After what seemed like forever, TVD came back last night and they brought it. Elena has turned off all of her humanity, Caroline and Stefan seem to be getting closer and Klaus got some wolf love. Let’s get to it!
Elena lies down in the middle of the road and a woman stopped to see if she was alright and Elena said “I don’t feel anything.” So the woman went to call for help and Elena was on her. She fed on her and Damon had to tell her to restrain herself. Elena walked away with an attitude and a bloody chin. This is definitely a new Elena.
At the truck stop, Hayley (Tyler’s Wolf friend) was about to be bitten by a vampire and Klaus got there just in time to save her. He bit the vampire and he was gone. Hayley called Klaus for help finding Katherine. Klaus agreed to protect Hayley as long as she told him everything she knew about Katherine or Katerina as Klaus calls her.
Caroline was at the Salvatore Mansion to take a shower (since they have the only vervain-free water supply). Caroline, Stefan and Damon made their plan while Elena was in the shower. Damon was to look for Katherine; Stefan would talk to Sheriff Forbes about the hospital’s missing blood supply and Caroline would take Elena to school to keep her occupied. Elena entered the room naked and said “Sounds like fun.” After a few looks from Damon and Stefan regarding her nudity (and Caroline trying not to look) Elena said, “What, it’s nothing you guys haven’t seen before.” Wow! She is off the rails! Damon told her to be good and not feed on anyone at school.
At school, Elena noticed a flyer for an upcoming Cheerleading competition (she didn’t barely look at the flyer about Jeremy’s memorial service) and asked Caroline if she could have her old spot back on the squad. Caroline thought Elena was trying to be fun and told her she could be back on the squad (since she is the captain). She has no idea what she just did.
Damon paid Klaus a visit to tell him he sucked at finding Katherine and he sucked at covering up his phone conversations with Hayley (Damon scored a copy of Klaus’ phone records). Damon wanted Klaus to let him talk to Haley since they want the same thing (to find Katherine) but Klaus said she was off limits. He told Damon about the vampire at the truck stop that Katherine sent to attack Hayley and should soon be dying of a wolf bite.
At school, Elena was in her sexy cheerleading uniform and checking out the competition, literally. She followed a cheerleader from a different school to her bus. She told her she liked her blue ribbon and fed on her. Then she took her ribbon and put it in her hair (which did not match her red uniform). Caroline saw Elena’s blue ribbon and the cheerleader with the scarf around her neck and put the pieces together. Elena fed on her even though Damon told her not to. Goodbye sire bond.
Stefan called Damon and told him about Elena. Apparently, the sire bond stemmed from her feelings for Damon and since she no longer has feelings, the bond is broken. Wow! Damon was now at the truck stop and Rebekah showed up. She told him she saw Shane’s dead body on the island and she is also looking for Katherine. She brought some of Klaus’ blood which can help save the wolf bitten vamp if he tells them where Katherine is. Damon decided to work with Rebekah (for now at least).
At school, Elena lifted her leg on Stefan’s shoulder “to stretch.” Stefan tried to see if she was the one who stole the blood bags from the hospital, but she said she likes something a bit warmer. He told her she was better than that and she should be careful because she doesn’t want to be like he was in his ripper days. It was their turn to cheer and Caroline tried to stop Elena from cheering, but she wasn’t having it. They started their performance and threw Caroline in the air. Elena was supposed to catch her but she didn’t. She let her fall hard on the mat and walked off (I wanted to smack her through the TV). Elena is starting to be too good at being bad.
Stefan went after her. He figured out that the only reason she wanted to cheer was to feed on the vervain-free out of town cheerleaders. He told her he knew somewhere fun to go and offered to take her. She was hesitant but agreed to go. He threw her his helmet and then shot her with vervain to take the edge off.
Damon and Rebekah went to the medical center where Damon thought the wolf-bitten vamp would go to feed. The blood supply was gone at that medical center too. They knew they had another vampire to worry about who was stealing blood. As a distraction, Rebekah told him he would be better off if she got the cure because if Elena got it, she would leave him for Stefan. Ouch!
At home, Klaus tried to get information out of Hayley by entertaining her. She told him she was trying to find her real parents in New Orleans when Katherine found her and offered to help her. They talked about his art and Hayley didn’t seem too impressed with it until she got to one painting of a man by himself. She asked him about the painting and he told her painting was a metaphor for control. Every choice in the painting was his. They both needed something from each other and the mood changed. They talked about why Klaus is letting Tyler live for the time being. Hayley said it will take allies and people willing to do anything for him for Tyler to survive.
At the Salvatore’s, Stefan told Elena (who was texting up a storm) that she was like Katherine because she was manipulating people with sex. Elena said she’s nothing like Katherine, because she isn’t afraid of anything. She shut everything off including her feelings for Stefan. She told him she can see he is hot and she remembers their “good sex” but she doesn’t feel anything about it anymore. Stefan finally asked who she was texting and she was texting everyone to tell them they were going to have a party at the Salvatore mansion that night. Since he wouldn’t let her go to a party, she brought the party to her. By the time Caroline got there, Elena was dancing on the table. Seeing Elena so free made Caroline want to let loose too. Stefan was afraid he might kill people if he let loose but Caroline told him to have some fun. He picked Caroline up and carried her over his shoulder across the room (are they setting us up for a Caroline/Stefan hook up?)
At the medical center, Damon bit a nurse and sent her to her car as bait for the wolf-bitten vampire. It worked and Damon grabbed the vampire and saw it was a vampire he knew named Will. He asked for help, but Damon ripped his heart out (nice knowing you Will). He didn’t tell Rebekah he knew the vampire but she seemed to know he was up to something.
Rebekah called Klaus and told him Haley’s attacker was dead and she needed to make a choice: leave or stay and tell Klaus what she knows about Katherine with the hope Klaus will do something for her in return. He told her he won’t let Tyler live, and she told him that he’ll never have a chance with Caroline that way. They started giving each other the eye and we all knew where it was going, but it seemed strange to go there. Klaus got close to her and said “So what’s it gonna be?” Hayley said, “You like to be in control, you tell me.” He touched her face and grabbed her and it was wolf loving time. They kissed, shirts went flying and he put her on the table. It was definitely a hot little bow chicka wow wow scene. I’m still not sure how I feel about the scene being with Hayley but we will see how this relationship works.
Stefan and Caroline were dancing at the party and Elena saw them. She appeared to be jealous but she told Caroline to take him out for a spin. Sherriff Forbes showed up to shut the party down and Elena threatened her and pushed her up against the wall. Caroline was ready to beat her up at this point and Stefan held her back as Elena left.
Stefan knew Elena had the party to distract them so she could leave. He told Caroline to look for her in the woods and he would take the road. They agreed to snap Elena’s neck if they had to (I bet Caroline would whether she had to or not with her recent behavior). Damon came home to house full of hotties and he was pleased. He told Rebekah that losing the cure was the best thing that ever happened to her. If she wasn’t a vampire, she’d be ordinary and ordinary is no fun. Stefan sent Damon a text that they needed help with Elena.
Caroline and Elena got into a lady-vamp fight in the woods and the Salvatore brothers got there just in time to stop Elena from staking Caroline (way to treat your best friend).
At casa de Salvatore (after Caroline left Tyler another voicemail), she got a text from Matt to meet him at Tyler’s house. When she got there, she couldn’t get in. Tyler signed the deed over to Matt in a package he sent which also had a letter for Caroline. He said he missed her, but as long as Klaus was alive, he can’t come home because Klaus won’t ever stop trying to kill him and she won’t stop trying to protect him. He said he’d always love her. She broke down in tears and hugged Matt. She realized that he really wasn’t going to come back.
In Damon’s bedroom, he found a picture of him and Will. How did Will know Katherine? Hopefully we will find out the back story there. Elena couldn’t believe that Damon was judging her for trying to kill Caroline after he tried to kill Stefan several times. She told him she knew he likes her better like this.
At Klaus’ house, Hayley was putting her shirt back on and Klaus noticed a crescent moon birthmark on her shoulder. He said he’s seen it on a few wolves, from the same clan that once flourished in Louisiana (very interesting).
Damon and Elena were on a road trip to New York! Damon thinks Katherine might be hiding out there since that is where Will was from. Damon got a call from Stefan and found out that six other blood banks within 30 miles of Mystic Falls had also been robbed. Stefan said Silas had to have followed them from the island and was going crazy on blood. Damon didn’t seem too concerned. He continued on his trip to New York with Elena and would deal with Mystic Falls when he got back.
What did you think about this episode? Do you think Caroline and Stefan are going to hook up? What does the crescent moon birthmark on Haley’s shoulder mean? Where is Bonnie? Do you think Elena will ever turn her humanity back on? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.