PSYCH Recap: 100 Clues
In flashbacks, we see rock star Billy Lips approached by Shawn and Gus backstage. He doesn’t remember having met them, although he thinks Gus does seem familiar. Lassiter is there too, with evidence suggesting Billy murdered a groupie who died at his home some years before, Melinda Lane. Billy ends up going to prison for five years, but luckily he doesn’t hold a grudge….or so he says.
Back in the present, Shawn receives an anonymous invitation to a party at a big mansion. Juliet is thrilled because she’s always wanted to go to that mansion, but unfortunately for her she is called away on a missing persons case and Shawn ends up taking Gus instead. They arrive at the creepy mansion, complete with gargoyles out front, during a nasty stormy night. The doorbell sounds like a woman screaming. It appears Shawn and Gus are in for quite a night.
The butler, Clizby, takes their phones for safekeeping, then gives them a short tour of the mansion. The boys are visibly giddy upon hearing that a previous owner was reported to have built a secret chocolate room somewhere in the house. You know they will be looking for that later.
Once all the guests have arrived, it becomes apparent that their host is none other than Billy Lips. He’s fresh out of prison, and claims that as horrible as it was he was thankful for what the experience gave him. Martin Kahn, the bands biographer, is there. Also in attendance is Highway Harry, the manager, and a lisping groupie named Leslie. There is one empty seat at the table. Rip, one of the band members was invited but didn’t show. Kahn says Rip would never show because he hates Highway Harry. As the group prepares to eat there is an brief flickering of the lights, and when they come back on one of the guests is lying face down in his plate. Shawn thinks the culprit is Rip, and a hunt ensues to find him. They break into small groups and search the house, but they can’t search the grounds outside because Billy’s pet panther Emma is loose. Before they can locate Rip, some unexpected guests arrive…Lassiter and Juliet. Their missing person is Albert Semento, and his car was registered to that address. When they lead Lassie and Juliet to Harry’s dead body, it’s gone.
When Clizby goes to check on dinner, he finds instead the body of Rip…aka Albert Semento…in the freezer. Lassie and Juliet separate all the guests so they can interrogate them individually. They hear a commotion and do a row call to make sure everyone is still where they left them. Gus doesn’t respond when his name is called. As everyone rushes to find him, Shawn realizes Gus probably went looking for the chocolate room. He locates the a hidden room, but it’s not chocolate. It is full of toupees…which is apparently one of Gus’ greatest fears. He is curled up on the floor in fetal position, apparently in shock. Shawn leads him back to safety. Billy decides he will entertain his guests, and stands on the spot he believes has the best acoustics in the house (it’s why he bought it). Shawn notices the chandelier rocking, and manages to knock Billy out of the way just as it crashes to the floor. Someone tried to kill Billy.
The doorbell screams again, this time it’s Tears for Fears Curt Smith. He has been shot, but before he can identify his assailant he passes out. Shawn notices that groupie Leslie has been collecting items with DNA from victims all night. She had told he and Gus she is a single parent, so Shawn thinks one of them must be her son’s father and she’s collecting DNA to figure out who it was. She’s killing all the potential daddy’s. She shoots his theory down, claiming she slept with only Clizby. When she insists she never had sex with Billy, Rip, or Highway Harry, Harry’s voice cuts in and backs up her story….Harry is still alive!
Harry says he woke up at the table and everyone was gone. He wandered outside, found a gun, then ended up finding the chocolate room and that’s where he’s been. Gus wants the location of that room, but Harry can’t recall. Juliet theorizes that maybe it was more than one person who orchestrated the nights events. Shawn puts it to the test. After reenacting the nights events, rushing from room to room giving the play by play, Shawn deduces that the multiple killer theory doesn’t fit. He is very confident when he announces he will tell them who really did it, though. Melinda Lane wasn’t the bands real muse, it was Clizby. The band was stealing Clizby’s music, and one day he finally snapped. He sneaked into the room where Melinda was sleeping and killed her. When Rip’s therapy started stirring his memories of what really happened that evening, Clizby killed him too. Faced with the truth, Clizby comes clean and admits his guilt. Lassie and Juliet promptly arrest him, ending their real life game of Clue. Shawn and Gus are finally free to go, and Curt Smith is on his way to the hospital…or at least to the front lawn, where the panther frightens away the emergency personnel and they abandon him.
Psych airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on USA.