THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Oh Come All Ye Faithful
It is the holiday season in Mystic falls and what better way to start off the episode than Delena waking up in bed together with their clothes on (well I guess it would have been better without clothes). Damon made that call because he is trying to do right by Elena now that she is sired to him. She taunts him to break the sire bond, but he just can’t bring himself to do it. She is off to the lake house to meet up with Bonnie, who is teaching Jeremy to not kill her and Damon goes along for the ride.
Tyler is taking his Alpha role seriously. He tells Caroline about his plan to get a witch to cast a body jumping spell to trap Klaus in someone else’s body, then cover that body in concrete and bury it. The worst part? Tyler will be the host body and that pisses Caroline off. Stefan calls to tell her that Klaus has the sword and she tells him to get it because the hybrids are planning an attack on Klaus that night. Stefan has no luck finding the sword, so he goes (along with Caroline) to ask Tyler for more time. Tyler is not hearing it and does not care about Stefan’s plan to find the cure. He is irritated that Caroline told Stefan about his plan. He just wanted her to be on his team. He asked his Hybrids to keep Caroline and Stefan hostage until the plan was in action.
Jeremy is chopping wood outside the cabin (looking super buff and hot I might add) when Elena and Damon arrive. Elena has invited the shady Professor Shane to help. As soon as Elena is invited in the cabin Jeremy tries to kill her. Professor Shane ties Jeremy to a chair and tried to help him recognize Elena as someone he loves instead of just a vampire to kill. Professor Shane asks Elena to remind Jeremy of important moments in their lives together. She is so sweet and we expect Jeremy to remember and all will be well. That did not happen. Jeremy tells everyone that Elena isn’t his real sister, she’s the reason everyone he’s ever known has died, and he will kill her even if it means he has to die. This should be a fun family visit.
At the Mystic Falls holiday party, Tyler tells his Mom about his plan. She is shocked, but tells him to do what he needs to do and his father would be proud of the leader he has become. Aw!
Back at the cabin, Damon confronts Professor Shane about the cure. He wants to know why Shane is so interested in it. He says he knows where it is and shows Elena a big rock. He tells her about a witch named Silas who created an immortality spell with another witch (because he was in love), but the other witch got jealous and killed Silas’ girlfriend before he could use the spell. He then finds a way to reverse the immortality spell but the other witch buried him underground with the cure to rot. Professor Shane told them “You dig up Silas, and you’ve got your cure.”
Damon asked Professor Shadypants (as Damon referred to him) where Silas was buried, but he wasn’t giving up that information especially since Damon has tried to kill like three times that week. They still don’t understand what is in it for him, and he says Silas has been a myth and he would like to be the one to discover him (that sounds like a bunch of crap). We all know he is up to something big and shady.
Caroline came up with a great idea. She suggested to Tyler that they use Rebekah’s body to host Klaus instead of his and Tyler thinks it is perfect as long as it will work. Hayley does not approve of the idea because it will somehow interfere with her plot with the shady professor. She sends the professor a text that there might be some trouble and he responded to her that she needs to handle it. How does she handle it? By breaking Caroline’s neck.
Back at the cabin, Bonnie brings Jeremy in the room to see if he can manage to not kill his sister. He walks toward Elena and they hugged. Way to go hottie hunter, I mean Jeremy.
April finds Caroline on the floor looking a little dead and she screams for help. Before she could do anything Caroline popped up good as new. April was confused because she didn’t have a pulse, so Caroline attempted to compel her (not knowing that she was wearing Jeremy’s vervain bracelet).
At the party, Hayley comes clean to Tyler that there is no witch and she needed 12 hybrids for the sacrifice, and Klaus to do the dirty work. We see Klaus slaughter all of Tyler’s pack while “O Holy Night” plays in the background. Super Creepy.
At the cabin, Damon sees how happy Elena is with Jeremy and Bonnie and wants that for her. He wants to do the right thing for her and Stefan so he sucks it up (no pun intended) and breaks the sire bond against Elena’s wishes.”I’m setting you free, Elena. This is what I want. This is what will make me happy”(sad face for Delena fans).
Caroline and Stefan talk about how they feel guilty about conspiring against Klaus. They have done bad things too, so what makes them better than Klaus? Stefan figures the main difference is that they have family they can trust. Caroline agrees that trust is everything and then hints that Damon and Elena are together, like really together and Stefan starts to take it out on the furniture.
Elena kisses Damon goodbye and leaves. Tyler sees the killing ground of his hybrids and it is sad. April found Rebekah’s grave and was shocked and sad. Everyone is having a tough time in Mystic Falls, but it doesn’t end there.
Mayor Lockwood is a little tipsy and needs a ride. Tyler was supposed to pick her up after the party but got a little distracted. Klaus shows up and she begs him not to hurt her son because he is all she has. Klaus responded “and you are all he has” and drowned her. This all took place while “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” played in the background. Apparently Christmas music brings out the worst in Klaus. Happy holidays from Mystic Falls!
What did you think of the holiday episode? Do you think Delena is really over? Do you think Stefan will forgive them? Do you think Tyler is going to get revenge on Haley? Let me know your thoughts below and we will see you back here for an all new episode on January 17th 2013!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on the CW.