MODERN FAMILY: Heart Broken Recap
I have to applaud Modern Family for always having a funny and not too sappy Valentine’s Day episode. They did it again this year with “Heart Broken.”
Claire and Phil did their hilarious “strangers at a hotel bar” routine but it didn’t quite go as planned. After they got a little flirtatious, Claire said she wasn’t feeling well. Phil thought he was being too sexy for her until she passed out on the floor. He took her to the emergency room and found out she had an abnormality in her heart (her mother has the same condition) and that is what caused her to pass out. Claire insists she is fine and does not want to make a big deal out it but Phil wanted her to rest so they went home early.
When Phil and Claire got home, they discovered the kids were having a party because they thought they had the house to themselves. When Phil busted them, he told them they came home early because Claire had a heart condition. They all freaked out and thought she had a heart attack or that she was dying. He told them not to make a big deal out of it, but that was not going to happen. Phil went upstairs and Claire had on lingerie and they got in the bed. The kids came in to check on her and when they turned on the lights they screamed in horror because Phil and Claire were both covered in blood. Phil thought her heart had exploded but Claire told him he had a nose bleed (this whole scene had me cracking up. The kids were so funny). Claire admits that she was a little freaked out about her fainting. Phil told her she needs to let go and let them take care of her sometimes.
Gloria and Jay were hot and bothered this episode and it was so nice to see Gloria lust after Jay for a change. They were prepared for a sexy evening because her 6 weeks was up after having Baby Joe and they had the all clear to be intimate. Unfortunately, they kept getting interrupted by Lily (who they watched since Claire was sick), Manny, the maintenance guy who came to baby proof the house and the list goes on. Jay’s frustration level continued to rise after each interruption and it was hilarious! They realized it would be awhile before they could have an uninterrupted night, but they enjoyed each other’s company when they could.
Cam and Mitchell decided to throw a “lonely hearts” party for their single friends because they don’t want their friends to think that they are constantly throwing their love in everyone’s face. Cam tells Mitchell to loosen up a bit and have fun so he took those words to heart and drank a little too much. The next morning they woke up hung over and could barely remember what happened at the party. The neighbor’s Christmas decorations were in the middle of the living room, the cat was dyed pink, the house was a mess, and Dylan (Haley’s ex-boyfriend) was their new roommate. Cam blames Mitchell for inviting him to stay and told him he needs to un-invite him. When Dylan lets it slip that is was actually Cam who invited him to stay, Mitchell was relieved he didn’t have to tell him to leave but now it was Cam’s responsibility. Lucky for Cam, Lily came home and told Dylan he couldn’t live there because he was a big boy and Dylan agreed he should suck it up and live with his mom. Mitchell was impressed with his daughter and wondered if he should have her talk to the gardener. Lily is not one to bite her tongue!
Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.