PSYCH Recap: Juliet Wears the Pantsuit
Shawn packs slowly, stalling as long as he can. Juliet still isn’t in the mood to forgive, though, and she wants him gone so she can interview potential roommates. She is miffed at Shawn’s antics to scare away candidates because one she really liked never called. It turns out, however, that the girl never called because she’s dead. When the crew is called to investigate a murder, they find her body in a field. Juliet has another candidate lined up though, so new roommate Laura quickly moves in. Shawn doesn’t have many options, so he moves in with Woody…you just know that will end well.
Juliet knew the dead girls’ name was Kimberly, but never got her last name, so Shawn and Gus sleuth to try and find her. Juliet remembers she was into yoga, so they start at the only studio in town. After the boys suffer through a class, the teacher agrees to answer questions for them if they promise to leave. They learn where Kimberly lived, and head there to look around, bumping into Juliet’s new roommate on the way out. Shawn thinks the girl has a thing for him.
The apartment building superintendent shows Shawn and Gus Kimberly‘s apartment and comments about her attractive roommate. Shawn spies a nose stud on the carpet. It looks exactly like one he saw in a photo that Laura had when he first met her at Juliet’s place. He thinks she was Kimberly‘s roommate. He also finds traces of blood on the carpet and mirror. It appears Kimberly was killed in the apartment, then dumped in the field where she was found. More bad news, Juliet is out having drinks with Laura now, and doesn‘t know any of this.
When Shawn and Gus arrive at the bar, they spot Juliet flirting with some guys at the bar. Only, when they approach they find it isn’t Juliet at all. Laura now has Juliet’s hair color and style, and is dressed in Juliet’s clothes, ala Single White Female. The boys make an excuse to leave and go look for Juliet, and while they are gone Laura sees a news report about Kimberly’s murder and is visibly upset. Juliet refuses at first to believe the boy’s story, thinking Shawn is just trying to interfere again. When the bar maid brings Juliet the purse that “she” left at the bar, however, they find a long line of fake ID’s inside that “Laura” has been using. They rush back to Juliet’s place to look for Laura, and find the place empty. Laura took off and took all Juliet’s clothing with her. A guy from the bar knocks on the door, looking for the girl he met earlier who gave him the address. Shawn shoos him off and tries to convince Juliet to let him stay there for her safety, but she’s having none of it. He’s forced to go back to Woody and his Airstream trailer, with a couple of cougars Woody found somewhere earlier in the evening. Shawn refuses to be a part of it, he still loves Juliet. Woody hates to break it to Shawn, but he saw Juliet chatting up some guys at a dive bar earlier. Shawn realizes it was Laura and calls to tip Juliet off.
Juliet and Lassiter arrive at the dive, and run into Henry, who claims he has never been to the place before, but they have a drink named after him. Juliet pretends to be Laura, and the bartender gives her information about her activities there earlier in the evening. When they get outside, they see Laura taking off in her Jeep and follow her, lights flashing. She almost gives them the slip, and they see there is a black SUV chasing her also. By the time they catch up to them, the Jeep has run off the road into the water, and the SUV is nowhere in sight.
Juliet arrives at work in the only clothing Laura didn’t steal…a black t-shirt with the word “Fashion” emblazoned across the front. Shawn bought it for her. Shawn has Lassiter play the dash cam footage, and he is sure he’s seen the SUV before at the apartment Kimberly and Laura lived in. He and Gus go back, and the superintendent tells them he only drives a bicycle, he lost his license years ago. Shawn asks for the girls mail, and finds a phone bill with a lot of calls to an Arkansas number. When Shawn dials it, a woman on the other end asks if “Lainey” found her locket. Back at the station, Shawn reports that he’s sure Laura/Lainey is still alive, she only wanted people to think she was dead. The woman on the phone sounded like she had just spoken to her. While Lassiter runs a background check on Lainey, Juliet interviews Laura’s old roommate.
Woody arrives to tell Shawn that apparently he was drugged by the cougars, and when he came down from his trip the Airstream trailer they live in was gone. Shawn is homeless again.
Laura’s roommate tells Juliet that she was a great roommate until the day she left. That day she saw a car parked on their street that seemed to rattle her. She packed and left. The car was a black SUV. Juliet thinks the car is key, she’s running from someone. Remembering that he overheard her telling Juliet about problems she had with an ex, Shawn “senses” that Laura was running from him. They find Lainey’s wedding announcement online, and immediately recognize her husband as the guy that showed up at Juliet’s place the day before looking for her.
They learn from the article that Lainey’s husband, Patrick, was the son of local law enforcement in Arkansas. That’s why she couldn’t get a restraining order. They wonder why she’s hanging around Santa Barbara and hasn’t taken off yet, and Shawn remembers the woman on the phone asking about a locket. Juliet knows the locket, “Laura” had told her it was her grandmothers and had a lot of sentimental value. Shawn and Gus go to check her locker at the yoga class, and Juliet goes home to look around. She finds the locket on the floor, and Lainey reveals herself and asks for it back. She tells Juliet about her husband, and how she’s been trying to get away from him. She apologizes to Juliet for stealing from her, but she was scared. She needed to quickly change her appearance. As they are talking, the lights suddenly go out.
Shawn is concerned when he can’t reach Juliet by phone, and he rushes to get to her. Juliet doesn’t really need anyone to take care of her, though. As soon as Patrick shows himself in the house, Juliet kicks his butt. She’s putting the finishing touches on him when Shawn arrives and tells the girls they are safe now, then tells the unconscious Patrick how lucky he is that he’s already unconscious.
After all the excitement, Juliet has decided she no longer wants a roommate. Shawn gives her a very sweet speech, and fishes for a moment to see if she will give him an opening. She doesn’t take the bait, but does compliment him on his detective work. Woody calls and interrupts the moment, letting Shawn know that he found their home. As Shawn walks away, Juliet sits and sadly watches him go.
Psych airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on USA.