LOST GIRL Recap: Season 3 Season Premiere “Caged Fae”
As Season 3 of Lost Girl opens up with cop cars racing to the scene of a crime, the surprise suspect is none other than our favorite Succubus Bo (series lead Anna Silk), who saunters out of a bank with a very large bag full of money. Soon enough, she dispenses with two thugs in a nearby alley while eluding even more cops pulling up to the bank. Moments later she encounters a long line of club-goers, including several nerdy guys who can’t get by bouncer. She puts on a quick little “show” of “eeny meeny miny Bo” and then begins to toss her plunder from the bank one big handful at a time all over the city street.
Seconds later, she is seemingly being pursued by an unknown assailant straight into The Dal where she is, for whatever reason, unwelcome as evidenced by not only Kenzi (series regular Ksenia Solo) yelling “what have you done this time Bo?” but also Trick (series regular Rick Howland) refusing to provide her asylum with Dyson (series regular Kris Holden-Reid) rushing through the door, as he was the one chasing her. They fight inside the bar and he handcuffs her, taking her in for yet another Fae law she has broken. It seems she has been on a crime spree for the last three weeks, making her unrecognizable to those closest to her.
Bo is then shown inside some kind of Fae women’s prison, having the possessions on her person accounted for by the guards while a small audience of prisoners, guards and the warden (guest star Sarain Boylan) all look on. She is then subjected to a decontamination shower while an audience of guards watches nearby and then is walked into her cell where she meets her waif-like cellmate Sylvie (guest star Tommie-Amber Pirie), who gives her the inside scoop on the guards; they are all Amazons, who as Sylvie explains are “anti-men”, only having them around for breeding every 5 years and discarding their male babies to the woods after birth – but before their introductions can last long, Bo is hauled off to her work detail, which ends up being in the infirmary where – of all people – Dr. Lauren (series regular Zoie Palmer) is working. It quickly becomes apparent that this is an undercover mission – Bo hasn’t gone bad and is actually on a case for Lauren.
It seems that Dr. Everett, a fellow doctor and friend (actually a mentor) of Lauren’s – who was the prison doctor – has gone missing; and Lauren sought out Bo to help track down what happened to her. And, to make matters worse it would seem there are suspicions of corruption at the prison for which Bo is also investigating.
The other big reveal is that Detective Hale (series regular K.C. Collins) is the new – wait for it – Ash. Yep, our one and only Hale is now the new “big guy on campus” – he is the Ash of the Light Fae (well according to Trick he is the “acting Ash”); not a job to be taken lightly. But since he is the “acting” Ash many of Fae are not recognizing his authority especially the Amazon guards at the Hecuba Prison – which is where Bo is – given their “anti-men” stance. The whole plan of getting Bo inside the prison doesn’t sit well with Kenzi, of course, and her ire is even more riled once she finds out that the prison sits on land that holds a special power, stripping all Fae of their powers, leaving Bo essentially defenseless in the prison. Needless to say, Kenzi wants Hale to get Bo out of their ASAP; but they have to find out about the corruption and the missing doctor so the mission will continue regardless.
Dr. Lauren provides Bo with a special stone that counteracts the powers of the land beneath the prison; but when her cellmate Sylvie is threatened by one of the guards, Bo defends her, ending up in harms’ way of the warden and the guards. Soon enough, the stone is discovered and Bo is beaten up by the guards, being found by Dr. Lauren after the fact. Thankfully, Bo will eventually heal – but at a human pace – and the mission moves forward with Kenzi showing up for a conjugal visit (you gotta trick the guards somehow to get Kenzi inside so she can give Bo a special contact lens that will allow her access into the warden’s office).
As it turns out, the warden has some kind of “powerful vitamin cocktail” (according to Lauren) that has been used on some of the prisoners – for which Dr. Everett was involved. Some of the prisoners used in these “experiments” have either ended up going missing or re-offending, ending up back in the Hecuba prison. Lauren cannot imagine why Dr. Everett would be involved in something like this and Bo vows to find out the truth.
Meanwhile, cellmate Sylvie’s time in the prison is up and she is being released. She promises Bo that she will not re-offend as she never wants to come back to the prison; but when Bo gets a chance to get into the warden’s office, she discovers a door marked solitary confinement, which turns out to be a “creepy nursery observation deck” (as Bo calls it) where she finds a drugged and very pregnant Sylvie. Just what the hell is going on, right?
As Bo attempts to get Sylvie out of the prison, her water breaks, forcing them to go to the infirmary for help from Lauren and her assistant, fellow inmate Jobina (guest star Angela Besharah). Sylvie has her baby – a little boy – but then the guards and the warden show up with the warden claiming the child is hers. As it turns out, the warden has been breeding Fae children, using the “vitamin cocktail” and selling them; and Bo is going to be her next “subject”.
It is at this time that Dyson reveals to Vex (recurring player Paul Amos) [who is still around, healing up from his injuries sustained in the fight with the Goruda] and Kenzi that the butchered remains of Dr. Everett were found, urging Kenzi to race to Hale, who has been secreted into The Dal for meetings with the team throughout the episode, to report the discovery and pull Bo out of the prison. Hale agrees, sending Dyson and Kenzi to Hecuba to get Bo out; but before they get there, Bo figures out that the warden is actually a male Amazon (who somehow survived being abandoned by his mother), parading as a woman, using his sperm (that vitamin cocktail – let’s say “EW!” together) to procreate. Dr. Everett was going to report to the Ash what was happening at the prison and was killed by the warden and the guards. Once the revelation that the warden is really a man, the Amazon guards take revenge, letting Bo free. She, in turn, allows all of the Fae prisoners out of their cells.
As Dyson and Kenzi show up just beyond the inner bars of the prison, they realize that Bo is safe and sound; but they witness Bo and Lauren kissing, as Bo declared to Lauren that “it’s time for us”. Bo wants to give their relationship a “real shot” – which puts Dyson in a bit of quandary as he had yet to tell Bo that he got his love back from the Norn thanks to the help of Kenzi. (Dun, dun dun).
In the end, Bo shares that Sylvie and her baby – who she named Bo – are both fine and well; and Hale shares that he has pardoned nearly all but the worst of the Hecuba prisoners, shutting the facility down. Bo then has a private moment with Trick (her grandfather), talking about her concerns over being like her father – who could “be a monster” – and Trick attempts to reassure her that she is not like him. But as Bo leaves The Dal “to go see her girlfriend”, she grabs a guy who just happens to be walking by, drains him of his chi and throws him into the trash sitting on the street corner as her eyes turn that scary shade of blue from the season two finale. What is that all about?!
“Caged Fae” was written by Emily Andras and was directed by Paolo Barzman and featured David Raymond-Peck and Ieva Lucs in guest roles.
Make sure to tune into Syfy next Monday, January 21 at 10 PM for the next episode of Lost Girl called “Subterrfaenean” that will feature the introduction of new cast member Rachel Skarsten.