LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 11 “Adventures in Fae-bysitting”
While Bo (Anna Silk) and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) are home watching a scary movie (along the lines of Scream) on TV and rehashing about Bo’s break up with Lauren, a teenager babysitter has a scary movie-type moment late at night (receiving a scary phone call and then discovering her employer’s husband hanging from the balcony in the house) only to be awakened by her employer, Caroline Parker (guest star Gabrielle Miller), who tells her she obviously had a nightmare because her husband is out of the country on business.
But the teenager, named Lisa (guest star Kate Ross), comes to Bo and Kenzi – based on an old flyer from their investigative services days that she found at a coffee shop – because she knows that something bizarre is going on in the suburban community of Shady Grove. The duo are intrigued enough that they decide to head to the suburbs to solve what is going on.
Bo and Kenzi descend on Shady Grove, checking out a house shown to them by local real estate agent Susan (guest star Sadie LeBlanc) (whose previous owner just “disappeared”). They soon encounter weird neighbor Sam Evans (guest star Ryan Scott Greene), who is staring at them through the window (creepy much?!).
Moments later, Susan gets a phone call that has her rushing off, leaving Bo and Kenzi in the house. Being suspicious, the ladies follow Susan to Caroline’s house where they hear screaming and thinking there is some kind of danger, Bo storms into the house, holding a knife she conveniently had strapped to her thigh, with Kenzi right beside her.
What do they find, though? – a book club meeting between Caroline, Susan and another member of the Shady Grove community Eleanor (guest star Melinda Deines). While the duo are welcomed into the fold, something that Eleanor says about babysitter Lisa (calling her “Tits McGee and that the poor girl has an active imagination) makes Bo even more suspicious of them; as it is revealed that weird neighbor Sam lost his wife and Eleanor lost her husband last Christmas.
One too many disappearances makes for one very suspicious Bo; and after she overhears a strange conversation between Caroline and Eleanor, Bo wants to meet with Lisa to get more intel on all these disappearances. That meeting with Lisa is at a nearby park where only a strange looking merry-go-round is located. Half way through Bo’s conversation with Lisa, though, something strange starts to happen. Bo is inexplicable drawn to the merry-go-round while Lisa goes into some kind of trance-like state and just walks off, leaving Bo to – seconds later – come out of the trance all alone.
Meanwhile at the Dal, Kenzi and Trick (Rick Howland) are trying to do some research on what could be causing these disappearances at Shady Grove when he finds a missing persons “ad” inside one of his old history books, regarding a young girl named Lisa Allan, who went missing 100 years ago. It would seem that babysitter Lisa is in fact this long-dead Fae, called a Dupie, a Fae spirit that lives in the Earth and can be called from the Earth to do the bidding of whoever controls it.
Back at Shady Grove, Bo finds Lisa holding a knife, standing over the dead body of Eleanor, saying “I’ve done as asked”. Before Bo can reach down to check on Eleanor, the woman’s body suddenly fades away in small sparks of fire and then Lisa wakes up from her trance not remembering anything that happened since meeting Bo in the park.
Bo takes Lisa back to the Dal for safe-keeping and to talk to Kenzi and Trick about what they can do for Lisa. Trick tells them that Dupies “black out after every kill” and that Lisa is “basically an empty vessel” being controlled; but being controlled by who is the big question. Bo thinks it is weird neighbor Sam, but she has to prove it. While Bo heads back to Shady Grove for an afternoon BBQ at Caroline’s house where Sam is cooking (and she can glean some information from him), Kenzi takes Lisa upstairs in the Dal to explain the details of what she really is.
Those details are, obviously, upsetting to Lisa; but then she remembers that she has to babysit Sam’s son Ethan while the BBQ is taking place; but since they cannot risk her going back to Shady Grove, Kenzi goes in her place. While at Sam’s house dealing with little Ethan (guest star John Paul Ruttan), Kenzi discovers a notebook listing all the names of the people who have disappeared. Kenzi reports that to Bo and Bo approaches Sam while he is cooking, using her power to find out the truth about his missing wife. It would seem that Sam’s wife actually left him for another man and is now living in San Diego.
Caroline overhears Bo talking to Sam and interrupts, inviting Bo to join her and Susan at the park, near the merry-go-round. As it turns out, they want Bo to join their “book club” now that Eleanor is no longer with them. Bo quickly realizes that Caroline and Susan are actually witches, and they are the culprits behind the disappearances. Caroline is wearing a talisman necklace that she uses to control Lisa to do their bidding. Bo agrees to join them – only to get prove of their wrong-doings – but when it becomes clear that the women are going to use Lisa to kill Sam – who isn’t home but rather Kenzi is there watching little Ethan – Bo tries to break the binding spell Caroline began. That cannot happen until Lisa completes her “task” so Bo uses her succubus power on both women. It doesn’t work on Caroline, but it does work on Susan, who starts yelling at Caroline for all the things she doesn’t like about her. But then something strange happens, Susan starts talking in a strange demon-like voice and soon enough the women fade away into sparks of fire just like Eleanor, leaving Bo alone in the park once again with only the necklace (talisman) left behind on the ground where the other two women were standing.
Thankfully, Lisa is stopped from causing any harm to Kenzi or Sam at his home and they get Lisa back to the Dal where Bo uses her succubus power to drain Lisa’s chi out of her body, allowing her to depart this world and have the peace in death she should have had all those decades before. And to ensure that no one could ever use Lisa in the future, Bo burns the talisman necklace for good.
The other two storylines in this episode centered around Lauren (Zoie Palmer) meeting with Dr. Isaac Felt (guest star Shawn Doyle), the doctor who brought her the award she was honored with when Bo ran off to Brazenwood; and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) re-investigating the murder of the Fae girl who Bo had sex with.
It would seem that Isaac wants to hire Lauren away from her current employer (that would Hale who is the new Ash of the Light Fae); but Lauren explains that she cannot leave. But after a short presentation to Hale (K.C. Collins) – who is FINALLY featured in an episode [albeit VERY briefly] – it is made clear to Lauren that she will never be able to leave her service to the Light Fae unless she takes a risk, leaving with Isaac. In the final scene between them, Isaac takes Lauren’s luggage out to their awaiting vehicle; and Lauren leaves behind the necklace that signifies her allegiance with the Light Fae. She closes the door to her apartment just as Bo is calling her.
Where Dyson’s investigation into the death of the girl Bo was suspected of killing is concerned, the twin sister (Anita – guest star Miriam McDonald) of the dead girl – named Riley – shows up at the precinct, asking for Dyson’s help in finding out what happened to her sister. Dyson, along with a very sick-looking Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) go back to the original dump site where Riley’s body was found. Dyson smells death in the open field near the dump site and eventually they discover countless bodies of dead Fae who were left there, making it a mass grave. It is obvious that someone or something is killing both Dark and Light Fae, but why? And, what the hell is up with that surveillance camera located high up in one of the trees near the mass grave?
It should also be noted that Bo revealed to Kenzi that she felt her father’s presence in the temple during her Dawning; and Bo is now driven to find him. Where that will lead will be very interesting to say the least.
“Adventures in Fae-bysitting” was written by Sandra Chwialkowska and was directed by Lee Rose.
Make sure to tune into Syfy on Monday, April 8 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “Hail, Hale”.