ELEMENTARY Recap: A Giant Gun Filled With Drugs
We start off with the kidnapping of a woman. The man puts her in a suitcase and wheels her out of her house and down the street. I guess that’s one good thing about being bigger than I should be…my behind would not fit in a suitcase.
Holmes is at an AA or NA meeting but instead of sharing personal struggles like he is supposed to he is sharing the details of a case he once solved. Joan is glad he contributed although it would have been better if it had been about his addiction.
Watson goes up to bed only to find a man, a naked man getting out of the shower. She calls Sherlock upstairs, who seems to know him. His name is Reese and it was his daughter Emily who was kidnapped at the beginning of the episode. Oh and Sherlock knows Reese because Reese was his drug dealer.
Joan is worried having his old dealer around might be a problem but Watson won’t turn him away. He is a friend and he needs help.
Reese shows Holmes a video email message he received asking for $2.2 million in four days. Watson wonders if Reese has $2.2 million. Holmes informs her Reese stole that exact amount from his Dominican suppliers before taking off to Thailand where he has been hiding out. That Reese seems like a swell guy. Watson voices what I’m thinking, pay the ransom – give the money back. Unfortunately Reese doesn’t have the money anymore. In just over a year he managed to blow all but about $2000.00.
Sherlock says he will take the case and they head to Emily’s apartment. After some deducing they head to a Dominican night club where Sherlock thinks the kidnapper was before the kidnapping.
Holmes follows one of the guys from the cartel into the bathroom. Sherlock wastes no time asking the guy if he can question him about the kidnapping. When the man says he doesn’t speak English Sherlock thinks that is odd since he is pretty sure the man is a DEA agent. The DEA Agent says the cartel is not involved in a kidnapping and beats up Holmes as a cover before showing him the door.
The next day Joan walks in on Reese smoking weed in the bathroom. Watson is not happy. She informs Reese he will not do anything like this ever again in Sherlock’s home, or talk about drugs in his presence and if he does she will turn him into the police as a dealer and a thief. She even makes him turn over the rest of his drugs. It was very calm but bad ass of Watson.
From Emily’s Twitter account Sherlock figures out Emily has been giving money to her Step-Dad. Something Reese finds strange since Emily’s Step-Dad Derek is a loaded real estate mogul. Sherlock calls Detective Bell who says Derek had money, after the stock market collapse the banks foreclosed on most of his properties. He is now a parking attendant. So the gang sits at a café across the street to wait for Derek to get off work so they can hopefully follow him to Emily.
When Watson gets up to get some food Reese insinuates that without the drugs Holmes might not be as good a detective as once was. If Reese wasn’t played by John Hannah right now I’d be yelling at the screen. As it were I’m scowling quite menacing.
They follow Derek into an abandoned building only to find out he is living there and he doesn’t have Emily.
When they get back home there is a call on the phone the kidnappers left for Reese, because of Sherlock’s involvement they now have 12 hours less and to show he is serious the kidnapper left something for them on the porch. It is a severed finger.
Holmes examines the finger and thinks he found something and he should be able to figure out what building Emily is in. With his map of possible locations Holmes watches the ransom video to see if there are any other clues he might have missed.
Reese asks how it is going and when he doesn’t like the progress Holmes is making he brings up – again – how great Holmes used to be at solving cases when he was high. He punctuates this statement by pulling out a bag of cocaine and setting it next to Holmes. Sherlock grabs him and throws him into a chair. He says he doesn’t need the drugs to do the job but Reese says he is just a ghost of his former self; it might be time to take his meds so they can find Emily.
Watson comes downstairs and Holmes says he has to leave, taking the drugs with him.
The next morning Holmes is still outside sitting on a bench. He makes a call to his Father and gets the ransom money from him. In exchange he will have to run various errands for his Father in the future.
Holmes tells Reese that while he could have found Emily with a little more time he borrowed the money so he could have Reese gone from his life sooner rather than later. In fact he never wants to see Reese again after the exchange of Emily for the money.
While Holmes is at the ransom exchange the DEA agent is at Holmes house with information. Turns out the ransom drop is an ambush, an ambush set up by the DEA agent. Holmes gets away but the DEA agent has Watson and Reese at gunpoint. Holmes gets on the phone with the DEA agent and tells the agent he was the kidnapper, setting it all up to track down Reese in order to get a better spot in the cartel.
While they are on the phone Reese gets himself and Joan out of their cuffs/ties but before they can get very far the DEA agent shoots Reese. There is a struggle and Watson bashes the agent over the head, knocking him out.
Next we have Captain Gregson and Detective Bell questioning the DEA agent. He denies kidnapping and says he shot Reese in self-defense. Gregson isn’t buying it. They give him one last chance to tell them where Emily is, otherwise if they find the girl without his help and he will not get protective custody, he will be put in general population. The agent says he wished he could help, but sorry.
Gregson and Bell says they talked to Holmes and he thinks he knows where the girl is; in fact they have a small army of cops searching buildings in the area Holmes suggested. The DEA agent reconsiders and tells them where Emily is.
Back at home Sherlock thanks Watson for helping to save Reese’s life; he also comes clean about Reese offering him cocaine. Then he asks Watson to accompany him to a meeting so he can share, truly share his recent experience with temptation. Looks like Holmes may actually realize he needs Watson.
Elementary airs Thursday 10/9c on CBS