THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes
“We All Go A Little Mad Sometimes” is the perfect title for this episode because Elena has lost her mind. Literally she is losing it. As usual this episode is packed with vampy goodness so let’s get to it.
Elena is hallucinating like crazy. She sees blood in the shower, and she is seeing Connor. She thinks he is a ghost so she calls Jeremy to come downstairs. Connor taunts her and grabs her. She pushed him off of her, grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the neck. There was just one tiny little issue, it wasn’t Connor, it was Jeremy. Vampire Problems.
Elena is still upset with Stefan for keeping secrets from her (even though it was for her own good) and working with Klaus. She doesn’t trust him right now and really doesn’t have anything to say to him. Stefan didn’t try to defend himself, he just let her have a moment.
Over at Tyler’s house, Caroline shows up with a box of Tyler’s things, and Klaus was there to witness the whole break up. He has always had a thing for Caroline so this is a little thrill for him. After Klaus leaves, Caroline and Tyler relax and are still together. The break-up was just a front to get rid of Klaus and his hybrids. Nicely done.
Klaus calls Stefan to check on Elena. He knows all about her hallucinations from his own experience killing a member of the Five. He told Stefan they need to lock her up before she kills herself (or anyone else). Stefan disagrees and thinks she is strong and can handle it (no she is tripping and needs to be put away). For once Stefan should listen to Klaus but it really doesn’t matter because Klaus snatches Elena and locks her up in his house. He tells her he went through the same thing when he killed a hunter and his hallucinations lasted for over 52 years until it just stopped one day. He warned her that the hallucinations come in strange forms and left her alone.
Connor haunts Elena and tries to get her to kill herself. Then Katherine shows up. She tells Elena she is becoming more like her and that Stefan isn’t going to want her anymore. Elena is on edge and Katherine is ready to push her.
Damon and Bonnie visit Professor Shane and show him the drawing of the hunter’s mark. Professor Shane told them that anyone who kills a vampire hunter will be tortured until a new hunter is awakened. So if Jeremy kills a vampire the spell will be broken. No problem!
Caroline meets with Klaus at the grill to distract him while Tyler and Hayley get Chris (another hybrid they helped break the sire bond), to let Stefan in to rescue Elena. Tyler promises Chris they have his back and he can be free of Klaus after this. Chris is hesitant but agrees, and Stefan gets to Elena. Elena sees Connor and stabs Stefan and she escapes. Once again, he should have listened to Klaus.
Caroline gets a text about Elena’s escape and comes clean with Klaus. Klaus is furious but she tells him that they figured out how to break the curse. At least they got something right.
Elena goes straight to the bridge where she almost died twice. I guess the third time is a charm. She hallucinates and sees her mother who encourages her to kill herself. She told her she could be helpful to Jeremy as a ghost instead of a monster that hurts him. She assures Elena that dying is the right thing to do. Convinced that she should die, Elena throws her daytime ring into the water below so she can die when the sun comes up.
After being stabbed, Stefan tells Damon to find Elena. He realizes that she might listen to Damon since she has been leaning on him more for support lately. Damon knew exactly where to find her. He tried to talk sense into her but Jeremy has to hurry up and kill a vamp before she dies.
Over at Tyler’s they are wishing Chris well since he is leaving free from Klaus. He opens the door to leave and Klaus is there and said “Going somewhere?” Klaus knew that Chris didn’t follow orders to keep his eye on Elena. Tyler and Hayley both tried to cover for him but Klaus just told him to leave. He walked right into Jeremy and Stefan. Jeremy had an axe and he used it without hesitation. Tyler and Hayley are shocked, especially when they see Jeremy was the killer. RIP Chris.
Elena is free from the hunter’s curse but the sun starts to come up and she begins to sizzle. Damon grabbed her and they jumped into the water. Cut to Elena waking up in her bed, and Damon told her he got her daytime ring out of the water (even though vampires hate to swim). Elena is so thankful, she grabs Damon’s hand. Before anything else happens, Damon takes the high road (something I never thought I would ever say about Damon) and tells her that Stefan might have lied to her, but everything he did was for her. He tells her that there might be a cure for vampirism and Stefan wanted to save her.
Elena goes to Stefan and although she knows he had her best interest at heart, things are different. Her feelings for Damon have heightened and things have changed for them. She admits it to Stefan and he understands, but can’t go along with it. “I can’t do this anymore, Elena,” Stefan said. Elena nods and they were sad, but they broke up. I was surprised that this would be the end after all they went through, but Elena and Stefan are over (score for Delena fans).
Back at Tyler’s place, Tyler and Caroline have a misunderstanding. Caroline tried to explain why she told Klaus about how to save Elena but he felt betrayed by her. Yes, it was important to save Elena but they had to trade one friend for another. Caroline started to say Chris wasn’t a friend but Tyler cut her off. Chris was his friend and a member of his pack that he promised to look out for. And if that wasn’t enough, the way she convinced Klaus to kill a hybrid was by agreeing to go on a date with him. Wow! Tyler is pissed and it looks like they might be headed to Splitsville too.
Bonnie is hanging with Professor Shane and he tells her that when the new hunter completes his mark, she had to bring the hunter to him. He stressed that he was the only one who could help him (I really don’t trust this guy).
Over at the grill Matt tells Damon that he did some research on the fire and found out some interesting facts. Damon is mildly interested so he listens. Matt said that April’s Dad called the same number everyday for the last month and 10 times on the day that he died. He pulled the phone records and traced the number. Guess who it was? Professor Shane. Aw snap.
What do you think Professor Shane is up to? Do you think Jeremy will go on a Vamp killing spree now that he is a hunter? Is Elena going to jump at the chance to get with Damon (I totally would)? So many questions! Let me know what you think in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Wednesday nights at 8/7 on the CW.