PSYCH Recap: Cirque Du Soul
Lassiter’s lady love is finally out of prison, but it’s not smooth sailing for the happy couple just yet. Her parole officer, Ursula, is a crazy woman that Lassiter once had a one night stand with and never called again. The whacko has a long list of arbitrary rules designed to keep the lovebirds apart.
A circus performer comes to Shawn for help. Her name is Zola, and she’s concerned about her friend Francois who has been acting strangely. Shawn is reluctant to help at first, but eventually agrees. He convinces an unwitting Gus, who is babysitting Rachel’s son Max, to come along under the pretense of taking the boy to a circus. It’s not really the circus, just a dressed rehearsal, but it still turns out to be quite a show for the lad…a trapeze artist falls to his death in front of him.
Rachel is livid that Gus took Max on a job. It turns out the dead acrobat was Francois, the guy Shawn was there to investigate. The boys go undercover, and soon learn that Francois hadn’t stretched out to reach his partner on the trapeze the way he usually did. It gives Shawn a hunch, which Woody later confirms…Francois was already dead when someone placed him on the trapeze. Woody then asks for Juliet’s help in meeting women who are actually still alive.
Lassie confesses his dilemma to Juliet, who is nothing if not kindhearted. She agrees to let Marlowe stay with she and Shawn temporarily. Shawn isn’t happy about it, especially when he learns Lassiter has been wearing his robe. He needs to get away, so he goes back to the case.
Shawn and Gus pick up Max from school, and much to Gus’s dismay Shawn goes straight into discussing the death again. Gus is seriously in the doghouse with Rachel already. Max tells them he saw the dead guy backstage earlier when he was looking for a bathroom. Two guys were putting makeup on him. Shawn realizes the two guys must be the killers, since they were putting makeup on a dead guy. They head back to the circus, hoping Max can identify the two men he saw. They were wearing makeup when he saw them, but he does recognize the voices. Shawn has the lead he needs. They follow the two men and they girl they were talking to, and see them use acrobatics to break into a laboratory protected by a high voltage fence. That explains the exit wound on Francois’ foot…he was the fourth member of the merry band of thieves and was electrocuted while they were breaking into the lab. They sneak into the lab after the thieves, but don’t see them sneak out just as police are arriving outside. The boys are busted.
Things are uncomfortable at Juliet and Shawn’s place. Juliet walks in on Lassie and Marlowe taking a bubble bath. She has a talk with Lassie and asks how long this is going to go on. He tells her not to worry about it. Later he comes up with a plan. Marlowe isn’t allowed to live with anyone she isn’t married to, so they are now engaged.
Shawn is wondering why the group broke into a laboratory a few days earlier and then broke into it again. Juliet tells him that something was taken, tritium….an isotope that has a very high street value. Juliet puts out an APB to find the circus guys and search for where they may have hidden the tritium. Shawn remembers an ad he saw for a storage facility that sounds like a strong possibility. Before he can head there, though, Gus arrives with news that Rachel broke up with him because of Shawn. Their friendship is strained.
Marlowe’s parole officer drops by for an impromptu visit. Lassie gloats as he tells her they are getting married, but his jubilation at one-upping her is short lived. She spots champagne glasses and produces a cup for a urine sample. If Marlowe fails the test, she goes back to jail. Lassie begs Juliet to help, he’s desperate. She sits down alone with Ursula to talk. When Ursula starts confessing Lassiter’s sexual prowess, Juliet deeply regrets starting the conversation. When her phone rings and interrupts the conversation, Juliet’s face lights up. Not just because she got away from that uncomfortable conversation. She has an idea.
Gus vents to Henry about Shawn ruining things with Rachel. Henry knows Shawn, though, and helps Gus to see that the one constant in Shawn’s life since his mother left has been Gus. He’s afraid of losing him. Shawn, meanwhile, has tracked down the thieves. They confess to him that they had lied about having work visas, and were working for a big time businessman to get his help. That isn’t all he has over them, though, the man has kidnapped Zola.
They work up a plan. Shawn sneaks in to the warehouse where they are to meet the man dressed as an exterminator. He sneaks a contortionist in in his backpack. The other two acrobats also play roles, they grab Zola while Shawn sprays pesticide in her abductors eyes. With all the circus crew out of the way, Shawn runs into a port-a-potty to hide. He’s joined there by Gus, who has forgiven him and came to help. The boys try their best to make a run for it, but are caught. Just when it looks like they are done for, the police bust in with weapons drawn, and the bad guys are arrested.
Rachel tells Gus that Shawn called and confessed everything to her, how it was all his fault. She does feel Gus has been a good influence on him. When Gus promises not to get her son arrested again or expose him to dead bodies, Rachel forgives him.
Lassie brings Juliet flowers. Whatever she did, it worked. Ursula cancelled the drug test and has let up on torturing he and Marlowe. Woody also brings Juliet flowers, to thank her for setting him up with the delightful Rachel. Juliet managed to find a happy solution for everyone involved, especially she and Shawn who will now have their home to themselves again.
airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on USA.