’m so glad Warehouse 13 is back and I thought that was such a great episode. The right mix of witty and serious and of course James Marsters.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy