THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Recap: The Originals
New Orleans: Haley is in New Orleans to find her family but she isn’t having much luck. A bartender directs Haley to a bayou where some of her family was from. Before she can leave though the bartender covertly takes a piece of her hair. A moment later we see Sophie (bartender) and her sister Jane Anne in a cemetery. Jane Anne is going to do a spell but Sophie is worried they may be caught or that she may be wrong. Jane Anne says it is the only way to get to Klaus. That night at the cemetery Jane Anne is doing her witchy ways while Haley is getting to the very foggy creepy backwoods place. Jane Anne’s magic causes Haley’s map to burn up, her car to break down and her cell phone to not work. Haley looks up to see a number of people coming towards her only to pass out a moment later into Sophie’s arms
The next day a tour guide is showing people around the dark side of New Orleans, “Where the living are easily lost and the dead stick around to play.” Klaus hears this and smiles.
Klaus has sat down with a witch who recognizes who Klaus is. He is looking for Jane Anne Devereux. The witch won’t tell Klaus anything though. She states that those are Marcel’s rules and she follows the rules. Klaus sure seems interested to find Marcel.
Marcel, like every other man on the CW is extremely good looking. He can also sing, something he proves while performing karaoke to, “How You Like Me Now.”
He sees Klaus and they hug. Marcel was sired by Klaus and mentored by him too apparently. They sit down for a drink. Marcel even has a daylight ring, as do his inner circle. Klaus can’t believe he found a witch to make them and Marcel assures Klaus he has the witches wrapped around his finger. Klaus thinks that is fortunate because he needs to find Jane Anne. Outside Marcel whistles and a good 50 vampires come out into the alley. One of them is holding Jane Anne who has her wrists tied. Marcel accuses her of practicing witchcraft outside the bounds of the rules he has set forth. Marcel gives her a chance to come clean but she tells him to rot in hell. Marcel slashes her throat and she bleeds out on the ground while he celebrates. Klaus is not looking so pleased.
Marcel tells him witches aren’t allowed to do magic, those are the rules. Klaus wanted to speak to her and he is using the brooding I didn’t get my way face so that’s not good. Klaus asks one of Marcel’s “friends” if there are any more Devereux witches. Next thing we know Klaus is standing in front of Sophie in her kitchen at the bar. Klaus wants to know what his sister wanted and why Marcel killed her. She looks like she may tell him something but two of Marcel’s guys show up in the bar. She tells Klaus he may have built that town but it is Marcel’s town now. Klaus goes to confront Marcel’s guys. Marcel told them to follow him but Klaus isn’t having it. He threatens them and is probably about to do some damage when a cute blonde bartender walks over to them. He pulls out some money and buys the guys a drink instead.
Outside in the alley Sophie lights some candles and cries over her dead sister. The two guys who Klaus just threatened drop into the alley. They ask Sophie why Klaus was looking for Jane Anne. She says it is witch business. She tries to leave and one of the guys grabs her. Not for long though because a moment later he is gone, just disappeared. Not two seconds later his body drops to the ground, not his body though, his head. Before his buddy can turn and look, he is thrown up against the wall with a dagger in his chest. We can thank Elijah for this. He turns to Sophie and after verifying that she does know who he is he asks what her sister wanted with his family.
I have to tell you I love how controlled Elijah’s fury is compared to Klaus’s childlike tantrums. It’s like two sides to a coin.
Klaus tracks down a vampire with a daylight ring. Klaus is looking for Marcel and he is about to get violent when Marcel shows up. Klaus wants an explanation as to why he was being followed. Marcel apologizes and has Marcel shows him what he has been up to in his town while he has been gone.
Marcel says he taught the humans to look the other way and he has a secret ace up his sleeve that lets him know when magic is being done. He really has New Orleans on lock down. As soon as Marcel has gone, Elijah shows up on the roof. He tells Klaus he knows what the witches are up to.
Elijah takes Klaus to the cemetery where Sophie is waiting. She tells Klaus she is going to stop Marcel, he is out of control, but she needs Klaus’s help to make that happen. Klaus starts to bluster that there is nothing on earth that would make him listen to her for another second. He’s wrong though. Haley shows up and Klaus is about to laugh her off too when Sophie cuts into Klaus’s commenting by telling him she has the gift of telling when someone is pregnant. Haley is pregnant with Klaus’s child, something that should be impossible. Klaus is understandably skeptical but Sophie says he was born a Werewolf; he is only a Vampire by magic. He’s the Original hybrid. It is a loophole in nature.
Sophie says Klaus is going to help them take down Marcel or Haley dies. Elijah offers to kill Marcel himself but Sophie says no, there are rules they need to follow. Klaus doesn’t like to be told what to do though and he is about to storm out when Elijah stops him. He has Klaus listen, and he can hear the heartbeat of Haley’s child, or their child. Klaus says kill Haley and the baby, he doesn’t care.
Elijah follows Klaus out onto the street. Elijah tells him this is a gift, their chance to start again. Have a family, a real family. Elijah continues to reason with him in a great speech about family. He will rebuild the town with Klaus and stand beside him. Klaus turns him down, because he is a pouty little child.
Klaus finds Marcel and wants to know how he controls the witches but Marcel won’t budge. He says that is his business. Marcel even calls New Orleans his town. Klaus has an issue with that, but Marcel isn’t done. He continues to goad Klaus like he’s never met him before or something. Marcel stresses it is his home, his family, his rules. The last straw is Marcel insisting Klaus show him some respect. Honestly, what is wrong with this man?
Klaus vamps out and bites one of Marcel’s daylight ring wearing guys. Klaus says he broke a rule, too bad he can’t be killed. He turns and walks out of the party. In the square he sees the cute bartender, Camille. She recognizes him from the bar earlier. They have a chat and she says some profound things that seem to resonate with Klaus. Things about controlling your demons instead of letting them control you. Klaus actually gets teary eyed. She turns to say something else to him but he is gone.
Elijah finds him on a bench in a deserted part of the city. They talk about how much they loved New Orleans. Klaus laments that Marcel managed to get everything he ever wanted in the town he loved. “I made him in my image and he bettered me.”
The next morning Klaus shows up at Marcel’s place to apologize to Marcel, he bites himself and puts his blood in a cup for Marcel’s guy so that he can be healed. He tells Marcel he would like to stay for a while if that’s okay. Marcel smiles.
Outside in the Quarter Klaus makes a call to Caroline, he actually smiles while he leaves a voicemail. He says he is surrounded by food and art and culture and all he can think about is how much he wants to show it to her. Someday.
Mystic Falls: The Brothers Salvatore are waiting on Elaina to get hungrier then she is now so they can, “torture feelings back into her.” That Damon has a way with words, doesn’t he?
Katherine shows up at Casa de Salvatore to “help”. She lets them know Klaus is gone, thanks to Haley. She is pretty happy with herself.
Later on Elijah calls Rebekah to fill her in on the situation in New Orleans. Rebekah hangs up to see Katherine behind her. Katherine says Klaus won’t be able to turn this chance at family down, Rebekah will see she is right.
Elijah is back in Mystic Falls to tell Rebekah they are moving to New Orleans. She says she doesn’t’ want to go. She isn’t going to help Klaus with anything. Of course Katherine is there the second Rebekah flounces out and she tells Elijah they need to let Klaus do his thing while they go do theirs. She wants them to be happy together. He kisses her forehead and says goodbye. Family First.
At Casa de Salvatore Damon visits Elaina. He has a blood bag for her, but it is tainted blood. He asks her if she feels betrayed, or hurt. She looks up at Stefan and tells them she isn’t going to break first. Stefan enters her cell and closes the door.
A few rules Marcel learned from Klaus:
If your blood family disappoints, make your own.
Never waste an opportunity for a show of force.
Mercy is for the weak.
And on a quick note how great was the music in this episode and the cinematography was amazing. Visually it was a prefect episode.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday The CW