
LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 9 “The Ceremony”

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As the episode opens, it is clear that we are not in reality as Bo (Anna Silk) and Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) are in a bedroom together as husband and wife with Bo telling Dyson that she knows why she has been having dreams – she’s pregnant – and they are both very excited. [More on how all that comes to be later!]

Then we flashback to earlier that same day with Bo and Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) chasing down some guy, who is obviously Fae, as Bo hits him with a lead pipe but it bounces off him with ease. It would seem Bo has to capture this guy because he secretes pheromones that she needs in order to enter the temple for her Dawning; at least according to Stella (guest star Deborah Odell), that is. And, since the most important ceremony of her life starts in about an hour’s time, Bo needs to catch this guy fast.

Soon enough, though, Bo and Kenzi track down the guy’s location (or at least where they think he has gone) to a rundown warehouse. As they enter the door, however, it is clear that the Fae they are seeking is not there, but rather Stella is there with a group of lingerie models, who are actually there for Bo’s benefit. It seems Stella wants Bo to feed on all of them, as she is going to need as much power as possible to get through the temple. Bo, on the other hand, isn’t playing along and refuses to hurt another human being no matter what.

A short time later, after fuming about Stella at their apartment, Bo and Kenzi are at the Dal to begin her ceremony. Stella is none too happy that Kenzi is there – it is not appropriate for humans to be at the Dawning for any Fae – but Kenzi is sticking by her BFF (Best Fae Forever); and they are soon joined by Lauren (Zoie Palmer), who shows up despite ignoring Bo ever since she never showed up for the big awards ceremony, running off to Brazenwood with Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) instead. The couple quickly makes up because the ceremony needs to begin. Trick (Rick Howland) takes Bo down to his office and makes up a concoction from white oleander that he soon applies to her forehead in a special pattern (this pattern will play an important role later in the episode!) that will help her embrace the tradition and acknowledges her heritage.

They return upstairs joining Stella, Kenzi and Lauren as Stella invites Bo accept the invitation to the temple, but before she can answer Dyson arrives to offer himself as her “hand” – a companion that will journey with her through the temple. This does not bode well as both Trick and Stella have concerned looks on their faces, but they proceed. Bo must also pick a side (Dark or Light Fae), which she staunchly refuses to do and the ceremony begins with Bo placing a flower inside a bowl of water. As the flower begins to glow, a portal is opened right there in the bar where she and Dyson step through to the temple.

Oddly enough once they exit the portal they are in a replica of the Dal where the song “The Wanderer” is playing (this is no coincidence since Bo was identified as the Wanderer via the tarot cards she had to deal during her journey to Brazenwood). At this alternate Dal, Bo and Dyson encounter a man simply known as “The Caretaker” (guest star Ron Lea), who explains the “rules” of the temple. Bo must find the “key in the form it is presented” in order to be set free from the temple. With that statement The Caretaker disappears, leaving Bo and Dyson on their own to figure out where the key is located. The hear a loud growl coming from behind a set of closed doors so Dyson grabs her hand and they race toward the noise, ending up in a replica of Bo and Kenzi’s apartment where they encounter a blind demon who, as it turns out, is the “Guardian” of the temple and the keeper of the key. When the demon lunges at Bo, Dyson stands in the way and is injured by the demon’s claws. That injury doesn’t deter him and as they race off after the demon, ending up in a replica of the gym where Dyson and Tamsin work out.

While waiting for the next phase of the test in the temple, Bo gives Dyson a hard time for coming with her and he finally admits that he came because he loves her [was that so hard to say? she yells at him right along with the rest of us], but “you’re with Lauren now” and while he doesn’t like that, he does respect it. But that doesn’t stop him from admitting that “in the last three years I have learned more from you than in the first 1500 years of my life from everyone else I have met”. Bo, of course, is shocked by that reveal, asking “so what happens now” and he answer “nothing, but ask me (that) in a hundred years” and then he kisses her. Immediately the blind demon appears again, knocking Dyson out of the way and dragging Bo away. She knocks the demon down and grabs the key, but they disappear before Dyson can reach them.

Bo is then seen dressed as a cop at a replica of the precinct, sitting at Tamsin’s desk while Lauren is sitting – also dressed as a cop – across from her at Dyson’s desk. They talk about a case they are working on involving a CI (confidential informant) for whom Bo is worried about. The CI is an alternate version of Kenzi (who Bo calls McKenzie) and Lauren seems to be playing out the relationship Bo actually has with Dyson. After a short talk with McKenzie, Bo talks to her Chief (an alternate version of Trick), who tells Bo that McKenzie was let go and that Bo needs to learn to play by the rules. She is none too happy about this situation and storms out.

Meanwhile, Dyson is stuck with The Caretaker, who keeps goading Dyson that time is immaterial inside the temple and even though Dyson demands to know where Bo is, The Caretaker won’t tell him. But he does share this tidbit with Dyson: “can you imagine what you can create in here if it’s all an illusion”.

This all leads to Bo driving up in front of a suburban home with Tamsin as her rose-clipper-wielding neighbor and Dyson (dressed as a doctor) inside their home. They both talk about their day (as if any of what has transpired is even real, which it’s not) and Dyson asks if she’s been taking her meds and then commenting on the fact they “have a perfect life”. They kiss, but then Bo has a dizzy spell, causing her to walk toward the kitchen to get a drink of water; only the scene turns into a hallway leading into a baby’s nursery. A man is shown holding an infant, humming a song that Bo seems to recognize and quickly starts to imitate. She quickly realizes that the man could be her father and she is the baby. That reveal is confirmed when the vision turns dark because Bo’s mother Aifa (guest star Inga Cadranel) appears, cutting the throat of a woman sitting in the chair as if she is the baby’s nanny and takes the child away.

As the scene blurs, we return to the opening scene of Dyson and Bo in their bedroom where she tells him she is pregnant. Dyson asks her if this is really what she wants, but she bends over in pain. Dyson then yells into space – presumably yelling at The Caretaker – saying “you said this wouldn’t hurt her”. Dyson tells Bo that the baby growing inside her isn’t a baby, but what she will become if she doesn’t get out of the temple. Through the pain and decision making after these – for lack of a better word – ‘tests’ by the temple on Bo’s mind, she and Dyson both figure out that Dyson is actually the key. His life has to be sacrificed so she can get out of the temple. He hands her a knife that she doesn’t want to use on him, but he deliberately threatens her, causing Bo to stab him, ending his life (at least inside the temple).

But then The Caretaker returns, telling Bo that he “didn’t think she had it in her” to kill Dyson. He also informs her that Dyson cannot go back to the real world with her, as he gave up his corporeal life upon entering the temple with her. Bo does not accept that and now that she has the key in her hand and the portal begins to open, she makes the symbol Trick drew on her forehead on the floor, using Dyson’s blood, grabbing his hand and striking the key down on top of the symbol. They are then transported back to the real Dal where Kenzi, Stella, Trick and Lauren are all shocked to see that they both returned. But, Dyson is clearly still dead from the incident inside the temple and Bo is nearly inconsolable. Seconds later, though, the more deadly succubus side of Bo is unleashed, sucking the Chi out of Kenzi, Stella, Trick and Lauren. She uses all of that power to thrust life back into Dyson, while allowing the latter four to remain alive (not the best way to endear herself to any of them, but Dyson’s life was on the line).

In the final scene at the Dal, Kenzi and Bo are quietly celebrating her coming through the Dawning without changing into something with horns while Trick is down in his office looking for something specific inside an old-looking trunk. The item he is searching seems to require the removal of a large chain (which can’t be a good thing, right?!), but then Stella interrupts him. She has to leave the city, traveling to Scotland to help the next Fae in their training and she invites Trick to come with her. He refuses, however, as Bo still needs him and as he returns to the trunk, he unwraps an old book with a dragon on its cover, muttering “not him?” (This can’t be good either, right?!)

The Ceremony” was written by James Thorpe and was directed by Lee Rose.  This is yet another episode where series regular K.C. Collins does not appear.

Make sure to tune into Syfy on Monday, March 25 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “Delinquents” that will feature guest star Linda Hamilton.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.