SUBURGATORY Recap: The Wishbone
It’s Thanksgiving in Chatswin and Tessa doesn’t know how to tell George she wants to spend Thanksgiving in the city with her Grandmother and her Mom, who is flying in for the holiday. She ends up telling him over lunch and while he tries to act like it is fine he’s clearly hurt.
At the Royce house Daliah wants a Caribbean theme for Thanksgiving this year, which as far as she is concerned means using the word “mon” a lot.
Daliah: Sorry me mashed potatoes be so clumpy mon.
She has such a grasp of other cultures, doesn’t she? Dallas bursts in, fires Chef Allen and says they are going to rally around George this year, make their own tradition. Her idea is to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I’d love to know the last time that woman was in a kitchen doing any sort of cooking, but it’s the thought that counts and she wants George to be so occupied he isn’t thinking about Tessa not being there.
Over at the Shay’s they are shucking corn, snapping green beans and getting ready for their Thanksgiving. Malik is helping out and when Sheila decides they need some music they all start dancing to Groove is in the Heart by Deee Lite, all except Lisa who doesn’t find any of this amusing. Sheila invites Malik over to dinner and when he accepts, much to Lisa’s dismay, Sheila says, “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” I’m hard pressed to find slight racism or overt stereotyping funny but this is so over the top I can’t help but laugh.
In the city Tessa is arriving at her Grandma’s apartment. She is a little hesitant to meet her Mother for the first time but rings the bell anyway. Her Grandma answers saying her Mother isn’t there yet she is sure she is coming but she is having trouble getting a hold of Alex.
Across the street Chef Allen and the counselor have arrived at the Altman’s to join Noah, Dallas and George for dinner.
More awkwardness is ensuing over at the Shay’s. Malik is in the bathroom just stepping out of the shower, he wanted to shower and change into dress clothes for dinner, when Shelia walks into the bathroom.
Reasons why it isn’t uncomfortable for either of them
Shelia keeps her eyes locked on his eyes
Shelia took an art class in college where she sketched nude models one whom was Armenian
Malik has a white female pediatrician about Sheila’s age
Malik was born naked
Lisa isn’t that calm, she comes upstairs sees this and screams.
Tessa and her Grandmother are still sitting at the table waiting for Alex to show. Tessa says she is going to head home, this must not have been meant to be. Tessa is really hurt by this, for obvious reasons.
Back in Chatswin the doorbell rings and George opens the door to find Alex. She smiles, sees Daliah behind him, mistakes her for Tessa and gives Daliah a big hug. Daliah doesn’t correct her because Alex calls her beautiful.
George pulls Alex into the kitchen explaining Tessa is in New York waiting for her. As all of the guests look on as Alex sits on the floor, empties her purse and looks for the fax her Mother sent her about where Tessa was going to be. Yeah, a fax. Alex has a slight breakdown laying on the floor and crying.
Now it’s Dallas’s turn to pull George into the kitchen. Dallas thinks George is being too cold, Alex is obviously sorry she made a mistake. George says this is what Alex does, she is irresponsible and makes everything about her. George doesn’t feel bad for Alex, he feels bad for Tessa.
Dinner at the Shay’s is progressing. Ryan calls the wishbone, he needs it for something important. He wants to make love to their neighbor. His Dad is confused thinking Ryan means Mr. Beaverman. While that is going on Lisa makes a not so subtle comment about her Mom wanting some dark meat. It’s very uncomfortable, but oddly enough not nearly as uncomfortable as some of my families Thanksgiving dinners so I am feeling right at home.
Shelia wants the awkwardness to end so she makes an announcement, she saw Malik naked. The rest of the family makes jokes about it, not Lisa. She yells this is a deal breaker and storms out leaving Malik to follow after her.
Dallas is sitting on the couch with Alex telling her how great Tessa is when Tessa walks in. She is uncomfortable and after saying Hi she takes off to her room. This wasn’t the reunion she had imagined.
A moment later George, Dallas and Alex are talking in the kitchen. Alex thinks she should just leave, Dallas tells Alex to get upstairs and make it right. Good for Dallas because George would have just called Alex a cab and sent her on her way.
Across the street Lisa is storming out of her house with Malik still right behind her. She is mad because he has gone farther with her Mother than he has with her. He tells her he can’t hate her Mother even though Lisa clearly wants him too. She rushes back inside as Malik yells, “I guess we are breaking up then.”
Alex is in Tessa’s room making awkward small talk. Alex apologizes for the mix up today and they talk about music while George sits at the top of the stairs listening to them laugh.
We pan over to Lisa sobbing in the bathroom where she finds an envelope. In it is the wishbone Ryan has left for her. He may not be the brightest guy but he is sweet when it counts.
Back at the Altman’s George is doing dishes when Tessa comes into the kitchen. She thanks George for letting all of this happen. George says he won’t be an obstacle in this, all he ever wanted was for Tessa to be happy. She assures him she is happy.
Suburgatory airs Wednesday 9:30/8:30c on ABC