LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 6 “The Kenzi Scale”
The opening scene has Bo (Anna Silk) slamming Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) face first into the bar at the Dal, yelling that she is not really Kenzi and that everyone has to believe her. Of course, Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) are there playing pool and Trick (Rick Howland) is manning the bar. But, they are extremely doubtful about what Bo is saying in regards to Kenzi, especially when she admits that she told Kenzi that she thinks she might be killing people and Kenzi was unfazed by that admission.
Because of their doubts, Trick orders Dyson to put Bo into holding and Lauren is called in to conduct some tests on Bo to determine what is really happening to her. Moments later, Trick gives Dyson a stern talking down, complaining that his only job has been to keep an eye on Bo (for the past three years) and he is not doing that; and Dyson reveals that Bo is a suspect in the death of at least two people, which, understandably, upset Trick. And, Tamsin sits down at the bar to talk to Kenzi about the situation and it seems that Tamsin doesn’t believe that it is Kenzi either.
Inside her cell, Bo is trying to get free from the chain placed around her wrists when Lauren walks in to get a hair sample so she can run a variety of test on Bo. It is clear that Lauren doesn’t believe Bo about Kenzi not being Kenzi; and that only upsets Bo even more with her telling Lauren that she “will never forgive her for this” and “if anything happens to Kenzi” it will be on Lauren.
Meanwhile, the real Kenzi is seen inside some kind of dank cave, all dirty and chained up by the fake Kenzi. It is revealed by the fake Kenzi that she has been keeping the real Kenzi inside the cave for the past three days, not feeding her and working hard to take over her life. Even half-starved the real Kenzi hasn’t given up her feistiness – she tells the fake Kenzi that Dyson will find her and the fake Kenzi, because she is angry at the real Kenzi, shows off her vampire-like teeth, making it clear she is some kind of Fae. And, to make matters worse, the fake Kenzi has some real nasty looking guys chained up at the opening to the cave to keep the real Kenzi inside and keeping anyone from the outside from getting in.
Back at the Dal, the fake Kenzi pays a visit to Bo, bringing with her Bo’s favorite ice cream – coconut. But, as it turns out, the real Kenzi (who told the fake Kenzi this little nugget of information while they talked in the cave) lied – Bo hates coconut ice cream – with the hope that Bo would know that trouble was afoot. Once Bo tells the fake Kenzi that she hates coconut ice cream, the fake Kenzi reveals her real self, well, at least her sharp little teeth. Just then Dyson comes in, finding the fake Kenzi there, but she is able to manipulate Dyson into believing her over Bo. In turn, because she claims she is too afraid to stay home alone, the fake Kenzi gets Dyson to agree to let her stay with him.
At the same time, Tamsin is meeting with the Morrigan (Emmanuelle Vaugier) because the leader of the Dark Fae wants Tamsin to use her Valkyrie power on the comatose Dark Fae who Bo attacked outside the Dal to get the proof needed that Bo is out of control. The Morrigan wants nothing more than to see Bo strung up for her “crimes”; and gives Tamsin a hard time about siding with the “sunshine gang” after spending time with them because of the new peace process at the precinct. Tamsin agrees to do as The Morrigan requests with her first act being that of getting Bo out of containment at the Dal (Say what?!) as she believes Bo is telling the truth about Kenzi not being Kenzi (more on that in a second). But first they have to get past Dyson – who Tamsin thought left the Dal with Kenzi to go back to his apartment. That wasn’t the case and, for the first time, Tamsin reveals her Valkyrie power on Dyson (she can control people’s mind and her face turns into some kind of skeletal-like state), but before she can do any real harm, Bo hits Dyson over the head with a book in an attempt to save him from any other harm caused by Tamsin.
Next we see Tamsin and Bo at some kind of college sorority that – as it turns out – is filled with human-looking girls who have the same kind of vampire-like teeth as the fake Kenzi. It would seem that Inari (the fake Kenzi) used to live with the girls at the sorority, but when she tried to burn down their old sorority house, Inari was thrown out and Tamsin was hired as the protector of the rest of the girls in the house. That explains why Tamsin agreed with the one person she would usually accuse of any crime. Tamsin and Bo then learn that Inari’s essence somehow ended up with the Norn; and when the real Kenzi faced down the Norn, cutting into her roots, Inari’s essence ending up spilling onto Kenzi. That is what caused the rash on Kenzi’s arm and eventually the fake Kenzi taking over.
Back at the Dal, Lauren reports to Trick that all of the tests on Bo are complete and it looks like Bo has some kind of virus because her cells are dying. Trick seems to know more than what he is telling Lauren, but he insists that Lauren run the test again. In order to do that Lauren needs more samples so the two of them head back to the containment cell where Bo was being held only to find Dyson knocked out on the floor and Bo gone. Trick sends Dyson home to rest once he finds out that Tamsin used her powers on him and Lauren attempts to rerun the tests with the sample she has.
At Dyson’s apartment, the fake Kenzi is obviously acting very un-Kenzi like, enough that she slides up beside Dyson when he goes to bed to sleep off the effects of Tamsin’s power (she just wanted him to hold her until she fell asleep, yeah, right?!) and then she attempts to seduce him – which doesn’t work at all – and Dyson quickly realizes that this isn’t the Kenzi he knows and loves like a little sister. They struggle over his gun, which the fake Kenzi grabbed after he threw her off him after she kissed him. The gun, of course, went off and the next thing we see is Lauren rushing into Dyson’s apartment (obviously he called Lauren for help in case he really did hurt the real Kenzi) and after a quick check of DNA, Lauren and Dyson discover that Bo was telling the truth all along and that this Fae – Inari – wasn’t their Kenzi after all.
Elsewhere, Tamsin and Bo are trudging through the woods, heading for a cave that the sorority girls told them Inari was known to frequent; but Bo is fading fast because she hasn’t feed in awhile. Tamsin offers herself up to Bo, as they need her at full strength. Eventually they find the cave; and just as Kenzi is working to free herself from what appears to be a big bear trap on her ankle before one of the nasty guys chained at the opening of the cave is able to attack her, Bo comes to the rescue, taking the guy out and capturing Kenzi in a big hug. But the nasty guy wasn’t down completely as he rears back up but is taken down by Dyson who was quickly on their trail after learning the truth with Lauren about the fake Kenzi.
After the second set of tests are done, Lauren confirms to Trick that Bo’s cells are being destroyed and replaced by something else; and Trick seems to know exactly what that something else is. He tells Lauren there is an herbal tonic they have to make and give to Bo as soon as possible. Once they return with the real Kenzi safely in hand, Bo talks about the disgusting milkshake they made her drink to stem off whatever is causing her problems. That problem is no little thing, though, and the milkshake is only a stop-gap measure as Bo is going through the “Dawning” – an ancient Fae evolution process that, for the most part, is not that well known within the Fae world. It would seem that the Dawning is a grueling process, requiring years of training to get through; and if Bo doesn’t get through it properly, she will end up like a Satyr being held deep underground in a cage for which Trick takes her and Lauren to see for themselves. Yikes!!
“The Kenzi Scale” was written by Sandra Chwialkowska and was directed by David Greene.
Make sure to tune into Syfy in two weeks on Monday, March 4 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “There’s Bo Place Like Home”.