NEW GIRL Recap: Tinfinity
All That Glitters is Tin: It’s Nick and Schmidt’s Tin Anniversary. They’ve been roommates for ten years and Schmidt is very excited.
Jess: Ten years – you guys are like Burt and Ernie.
Winston is not as excited as Schmidt in fact he says he might skip the party altogether, do they not remember some of their other anniversaries?
We flash back to their Wood Anniversary. Nick has an axe, they are in the forest and Schmidt is bleeding from his hand. Enough that he thinks he needs a tourniquet.
We even get a flashback to their Paper Anniversary which involved Fat Schmidt jumping out of a box made of newspaper and dancing around.
Nick doesn’t think they need a party but Schmidt will not be dissuaded. Schmidt decides the theme of the party should be masculine garden party; Schmidt made a graph and everything. Nick wants to help with the party planning but Schmidt points out he isn’t very good with party chores. Schmidt relents and gives Nick balloons and port-a-potties. Suddenly Nick isn’t sure he can handle the responsibility of said chores, I’m surprised he didn’t panic moonwalk away from Schmidt.
The next day the party is underway, there are pictures a stage and tin centerpieces, it’s quite lovely. Of course Nick has to ruin it by showing Schmidt the port-a-potty he got for the party. It’s not a rental, he bought it. It is hideous and completely rusted over which is weird since I thought they were made mainly of plastic. Schmidt takes it in stride because he also got a bathroom for the party. Except Schmidt’s port-a-potty looks more like a mini trailer. It’s twice the size of my master bathroom. Schmidt basically knew Nick wouldn’t come through and he won’t let anything ruin the TinFinity Party.
There Is No Crying In Football: While the boys are party planning Jess tells Cece she can’t stop thinking about Nick’s mouth on her mouth. Cece says she needs to find a new guy. Nick can’t be the last guy she kissed, if she gets a new guy it will help her get past all the weird stuff with Nick.
That night at the bar Jess is talking to a number of different guys, all of them super weird. Just when Jess is about to give up Winston shows up with a man Jess thinks looks strapping. Nick is in awe because that man with Winston is Jax McTavish (Steve Howey). He plays professional football. I have to say that while I do like Steve Howey I could do without the ponytail bun thing he is rocking. No bueno.
Schmidt: Winston, does he think you are Omar Epps?
Winston interviewed him at the radio station and they hit it off. Jess wants to be introduced but none of the guys think it is a good idea. Jess goes over and introduces herself. She laughs and is generally her cute self and Nick notices with a not so happy look.
Later at the garden party Winston is warning Jess not to mess up his budding friendship with Jax. Jess’s response is she is getting Jax’s mouth on her mouth and just try and stop her.
Jess and Jax are playing catch and he opens up that he likes her a lot, he knew it from the moment he saw her. He likes her so much he is tearing up over it. He pulls it together and says he’s a man and he likes beer. Jess is left standing there with a confused look on her face.
Jess finds Winston to ask about Jax and Winston says he is intense. Jess tracks Jax down who says he just got out of a relationship that crushed him. Everyone thinks he is big and strong (which he is of course) he picks Jess up like she weighs nothing but he is also sensitive. Sometimes he cries.
Near the end of the party Jax gets up on stage and reports he is missing his heart. He accuses Jess of stealing it. He just wants to tell everyone he is in love with her. He even thinks he met the girl he is going to marry. Jess is not at all on the same page as Jax.
Jax: I met my third wife!
Let’s Do This Thing: Cece is still seeing the Indian guy whose name I can’t remember or just don’t want to remember. They are getting ready to go to the TinFinity Party when he brings up the fact that their Mom’s finally talked. They can “do this thing”. That was his idea of a proposal. She did want an arranged marriage after all but she doesn’t seem all that happy with the idea now.
While Jax was picking up Jess and explaining his sensitivity, Indian Guy gets up on the stage and asks for everyone’s attention. He goes all out and does a big proposal, gets on his knee and pulls out a ring. In front of everyone he asks if she wants to “do this thing.” She says yes while Schmidt looks on. Cece looks lover at him and he turns away crying. Nick sees this and goes after Schmidt to see if he is okay.
Schmidt says it is just disappointing when things don’t work out the way you wanted them too. He covers by saying he is talking about the party, the lighting, etc…Nick says he gets it. Nick thinks they should go for a walk to get away from the stress of the party.
Nick and Schmidt walk over to the balloon Nick got for the party. It’s a hot air balloon, only Nick didn’t know you needed propane to make it work. The rest of the roommates find them in the balloon and they all get in the basket. They share a few laughs and Nick tries to pass Jess the bottle of alcohol he is drinking but Jess can’t drink off the same bottle as Nick. His mouth was all over it and she is trying to forget about his mouth. She jumps out of the basket and runs away. So that’s not resolved yet.
At the end of the episode we get another flashback to Nick and Fat Schmidt in college talking about girls and just how well they do with the ladies.
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on Fox