LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 13 “Those Who Wander” – Season Finale
Last night’s episode of Lost Girl was its season finale filled with plenty of action and suspense plus a twist or two.
The following is a run-down by character(s) of what happened throughout the action-packed finale:
BO AND TAMSIN: Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) is badly injured from the encounter at the compound; and Bo (Anna Silk) is doing her best to save her, but that doesn’t seem to be working. Bo then somehow gets Tamsin back to her apartment where a couple of “randy” Fae – Amanda and Kasey (guest stars Allison Dawn Doiron and Sidney Leeder) – are there to help Bo out. It would seem that one of the girls has been studying to be a doctor for the past 20 years (the Fae live for a VERY long time and don’t age, remember?!] and she performs some kind of surgery on Tamsin that saves her life (go figure, right?!). The ladies then later meet up with Masimo, the Druid (guest star Tim Rozon) [who secretly provides Tamsin with the completed potion to trap Bo] while also giving Tamsin a “pick-me-up” solution that will give her full use of her Valkyrie power when she needs it most. They then trek back to the compound where Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) is being held.
DYSON AND AIFE: Still trapped inside the glass tube-like cells at Isaac’s (guest star Shawn Doyle) compound it becomes clear that Bo’s mom Aife (guest star Inga Cadranel) has obviously been tortured as very little of what she says to Dyson is coherent; but she does make it clear that “the only way out” of the compound is death. Nice omen, right?! A short time later, Aife admits that she told Isaac that Dyson is the most powerful Fae in the world in an effort to keep Bo protected (because Bo is actually the most powerful Fae).
LAUREN AND ISAAC: Lauren (Zoie Palmer) is still held inside the tube with the Fae wife of Jerry (the bartender at The Dal) until she is released by Isaac. Lauren bargained with Isaac that she will help him with whatever it is he is trying to do with all of the captured Fae, if she is allowed to provide care to Jerry’s wife. Once released, Isaac shares with Lauren that when he was little his younger brother was killed by a Wendigo but Isaac was blamed for the death. He was sent to an asylum and once he got out of there, he started hunting down the Fae, specifically the Wendigo who killed his brother. He has no idea if the Wendigo he killed was the culprit behind his brother’s death, but that really didn’t matter. And now, it would seem, he wants to become Fae himself and that’s where Lauren comes in: Isaac wants Lauren to perform the cross-species DNA surgery on him and… (dun, dun, dun) Dyson.
KENZI AND THE MORRIGAN: As seen at the end of the last episode, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) was caught at The Dal by Bruce (the giant Fae from earlier in the season) [because of the recent proclamation that all humans would be seen as terrorists]. The Morrigan (recurring guest star Emmanuelle Vaugier) is there to interrogate her, hoping to find out about Bo’s lineage. From what The Morrigan let slip, she seems to believe that not only Trick (Rick Howland) but also Hale (K.C. Collins) are both dead (don’t fret, they aren’t!) and she seems to know something about Dyson being taken by Isaac (or at least that is how it comes off). Also, Kenzi lets it slip that Bo is able to “suck” multi-chis at one time; something that The Morrigan really should not have learned. The Morrigan attempts to use a taser on Kenzi to get more details out of her about Bo, but it would seem that Trick put a protection spell on The Dal. In truth, after The Morrigan departs, leaving Bruce to deal with Kenzi [more on that in a second], Hale actually left a charmed twig in her pocket that protected her from any harm. And, as it turns out, Bruce was on Kenzi’s side all along (he has a little bit of a crush on her), staying with her to make sure that she is safe while she tends to an injury Bruce sustains when The Morrigan used the taser on his arm to confirm that it was working. The bitch, right?!
BO, LAUREN AND ISAAC: Before Bo is taken to the holding area for all of the Fae prisoners at Isaac’s compound, Lauren reveals herself as on Isaac’s side (or is she?!), saying that she can “save her own kind” (i.e. humans) by performing the surgery, taking out the one man who has been in her way all along: Dyson
LAUREN, ISAAC AND DYSON: Dyson is tied down to a gurney with Isaac lying on another gurney as Lauren begins the cross-species DNA transfer. She slams a needle into Dyson’s side, making it look like she is going to proceed with the surgery.
TAMSIN AND BO: Stuck inside one of the glass tube-like cells, Bo soon realizes that her mother is inside one of the other cells; and witnesses for herself that Aife is not quite right. Aife mutters on and on about what Bo’s father would do if he was there; but she can’t seem to answer the one big question: who is Bo’s father?! Soon enough, Bo hits Tamsin with the potion from Masimo, allowing Tamsin to recharge, but Bo takes on some of Tamsin’s chi at the same time. They then fake a fight in order to draw the compound’s guards to their cell, dragging them out of the tube to stop the fighting. That is the ladies’ big break: Tamsin uses her Valkyrie power to take out all of the guards while Bo releases all of the Fae prisoners. But, Tamsin has exhausted her power and she is down on the floor rendered unconscious.
BO, AIFE, ISAAC AND DYSON: Bo and Aife then head straight for Isaac’s office to try to find Lauren and Dyson, but instead they encounter a changed Isaac, who seems to have Fae powers (that he attributes to the DNA transfer). Isaac moves to attack Bo but Aife jumps in the way, getting stabbed in the process. As Isaac takes off, Bo is cradling her dying mother in her arms as a (somehow) revived and unconfined Dyson sets chase on Isaac.
The final scenes of the finale play out very quickly with the following happening:
1. Bo agrees to leave her mother behind with the Fae wife of Jerry the bartender because if she and Tamsin don’t get out, none of them will be safe. But, that doesn’t go well for Jerry’s wife because just as Bo leaves, Aife springs to life, sucking the chi out of Jerry’s life;
2. Bo and Tamsin go into the operating room, looking for Lauren, but find nothing but the remnants of the surgery. No Lauren anywhere (where did she disappear to?). And, then Tamsin stands her ground against Bo, bringing to light that Bo has been suspicious of the Valkyrie all along – knowing that Tamsin would betray her. They have an epic fight, leading to Tamsin using the Druid potion on Bo, but it doesn’t work (what’s up with that?!); and eventually Bo is able to overcome Tamsin, but she chooses not to hurt Tamsin. Bo convinces Tamsin to fight what she was ordered to do and Tamsin relents. They agree to split up: Tamsin heading out to track Dyson down while Bo goes to look for Lauren. They are to meet up at The Dal so they can get the team back together.
3. Neither Trick nor Hale (as mentioned earlier) are dead [even though The Morrigan certainly seemed to think that was the case]. In fact, Hale is the one who finds Trick locked up in the trunk of the car for which he was tossed inside at the end of the last episode. Hale has also arranged for Stella (guest star Deborah Odell) to whisk Trick away to Scotland with her while he heads up to deal with other issues. It is also funny to note that Hale has arranged for Vex (guest star Paul Amos) to handle The Morrigan, who has her tied up in her apartment and under his control for the time being.
4. Dyson catches up with Isaac and gives Isaac the news that he is not like Dyson at all. Lauren injected him with DNA all right, but DNA from Jerry’s wife. It would seem that Lauren wasn’t on Isaac’s side at all (like we ever doubted that anyway) and she got the better of him. And because of everything Isaac has done, Dyson hunts him down in his wolf form. After Dyson gets the better of Isaac, he finds Tamsin waiting in her truck for him. As they head back toward the city, the “Wanderer” song starts playing on her truck radio and a vision of a man standing in the middle of the road appears to her. She speeds up the car, racing through the man, who disappears in a cloud of smoke as the truck careens over a cliff and the truck (with Tamsin and Dyson inside) crashes on the ground below, leaving us to question whether they have survived the fall.
5. Bruce is sticking with Kenzi to keep her safe. Kenzi then admits that she meet with Masimo the Druid, sharing that Masimo offered to make Kenzi a Fae. She tells Bruce that she thinks she will take him up on his offer; but Bruce warns her that Masimo is very dangerous. Kenzi plans on meeting up with him, but Bruce won’t leave her side so they take The Morrigan’s fancy sports car that she left in Bruce’s hands and drive off to meet the Druid.
6. Lastly, Bo makes it back to The Dal alone (obviously she couldn’t find Lauren) hoping to find Trick, Tamsin, Dyson, Kenzi and/or Hale there. But, The Dal is completely empty! And, then the “Wanderer” song begins to play and the Wanderer tarot card floats down in front of Bo, depicting the very image of the man who Tamsin standing in the middle of the road. Bo yells to whoever is there to show themselves and then the building starts to shake, doors slam shut and the back of the bar explodes. As Bo stands up, the cloud of smoke from the road that Tamsin and Dyson were driving on consumes Bo and she disappears.
The events of this finale obviously leave the cast of characters spread all over the place some in dire circumstances and viewers will have to wait to find out what happens to them all. What did you think of the season finale? Please share your thoughts below.
“Those Who Wander” was written by Emily Andras and directed by Ron Murphy.
Lost Girl will be back for a fourth season on Syfy sometime in 2014.
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