
LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3, Episode 4 “Fae-de to Black”

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Bo (Anna Silk) and Lauren’s (Zoie Palmer) relationship is literally in high speed overdrive with an intoxicating sex scene to open the episode; but even with all the intensity of their love for each other both physically and emotionally Bo is still hurting as she is not able to heal as a good succubus should. So much so that she is hiding chocolate in the bathroom and struggling through the pain.

Meanwhile across town, Dyson (Kris Holden-Ried) and Tamsin (Rachel Skarsten) are dealing with a clearly delusional man who thinks he can tightrope walk between two buildings. Dyson is certain that a Fae is involved because of his wolf senses. And, despite their best efforts the poor man falls to his death before he can be talked safely off the ledge.

Back at the apartment, Kenzi (Ksenia Solo) approaches Bo, trying to get help for the lingering rash on her arm (from her encounter with the Norn last season); but Bo mistakes Kenzi’s efforts for another bitch session about Bo’s relationship with Lauren. And, given her slow deteriorating condition (because of only sleeping with Lauren) Bo isn’t quite herself.

Over at the precinct, Dyson and Tamsin are reviewing the other recent cases of deaths that are similar to that of the man who fell from the tightrope walk. Dyson is still certain that a Fae is behind the deaths while Tamsin finds a commonality between the victims: they were all patients at a local new age clinic called the Better Way Clinic of Health and Wellness. So, of course, Dyson decides to pull Bo into the case by asking her to go undercover as a therapist to get access to the patient files. Ironically, she goes in as Dr. Helen Green, a sex therapist.

Bo soon finds out from the clinic’s receptionist Tabitha (guest star Meghan Heffern) that there are three doctors at the clinic as well as the office’s pet fish Dr. Nemo and pet cat Dr. Bob. She then meets one of patients named Rolly (guest star Chris Ratz) who not only has a bad case of asthma but also thinks he is some kind of superhero named Captain Humongous. Taking advantage of the fact one of the doctors – Dr. Palmer (guest star Derek McGrath) – not being in the clinic yet, Bo sneaks into his office in an attempt to track down leads, but is soon caught by the doctor himself. She quickly thinks on her feet to cover why she is in his office, standing at his desk, learning from Dr. Palmer that he specializes in regression therapy, using hypnosis to help his patients.

As they walk back into the waiting room, they discover that Rolly and Tabitha are both gone. Bo quickly finds Rolly in the parking lot, attempting to lift a car (what he believes is his superpower); but as she tries to talk reason with Rolly, at the sound of nearby car racing toward their location, Rolly jumps up, attempting to stop it with his bare hands. Bo knows that he will be killed instantly so she runs interference, pushing him out of the way, but getting hit by the car herself. After the impact, Bo discovers that Tabitha is nearby, watching the accident. It turns out that Tabitha is a suicide Fae, who, as you can imagine, feeds off humans who commit suicide; and Bo believes she has found their prime suspect. But Tabitha takes advantage of Bo being hurt, punching her where Bo was injured from the encounter with the car and gets away. At the same time, Rolly starts to struggle with his asthma (and the fact that Bo used her power on him) and she reverses the affects, but it drains her and she collapses on top of the poor guy.

Elsewhere, Kenzi goes to Hale (K.C. Collins) hoping to get help with her rash, but he is too distracted with his role as the new Ash; but as a way to appease Kenzi he allows her to become his stylist. [This will assuredly backfire on Hale, but more on that shortly.]

Back at the parking lot, Dyson and Tamsin as well as a crew of emergency workers are there tending to Rolly while Bo reports to them what she learned about Tabitha. Tamsin wants to track her down while Dyson can clearly see that Bo needs to feed. She heads off to Lauren’s to heal (i.e., they have sex again) and her bruise heals (temporarily at least). Before Bo heads back to the precinct, though, Lauren tells Bo that she doesn’t think that what Tabitha would need as a suicide Fae is what is truly behind the victims’ deaths. Bo then shares this information with Tamsin and Dyson; and while Tamsin is reticent to agree they hear her out. It is agreed that Dyson will go into the clinic as a patient so he can try to learn more about who could really be behind the deaths, but before Bo leaves, Dyson offers himself up to her, as the bruise on her side has returned and it is even bigger. It is clear she has internal bleeding and her choice to be monogamous with Lauren isn’t working. Needless to say, Bo and Dyson have sex so she can heal.

Meanwhile at Hales’ office, Kenzi unwittingly interrupts a sacred ritual being conducted by Ambassador Begga Brynhildr (guest star Mary Pitt), who was communing with the spirits – a ritual that required complete silence (something Kenzi is not known for) and that creates trouble between Kenzi and Hale and could be detrimental for the Light Fae (and eventually for Kenzi). As it turns out, Trick (Rick Howland) soon learns about what Kenzi has done and he tells Hale that while they all love Kenzi she “is not one of them” and Hale – as the Ash – will need to take care of the situation even if he has to “something that he cannot bare to do”.

While this is going on Dyson is meeting with Dr. Palmer at the clinic in his undercover guise. It is clear that the clinic cat – Dr. Bob – does not like Dyson, who jokes it’s because of his “dogs” (but we all know it’s because Dyson is also a wolf). Soon enough, Dyson is put under hypnosis and has a moment of clarity (not a good sign!); and once back at the Dal to report to Trick, Tamsin and Bo what he could learn, his admits his wolf senses were inconclusive because of all things the kitty litter, which seemed to mess with his senses. But, he also has some kind of scratch on his neck that Dyson’s blows off as nothing. Moments later they receive a call about another victim, who turns out to be Tabitha – the suicide Fae – so it is now clear that she isn’t involved.

Trick believes the real culprit is actually an Indonesian shapeshifter (that can only be killed with lead) so Dyson goes back to Dr. Palmer (now their prime suspect) at the clinic. While interrogating Dr. Palmer, Dyson starts to spin out of control. At the same time, Bo gets some facts from Lauren, who discovers that all of the other victims had a scratch on their necks just like the one Dyson has on his neck. Then Bo learns from Tamsin that Dyson never came back to the precinct, so the ladies head to the clinic. After interrogating Dr. Palmer (who turns out to be a fake doctor after all), they piece together that the real culprit (based on what Lauren figured out about the scratch) is actually the clinic’s pet cat, Dr. Bob. They then find Dyson on the roof, under the influence of the shapeshifter’s scratch, standing on the ledge thinking he was always meant to be a Griffin rather than a wolf. While Bo tries to talk Dyson down off the ledge, Tamsin is in search of the cat, which she finds fairly quickly. The cat transforms into its real giant-sized self, but Tamsin is prepared for the creature, taking it down with a gnarly-looking blade she had secretly strapped to her chest.

In the end, Bo is able to talk Dyson down off the roof and they talk about her relationship with Lauren once back at the Dal. Bo, to her knowledge, believes that Dyson does not have his love [because it was given to the Norn; he SO needs to tell her the truth] and she wants to make her relationship with Lauren to work; Kenzi is shut out of Hale’s office by a new security guard, receiving a very stern look from Hale, letting her know (without saying one word) that she is in serious trouble; Bo comes clean with Lauren that she had sex with Dyson in order to heal; and, surprisingly, Lauren accepts that, but tells Bo that while she can feed, she cannot have Dyson as a “meal” ever again; and then Kenzi, still trying to get help for that rash on her arm, calls Bo desperate for help. She pulls back the bandage she has had on her arm over the course of the episode, revealing that the rash is eating away at her skin. Then suddenly it seems as if some kind of specter comes out of the rash on her arm and drags her away. It’s not going to be a good time for Kenzi, to say the least.

Fae-de to Black” was written by Alexandra Zarowny and was directed by Ron Murphy.

Make sure to tune into Syfy next Monday, February 11 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “Faes Wide Shut”.

Using her favorite online handle, Rueben is an East Coast-bred gal who is now a permanent Californian and a lifelong tv-oholic. She watches at least 25 TV shows a week, goes to the movies as often as possible, listens to music every waking moment, reads every day and “plays” on the internet every chance she can. Some of her current favorite TV shows are Outlander, Sweet Magnolias, Wednesday, The Mandalorian, The Equalizer, Fire Country, Matlock, Miss Scarlet, Hudson & Rex, SkyMed, The Rookie, Bridgerton, Virgin River, The Witcher, Leverage: Redemption and School Spirits. She is looking forward to new episodes of Reacher and 1923; the finale episodes of Cobra Kai and the debuts of the new dramas The Hunting Party and Suits LA. Follow her on Bluesky or contact her at Please also check out Rueben's Ramblings website for even more entertainment news.