HART OF DIXIE Recap: Baby Don’t Get Hooked On Me
Wade is watching cartoons at the end of Zoe’s bed and she picks that moment to talk about romance. That talk goes pretty much exactly how you would expect.
Zoe gets dressed and heads to the main house where we have a shirtless Lavon (thank you writers) making breakfast for a still sleeping Ruby. I know they were high school sweethearts and all but man the sleep over stage sure came fast. It’s Lavon’s turn to talk to Zoe about sex. She doesn’t take it any better than he took her talking about Wade.
At the Butter Stick Bakery, best name ever, Lemon tells Annabeth they are going to start a catering business, except Annabeth doesn’t want to start a catering business with Lemon. Lemon seems pretty hurt.
In the office Rose is training as the new receptionist when Brick walks in. Seems his time away with Emily has put him in a much better mood.
Rose gets a call from the coach of the high school football team; I was wondering how long it would take a show set in the South to get around to doing a football episode. The whole team has a case of athlete’s foot and they need to be treated. Rose’s confides to Zoe that her new crush Max is the place kicker for the team.
Lemon runs into Lavon and Ruby, it’s all very polite while still being mean. Next Lemon runs into George carrying a box full of alcohol. He is hosting a party for a local judge, a judge no one likes. Lemon offers to help but he says that’s okay, he just hired Annabeth. Annabeth started her own catering business. Gasp! Gasp!
Ruby and Lavon are kissing on the street when Ruby’s Grandfather takes a hose and sprays Lavon; he isn’t a fan of them as a couple, which seems to be the trend around town.
In the locker room Zoe is treating the athlete’s foot and the coach mentions how down Max has been lately. He wants Zoe to talk to him, maybe she can figure out what is wrong. He’s missing his girlfriend that moved to Montana, poor Max. Wait, maybe not poor Max, he likes having a girl in his life as a lucky charm. He lists quite a few girls before realizing how hot Zoe is. His googly eyes focus on Zoe, a very oblivious Zoe who thinks he is understanding Zoe is going on about Rose being the perfect girl for him.
Back at Lavon’s house Lavon is lamenting Ruby’s Grandfather not liking him. Lavon wants to try to charm him into liking him, since they used to be so close. Ruby agrees to have him over for brunch.
Lemon is trying to figure out what to put on her resume when George shows up. He wants Lemon to help Annabeth out with the party, seems maybe Annabeth is out of her depth. Lemon seems unmoved by his plea.
Zoe is at The Rammer Jammer telling Wade all about her fantastic day, curing foot fungus, doing some matchmaking. Wade has some news of his own; he was listening when Zoe said she wanted romance so he got her a present. Now I am no gift wrapper, I believe in gift bags and tissue paper but this man wrapped his gift in tin foil. Not only that but they are teeny weeny glow in the dark leopard print underwear. Shockingly she isn’t amused.
Rose is at the Rammer Jammer as well, she is having dinner with Zoe. All she wants to talk about is Max; she doesn’t get too much out there before a flash mob starts. Oh you read that correctly, a flash mob at the Rammer Jammer dancing to Bad Case of Loving You by Robert Palmer. It is a glorious choreographed scene. It’s all dedicated to Zoe and it is from none other than Max. Rose is speechless. I find it hard to believe the town got together, learned a dance and performed all so a teenage kid could declare his love on the local doctor but what do I know.
The next morning Zoe gets to the office only to find more flower arrangements than she knows what to do with. Rose is taking the situation pretty well. Zoe tells Brick she is going to fix this but he says absolutely not, she is going to wait until after the football game. She has clearly never seen a Lifetime movie or Varsity Blues since she doesn’t get why she should wait until after the game.
Ruby’s Grandfather is at lunch with Ruby and Lavon. It’s not going so well, it ends in yelling when he insults Lavon’s Mothers biscuit receipt.
At the Judges party Annabeth is running around like a crazy person, thankfully she has Cricket there to help her. Cricket seems to know exactly what to do and is keeping Annabeth on track. Turns out she is doing it by taking instructions from Lemon via headset. Lemon is found out and takes charge of the kitchen.
Zoe is hiding out at home when Wade shows up. Wade thinks Max’s dance moves should at least get him to first base. In no time at all Max shows up, Wade lets him in and then promptly leaves. Max sites Demi and Ashton as a reason they could work. Wade makes another appearance to accept Max’s dinner invitation on Zoe’s behalf. Seeing as there is only one restaurant in Bluebell this can’t end well.
At dinner at the Rammer Jammer Zoe is wearing the corsage Max brought her while Wade serves them. Brick is even there to make sure Zoe stays in line.
Lavon shows up at Ruby’s Grandfather’s house to apologize. He wants Ruby’s Grandfather to forgive him for hurting Ruby all those years ago. Ruby’s’ Grandfather has a list of chores Lavon can do to get back into his good graces. I’m not sure that is what Lavon had in mind.
Cricket, Lemon and Annabeth are ready for the party to start, Lemon is channeling her inner Monica from Friends with the headset and the rude interrupting of Annabeth’s speech about how great this day has gone. This starts a fight causing Lemon to storm out.
Back at the Rammer Jammer Rose is watching Zoe and Max’s date. She is joined at the bar by none other than McKayla Maroney, who most definitely has a CW actress look about her. Rose and Tonya (McKayla) make some snarky comments, flip their hair and saunter out.
At the end of dinner Zoe blurts out that she only went on the date with him because of the stupid football game. He goes to leave but turns back to tell her she should have told him after the game. Just one Lifetime movie Zoe, just one!
It’s the next morning at the Rammer Jammer the whole town boo’s Zoe, well not Wade. He thinks Zoe did the right thing. Although he thinks Zoe did the right thing because Max was acting like a fool. Of course Zoe disagrees. She says event though misplaced it was nice to be appreciated, which is the point of a romantic gesture.
Lavon meanwhile stayed up all night doing chores for Ruby’s Grandfather. Turns out Ruby’s Grandfather forgave him long ago, losing Lavon back then let Ruby follow her own dreams.
George has called Annabeth and Lemon to his office, the party last night went great, because of them working together. Annabeth’s cooking and Lemon’s leadership skills, he thinks they should have a business together.
In the locker room Zoe shows up to talk to Max, he isn’t going to play because of her. Zoe gives him a pep talk, it’s a pretty good one too considering she doesn’t seem to grasp football. It seems to work as Max suits up.
The whole town is celebrating after winning the big game, thanks to Zoe’s pep talk and the whole town seems to be Team Zoe for once.
Lemon and Annabeth track down George to get him to write up a contract for their new business, Annabeth’s Catering. They seem to have put aside their differences.
Wade asks Wanda about his “friend” who needs some romantic advice. Wanda says it isn’t the gesture so much as it is the thought.
Ruby finds Lavon at home watching football, she wants to thank him for trying with her Grandfather. They have a cute moment of their own.
Zoe gets home to find black and white cookies (her favorite) from Wade. He cooked them himself and they are terrible but as previously stated, it’s the thought that counts. He picks her up and carries her to the bed.
Hart of Dixie airs Tuesday 8/7c on CW