LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 12 “Hail, Hale”
As the penultimate episode of the current season of Lost Girl gets underway, Bo (Anna Silk) and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) enter Lauren’s (Zoie Palmer) apartment because Bo hasn’t heard from her in several days and she is very worried. Dyson thinks that it is just a lovers spat; and since he is in the middle of the biggest case of his life as well as Hale’s inauguration being held that very day, he simply doesn’t have the time to deal with Bo’s concern. But after finding Lauren’s cell phone on the kitchen counter where she abandoned it, Dyson says he will, at the very least, run the numbers on her phone to see if they can figure out where she might have gone.
Meanwhile at the Dal, preparations are underway for Hale’s (K.C. Collins) inauguration and surprisingly The Morrigan (recurring guest star Emmanuelle Vaugier) – of all people – is there even though Trick (Rick Howland) makes it clear to the hated Dark Fae leader that she is not welcome there. But, as it turns out, Hale actually invited her. [All together now, say what?!]
Next we see Lauren working on some kind of test at Isaac’s (guest star Shawn Doyle) lab; a test that works out successfully much to the delight of Lauren and the rest of the staff in the lab as well as Isaac, who actually has champagne on hand to celebrate. [That should be the first indication of trouble, right?] Lauren gleefully announces, “We are one step closer to heart disease or curing it (rather)”. But just as that good news is announced and the toxin for which she was working on is safely stowed away in a refrigerator, an armed guard removes both vials. [This should be the second indication that something is really going to go wrong, ya know?!]
Back at the Dal, Hale and Dyson are having a drink in early celebration of the former’s inauguration; but seconds later Hale asks for a report on the mass gravesite (Dyson’s big case) and we learn that 18 Fae bodies (both Light and Dark) have been uncovered so far, all of which were tortured and some missing organs. Sadly, Dyson has no leads on the culprit so Hale is determined to work with The Morrigan so the two sides of the Fae world can pull their resources to track down who is at fault.
In preparation for Hale’s big day, Bo is in the bubble bath when she is surprised by a trespassing Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten), who broke into the apartment thinking that no one was home. She is obviously drunk (again!) and rambles on and on to Bo, not really making much sense, but warning Bo that she should be careful because she has no idea who might be watching.
Returning to the Dal, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) is begrudgingly helping Trick fold napkins for the big event all the while complaining about how angry she is with Hale. Suddenly she is approached by a handsome guy named Masimo (guest star Tim Rozon), who claims he is looking for a tall blonde with blue eyes (Tamsin, maybe?), but then he starts hitting on Kenzi and in true Kenzi-style, she blows him off.
Back at Isaac’s lab, Lauren is asking her colleague when he is finally going to tell her where he got the enzyme they used in their successful test and he jokes that he got it in China. But, soon enough, he starts telling her a story about a grisly murder that took place in the Mid-West in a little diner. It seems the murderer named Gabriel was killing people “who were too good for the world” but the DNA found at the murder scenes belonged to a man who was serving three consecutive life sentences in a maximum security prison; so how could he be killing these people. Well, it turns out that Gabriel was actual some type of Fae, who donated his bone marrow to a man named James, whose DNA was altered because of that transplant and he began killing just like Gabriel had done. The point of Isaac telling Lauren this story was that he feels they could turn that negative into a positive; but, obviously, Lauren questions the validity of his reasoning and he somewhat jokes that they had their first fight. A short time later, Lauren swipes one of the test tubes at the lab, trying to get a look at the enzyme Isaac has them working on. She quickly realizes that something isn’t right, as she watches Isaac use a special card to access a locked room. (This should be the next big indication that things are about to go really bad, right?!)
At the Dal, Trick is berating his bartender named Jerry (guest star Seth Cooperman), who is late for the big event; but since there is no time for arguments, Trick barks an order to Jerry to get to work as he rushes off to complete preparations for Hale’s inauguration. That is when Dyson and Bo both show up at the Dal, joining each other at the bar for a drink. But all isn’t as it seems because Jerry places something in the drink that he offers to Dyson.
Bo then leaves to speak with Hale about Lauren’s disappearance and he explains that Lauren had asked about getting some time off but that he told Lauren “in no uncertain terms” that she could not leave. Bo then asks Hale to give her until the end of the day to try to track Lauren down; and Hale agrees, but warns Bo that if she doesn’t find her, it will be a security breach, meaning Hale will send his own people out to track her down.
Right after this conversation, Bo returns to the bar, finding Dyson lying on the floor, foaming at the mouth with bartender Jerry standing over him. Seconds later, two paramedics show up to take Dyson away, but Bo is suspicious of them and she quickly surmises they are actually human. The problem with that is that the Dal is under a protection spell – humans cannot enter unless they are claimed by the Fae – so how did they get in? Well, it seems Jerry the bartender not only helped in drugging Dyson but allowing them inside the Dal. As the paramedics force their way out, Kenzi attempts to stop then and Bo has to tackle her to the ground so she isn’t hurt. As Bo races outside to stop them from basically kidnapping Dyson, they shoot at her, narrowly missing her. It is then revealed that Jerry was only working with the humans because they kidnapped his wife; and he takes the same drug that he put in Dyson’s drink, which causes him to die. It is then that Bo discovers the vial he was using has Lauren’s name stamped on it; this is obviously one of the vials that was taken from Isaac’s lab, and that Dyson dropped Lauren’s cell phone on the floor when he collapsed.
Dyson’s kidnapping, of course, doesn’t sit well with the Fae who are gathered for the inauguration and this allows The Morrigan the opportunity she has been waiting for: to stand in front of the assembled crowd, pointing fingers at Hale. The crowd seems to agree with The Morrigan and after a vote by those gathered, she announces that “from this day forward all humans, claimed or under the protection of the Fae, in this territory, will be considered terrorist, enemies of the one true state”. (This does not bode well for Kenzi at all!)
Elsewhere, Dyson is dragged inside some kind of prison by the two human paramedics who kidnapped. He is then forced to fight one of his enemies to the death while some kind of veiled overlord – who is only heard in warped speech over a loudspeaker – watches, commenting that Dyson “is the one” because he given the antidote a full 30 minutes after the neurotoxin was ingested” and he is stronger than expected. (This should scene be giving viewers the heebie jeebies by now!)
At Lauren’s apartment, Bo is trying to find any trace of Lauren she can only to be surprised by Tamsin coming down the stairs – it seems she is squatting there while Lauren is gone (nice move – NOT – Tamsin!). Bo tells Tamsin that Dyson has been kidnapped by two humans, using the same Fae skunk smell that Lauren used on herself while undercover at the Hexuba prison; and this leads Tamsin to thinking that Lauren has turned on the Fae. But then Bo finds Lauren’s necklace (that shows she is claimed by the Ash aka Hale) in the kitchen drawer, which is confirmation for Bo that Lauren left at least somewhat willingly.
After some struggle with Tamsin, Bo gets the Fae cop to help her track down Lauren using the retrieved cell phone; and before they head out, Bo finds pictures of herself and the Druid vial inside Tamsin’s truck and sends a picture of the vial to Kenzi for help.
Back at the Dal, Kenzi wakes up on the couch in Trick’s office (after her confrontation with Bo upstairs), finding Masimo sitting next to her (this isn’t unsettling at all, right?!). He asks her what she would do if he “could bring the real thing to the table – i.e., making her one of the Fae. She is only slightly intrigued by what he has to say, but doesn’t agree. A short time later, Kenzi, once again, encounters Masimo, who claims that he can help identify the vial in the picture that Bo sent Kenzi, but he will only do so for the price of one kiss. Kenzi reluctantly agrees because she needs to help Bo. And, let’s just say that is one epic kiss that Kenzi won’t be forgetting anytime soon, but what is Masimo’s real reason behind asking for that little lip lock (it can’t be good?).
This is where the action really starts to spin out of control for all of the characters:
1. Hale finds Kenzi still in the bar, berating her that she should have left to protect herself from the Fae. He admits without really saying the words “I love you” that he cares for Kenzi and would be devastated if anything happened to her; only to have The Morrigan show up. Hale has no choice but to arrest her as a terrorist (there is that new rule that the Fae just agreed on, remember?). As he closes the cuffs around her wrists, he gives her a firm kiss that she rebuffs and she runs off, going down to Trick’s office only to find it empty (more on that in a second) and being chased by Bruce, the giant Fae that she and Bo had taken down earlier in the season;
2. Tamsin and Bo show up at the location of the prison where Dyson was locked inside, as that is the location where they tracked Lauren, only to be greeted by one of the humans who kidnapped Dyson. In an attempt to protect Bo, Tamsin is shot and then Tamsin receives a phone call (Bo answers pretending to be Tamsin) and she learns that Masimo is actually the Druid (who Tamsin was collecting the vial for) and he explains that he got the kiss from Kenzi that was needed to bring Bo down; and Bo now knows that Tamsin is probably not on her side after all;
3. Lauren sneaks inside the locked room that Isaac accessed earlier, discovering Dyson locked inside a glass cell. They quickly piece together that Isaac was not only behind Dyson’s kidnapping but also the mass gravesite and the murders of all the Fae found there. Isaac was also behind the kidnapping of Jerry the bartender’s wife, as she is inside one of the glass cells for which Isaac forces Lauren inside. Seconds later, Dyson and Lauren are shocked to discover that Bo’s mother Aife (guest star Inga Cadranel) is also there, which explains the mature succubus DNA that Lauren found in the enzyme they were using in their lab tests.
4. As for Trick, he left the Dal through a secret entrance in his office’s fireplace only to be captured by two men outside a nearby barber shop and tossed inside the trunk of a car that speeds off.
“Hail, Hale” was written by Steve Cochrane and was directed by Steve DiMarco.
Make sure to tune into Syfy in two weeks – on Monday, April 22 at 10 PM – for the season finale of Lost Girl called “Those Who Wander”.