ABC Family
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS: Recap of “Mona-Mania”
Although this episode was titled “Mona-Mania!” I felt like it was all about Aria. With 90% of Aria’s storylines circling around some sort of issue with Fitz, it was nice to see that she has a life outside of Ezria. This episode was all about the family drama of the Montgomery household with tidbits of things from the other liars lives just to keep things interesting. Not sure how you feel about what went down in Rosewood this week? Let’s discuss and try to figure it out.
Only in the mind of Byron Montgomery is it okay to try to force your daughter to make nice with your mistress, even though the scandal of your affair is pretty much what destroyed your marriage and tore your family apart. Who cares if your former student turned lover is calculating, manipulative, and in an extremely inappropriate and uncomfortable position of power over your daughter? It’s totally okay to accuse your daughter and her friends of arson and attempted murder based on nothing but the accusations of said manipulative mistress. Yes, all these things are perfectly normal and okay in the world of Byron Montgomery…
Well Aria isn’t buying it. She doesn’t really accept Byron’s weak apology for the unsupported accusations, when he admits that the police have found a different suspect for setting the fire. Maybe you should act like you have met your daughter before and realize and her friends are not arsonists or murderers…probably.
I still have my suspicions when it comes to Aria being “A” or somehow being involved with the A-Team and the cause of all things crazy in Rosewood, but for arguments sake let’s pretend she is just another innocent PLL.
While Aria is having movie night with her dad the rest of the PLLs are back at the school playing Nancy Drew as they go to the creepy janitor’s office to retrieve Alison’s journal that they left behind on their last venture into the dungeon. This
is PLL so of course the journal isn’t in its last position (come on girls did you really think “A” would make it that easy for you?) and a hooded figured almost knocks them all over as it runs from the room.
At The Brew Mona makes the first of her many attempts this episode to make nice with the girls. She tries to bond with the girls by telling them that the creepy janitor was stalking her – you know, because nothing says “girl talk” like sleepless nights and creepy stalkers – but the girls aren’t buying her victimized nice girl act.
Lucas makes an appearance and after being called out by Hanna, admits to being the hooded figure in the janitor’s office. Hanna didn’t spill the beans to the rest of the girls, but she wants to know what is going on. This is when the hairs on my arms stand up as Lucas proves to be crazier than I ever thought before (which is saying a whole lot). Not only was he the guy in the janitor’s office, but he also was the one that set the fire in the previous episode that burned Meredith (Byron’s student turned mistress turned girlfriend turned abuse victim?).
Lucas claims to just be trying to stop Mona. He seems totally terrified of our certifiable friend, but seriously Lucas there are easier (and more sane) ways of stopping someone other than blowing them up; a taser perhaps, or throwing Legos in their path when they are barefoot.
The crazy with Lucas doesn’t end with this scene. Later in the episode we find out that Lucas has been acting as Mona’s “evil personal assistant” since she has been blackmailing him (or so he believes, since everything that happened to him could have been done by someone else, and in terms of the car hitting him was done by someone else; Toby) since the time of the masquerade ball. Turns out the plucky little reporter has been selling test answers to anyone and everyone so he could make some money. Foolishly Lucas believes that if he drops out of Rosewood High and becomes homeschooled Mona (or “A”) can’t get to him. What are you, new here?! “A” can get to anyone, anywhere, anytime. That has been proven over and over again over the last three years. Poor Lucas. Poor deliriously in denial Lucas, Rosewood High shall miss him…or it would if anyone outside of Hanna and Mona even realized the boy even existed.
Off of the crazy, and on to the crazier, Mona in her attempt to return to mainstream society has decided to join the Academic Decathlon team. Wait, no, not just join but run the team as captain. Seems that her time at Radley was not wasted as she not only studied up on how to be a serial killer, but also kept up with her school studies and read the Academic Decathlon’s Team by-laws. As to be expected, Spencer is not pleased, as she is not buying this whole Mona turning a new leaf thing.
Mona earned her spot on the team by taking a tire-iron to one of the team member’s kneecaps in total Tanya Harding vs. Nancy Kerrigan style. Ha ha ha, just kidding (although barely). A figure dressed in A-wear (black hoodie, dark jeans, black leather gloves) tampered with the bike of a team member in the previous episode causing that kid to take an unfortunate spill.
Not only did Mona study while in Radley but she also had time to plot her plan to take over the world, and Decathlon team. Some how she was able to convince some of the team members to vote for her in the election of captain (I’m thinking bribery was her tool of choice), which resulted in a tie between her and Spencer. In a dizzying round of As Schools Match Wits! Spencer and Mona brain battle it out over who will get to be the team captain. At first it looks like our brainy little liar may come out victorious, but ultimately she falters and Mona takes the win. Spencer later suspects, as did I through out the whole competition, that Mona was only playing dumb in order to get Spencer to a place of false security then she put the brain busting smack down on her when it was time to home the prize home. Spencer worries that Mona doesn’t have to hide behind the guise of “A” anymore, that she could “take us out right in the open.” With Mona’s brains and power of manipulation Spencer has a reason to be worried.
After the brainy beat down, Spencer is rescued by Hanna who takes the opportunity to confront Mona and say she is cutting her out of her life. In this moment I actually feel bad for Mona, because the one person she actually does care about is Hanna. Mona looks really hurt here and I think this time it is sincere. Of course this transgression will not go unpunished so Hanna better watch her back before another car comes winding down the road to knock her out of her Prada pumps.
In a splash of reality to show us that not everyone in Rosewood is a total bada**, Paige McCullers has a melt down this episode. The murders, attempted murders, poisonings, threats, blackmailings and kidnappings are all too much for the
poor teenager to handle. The first signs of a crack in the foundation come when Emily and Paige are leaving class. Emily wants to meet up after school or at least have Paige walk her to work. Paige is extremely reluctant blaming her parents
totalitarian style of parenting a reason for her absence as a girlfriend lately. Not to be dissuaded Emily offers a night in the woods with some girls from the swim team as an opportunity for the girls to spend some time together and relax. Yes, because nothing says relaxation like going into the woods at night when a homicidal maniac is still after you. Seriously Emily, where have you been for the last three years? How does this even remotely sound like a good idea. Poor Paige, all moon-eyed over Emily somehow agrees to this nonsense.
Later when they are driving through the woods Paige begins to have a panic attack and stops the car. Ummm, if you are freaking out over all of the horrible things that have happened to you, getting out of your car at night in the middle of the woods may not be the best idea. You know, unless you want more crazy things to happen to you. Since getting out of the car wasn’t enough of a mistake, Emily suggests they go for a walk (mind you they are still in the middle of no where in the woods) to get some air. Is anyone surprised when they return to the car to find their tire had been slashed? No? I didn’t think so. Emily sees a figure in the woods and goes after in, much to Paige’s horror. Emily almost catches said figure but Paige stops her. It would have all types of squeal worthy awesome if Emily did catch the person, because it was none other than our favorite boyfriend turned A-Team member, Toby. Oh, Toby why must you insist on breaking our hearts this way?
To bring it back full circle in this review let’s close out by saying that the Montgomerys are one messed up family. They are giving the Ewings of Dallas a run for their money. Ella is back in Rosewood, because apparently she and Hanna’s
mother (Ashley Marin) were on a weekend getaway or something like that last week because they were no where to be found, and Aria talks to her mother about the night Ali disappeared, probing her about the whereabouts of her dad. Ella
makes everything sound innocent enough but later we find out that the first Mrs. Montgomery doesn’t have the whole story. Byron wasn’t with her all night, in fact at some point in the evening he was with Meredith, then later Allison. Meredith actually knew Allison was blackmailing Byron and she uses this information to try and buddy up to Aria (Meredith has a twisted sense of what a healthy relationship should be based on).
All fingers are starting to point toward Byron as being Ali’s killer. Which of course in PLL world means he probably isn’t. Doesn’t matter, he still wins creepiest dad ever award. He lurks in corners, goes through Aria’s things, he even gets a little too physical with Meredith in the hall outside of Aria’s bedroom. I don’t know what is going on with him, but I think Aria needs to start sleeping at Spencer’s house just to be safe. No worries about parental interaction there, because the Hastings are never home.
Best parts of the episode were seeing Lucas’ room. Seriously, it made this geeky girl’s night! All those Funko Pop figures on the wall and comics hung around the room made my geektastic heart go pitter patter. 😀 My other favorite part was
just watching Mona and Toby playing their split personality roles as their main characters, then their roles as members of the A-Team. It is exciting to see the face behind the hoodie sometimes. I just wonder how many more faces there are to show.
So what did you think of Tuesday night’s episode? Did it clear anything up for you or just add more questions? Leave your thoughts, questions, and comments in the comment section below.
Pretty Little Liars airs Tuesday nights at 8pm/7pmcs t on ABC Family.