
The Vampire Diaries Recap: Season 4, Episode 19 “Pictures of You”

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NiceGirl Lisa is taking time off for a few weeks so I (as well as NiceGirl Leah) am helping with the recaps of The Vampire Diaries.

BONNIE: In what should be seen as a solemn visit to Jeremy’s grave turns out to be nothing more than a dream that ends with Bonnie waking up on the couch in her house surrounded by fire that, thankfully, with the wave of her hand is extinguished. But, obviously, there is something seriously wrong with our dear little Mystic Falls witch.

DAMON, STEFAN AND ELENA: The Salvatore brothers are contemplating their options where out-of-control vampire Elena is concerned. Should they celebrate that it has been over a week since she has killed anyone or is the other shoe about to drop? Instead the boys devise a tiered-plan to return her humanity: kill her with kindness while reminding her of all the “things” she is missing by having it shut off or lock her up until they can find the cure.

THE ORIGINALS: Who should get the cure from brother Elijah: Klaus or Rebekah? It would seem that Rebekah has a better argument for her side of the case as big bro Elijah allows her the chance at the brass ring. But with one caveat: she has to live as a human for one day (ironically the day of the school’s prom); if she can survive that “ordeal” she can have the cure.

ELENA AND CAROLINE (AND KLAUS): The best friends, who are obviously on the outs with each other (mainly because of Elena turning off her humanity) are (of all things) fighting over a prom gown. One that Elena ends up stealing right out from under Caroline’s nose. And, as it turns out, Caroline goes to none other than Klaus for the rescue. She asks him to dig deep inside their treasure trove of fashion (they are millennia-old after all) because she needs a prom dress (which, of course, is a dire emergency to Caroline and a moment of ridiculousness to Klaus) “of royal caliber” to wear.

THE PROM: Obviously in the town of Mystic Falls, the prom cannot simply be held in the high school gymnasium like every other small town. Instead it would seem they are at a lodge out in the woods, lined with television screens showing a digital array of yearbook pictures, chronicling the past four years of the primary characters. It’s a great way to pay homage to their years together, and to look back on those they have lost, but what small town has the budget for this type of display? Regardless, couples pair up for dances, including:

• Stefan and Elena, as he tries to remind her of all they shared in the past, which royally fails; and,
• Caroline and Stefan, who is trying to keep the former from taking Elena “out” for being a royal bitch all night.

THE PROM (Continued): Then there is Rebekah’s failed attempt to convince current Miss Mystic Falls April to make her prom queen, earn Matt’s “respect” (to a degree) only to be rebuffed and then, later, come to the rescue of April, who is attacked by a very angry Elena. Oh, and who, wins Prom King and Queen: Matt Donovan and Bonnie Bennett (did anyone even see that coming?!)

AFTER PARTY: Caroline is obviously disappointed by the very prom she coordinated, opting to head to Tyler’s palatial home for the after party. As she turns around, who else is standing there (?) but Tyler himself. Needless to say, Caroline is floored that he is there (because of Klaus’s intention to kill Tyler) but Tyler says, “you really didn’t think I was going to miss prom, did you”. Cue the sweet and tender moment of the night, right?! But, that ends too soon as Tyler has to leave before all the after party guests arrive; and who does he encounter as he leaves his former home: Klaus (Dun! Dun! Dun!). But, rather than the immortal killing Tyler outright, he gives the guy a “5 second head start” to run. Will that be the last time Mystic Falls sees Tyler again?

SILAS: All night at the prom (as well as in Bonnie’s dreams) Silas has been appearing as familiar faces: First as Jeremy to Bonnie in the hopes of winning her back (after all Silas needs Bonnie’s magic). Next, as Stefan and Damon to each of the brothers, tricking them into getting staked and left out in the woods alone. Then, later as Rebekah to Elijah in order to get the cure for himself. But, it was Bonnie (somewhat) who got the upper-hand. She was able to use a locator spell, finding him in one of the tunnels buried under the town where a brief glimpse of his real face is shown as a creepy disfigured “man/beast”. What’s up with that?

BONNIE AND ELENA: Did I mention that Elena got it into her mind that if she killed Bonnie then Silas would be rendered moot? Yep, she did; and she attacked her best friend, biting her neck. But, one thing Elena needs to remember: Bonnie is a witch! That bite caused Elena to throw up Bonnie’s blood (laced with vervain, maybe?) and then Bonnie turned her out-of-control-expression-power on Elena nearly killing her. For a brief moment, Elena felt fear, as clearly witnessed by Stefan and Damon, and the brothers will try to use that against the girl they love to bring back her humanity. In the meantime, though, they decide to go with the back-up plan of dousing Elena with vervain and locking her up in the Salvatore basement cell until they can devise a need game plan to get the “real” Elena back.

This episode entitled “Pictures of You” was written by Neil Reynolds and Caroline Dries and was directed by J. Miller Tobin.

The next new episode of The Vampire Diaries entitled “The Originals” (which is essentially the back-door pilot for the proposed spin-off series) is set to air on The CW on Thursday, April 25 at 8/7c.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.