LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 5 “Faes Wide Shut”
As the scene opens at the Dal, Bo (Anna Silk) and Lauren (Zoie Palmer) are on the prowl, but as it turns out, they are scoping out Bo’s next, shall we say, “meal”. It seems that Lauren is trying to help Bo with her insatiable diet while still being the supportive girlfriend – can we say oxymoron, anyone? The only caveat is that Bo has to follow the one rule: “no wolf” (aka no Dyson). Lauren is attempting to be okay with this arrangement while continuing to work on a new serum to help Bo with her “appetite”. Soon enough, though, they pick out Bo’s next “partner” – a hot blonde who walked into the Dal (no that isn’t a joke) dressed to the nines in a sexy purple dress. Remember Bo is a bi-Succubus!
Meanwhile we see a guy having a drink in the kitchen of his home, holding some kind of fancy key on a chain. Then his wife walks into the room wearing some sexy lingerie; but after some uncomfortable-sounding grumblings from his stomach he literally dissolves into goo all over the kitchen and all over his wife. Gross, I know!!
At Bo and Kenzi’s apartment, Bo is getting it on with the hot blonde from the Dal while Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) and Lauren are both downstairs (what is up with that anyway?). Lauren is doing her best to ignore the sounds of Bo obviously having crazy loud sex upstairs while Kenzi is playing on the computer. But in the middle of the girl-on-girl sex, Kenzi barges right in, presenting Bo (at the worst possible moment) with the case of the goo-gone-bad husband.
While Bo is able to “finish” with the hot blonde, Kenzi and Lauren head off to the scene of the goo-explosion, talking to the wife of the victim in the guise of being part of a reality show about hot paranormal investigators (leave it to Kenzi to come up with that idea). Seconds later, the victim’s “girlfriend” shows up at the house, demanding to know where Graham (the dead husband) was. Of course, the wife and the girlfriend start to fight but that encounter is broken up when Bo, thankfully, arrives on the scene. After a quick interview, Bo learns that the girlfriend actually met the victim at some kind of night club, which leads Bo and Kenzi to a Bacchanal Key Club – basically a Fae high-end sex hotel that caters to humans and Fae alike.
After a circuitous route through the Key Club, Bo is summoned to Roman’s, the owner of the Bacchanal Key Club, suite for a little one-on-one action that actually doesn’t include sex. Despite her best efforts using her Succubus power, Bo doesn’t get any details out of Roman (guest star Damon Runyan), but as she leaves Roman sends one of his henchman out to retrieve the human wife and girlfriend (that can’t be good, right?!)
Elsewhere, Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) are on a new case, walking into a crime scene where a dead woman was found dumped near Bo’s apartment. As it turns out, the woman is actually the hot blonde that Bo was enjoying earlier in the day. Tamsin, of course, believes Bo is the culprit, but Dyson wants to give her the benefit of the doubt. They take the body to Lauren for an autopsy; and while Lauren immediately recognizes the woman as Bo’s conquest, she keeps quiet. Bo then shows up at the precinct to see Dyson about the Bacchanal case, but she ends up getting interrogated by the new cop partners about the murder victim.
Back at the Dal, Lauren and Kenzi are talking about the case of the goo-be-gone husband with Kenzi leading Lauren on with lies about Bo (clearly something isn’t right with Kenzi as she earlier deleted an important text for Lauren to Bo that could help with their investigation) and Trick (Rick Howland) soon finds out they are investigating Damon’s Bacchanal Key Club. It seems that back in the 70’s (the 1870’s that is) Trick was a “customer” at the Key Club and he has a key that the ladies can use to get more details into what caused the dead human to turn into goo.
Soon enough, Bo and Kenzi are dressed to impress and back at the Bacchanal Key Club – with Dyson and Tamsin there as well. But much to Bo’s surprise Lauren shows up too – serum in hand to help the humans affected by whatever Fae secretion caused the recently departed husband’s death – and they head into the exclusive keyholder’s room where they discover that a Manta (basically an oversized Fae octopus – let’s all say it together – EW?!) inside a fancy vat with Fae and humans alike offering their naked selves up to the creature for unbelievable (and quite frankly gross) pleasure.
While Bo is warning the remaining soon-to-be-victims away from the creature and fending off Ramon’s henchmen, Dyson and Tamsin are dealing with Ramon directly in his palatial suite. Ramon admits that after all the decades of debauchery, he can no longer feel any sexual pleasure; that is until he mated with the Manta (again, a loud “ew” needs to be said, right?) and he has to keep the Manta pleased in order to feel anything. But, sadly for him, he tries to fight the wrong Fae, using his magic wand (yeah, a real wand not the dirty-mind-wand any of you might be thinking) to take out Dyson who turns it back on Ramon, taking his life.
Back in the secret Manta room, Bo gets the better of the henchman beating them down, her eyes are that scary blue again and she is out of control. Lauren attempts to talk her down, providing her with a memory of when they first met and telling Bo how much she loves her; and gradually Bo returns to normal. But it is abundantly clear that something is seriously wrong with Bo. And, for that matter, there is something seriously wrong with Kenzi, but more on that in a second.
In the end we learn that with Ramon dead, the Fae sent on their way and the humans affected by the Manta being cured by the serum Lauren created, the Manta simply dried up and died; and the Key Club is no more. Back the fact still remains that there is something seriously wrong with Bo and Lauren speaks to someone on the phone about her concerns – but who did she call? Trick? Hale? Someone else?
And then there is Kenzi – who has been acting strange throughout the entire episode. In the final scene, Kenzi has set up a candlelight dinner just for her and Bo, but as Kenzi keeps trying to feed Bo some spicy food, Bo insists that Kenzi eats it first. As Kenzi takes a hearty bite of the dinner, Bo grabs her by throat, throwing her into the wall, yelling that the food is covered in peanut oil, the one thing for which Kenzi is deathly allergic. “Who are you and what have you done to Kenzi,” Bo yells as the screen fades to black.
“Faes Wide Shut” was written by Jeremy Boxen and was directed by George Mihalka.
Make sure to tune into Syfy next Monday, February 18 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “The Kenzi Scale”.