HART OF DIXIE Recap: Election Night
Bluebell is still under the spell of the election only instead of annoying political commercials they are watching a chicken pick its food from beneath a picture of Ruby or a picture of Lavon. If this is any indication of how the election is going to turn out Lavon isn’t doing so well. That chicken sure seems to like Ruby’s picture. Lemon however says Lavon is far from out of this race. They have a debate tonight and Lemon needs Lavon to crush it.
Over at the Breeland/Hart practice Dr. Breeland is crankier than usual and Dr. Hart is going to try to get to the bottom of it. At the Rammer Jammer a few minutes later Wade gives Zoe his opinion, Dr. Breeland needs to get laid. He may not be a deep thinker ladies but he sure is purdy.
Zoe heads back over to the office to talk to Dr. Breeland. She starts to question him about his “medical condition”. In true Brick/Zoe fashion the talk escalates to a shouting match and a storming out by Brick.
That night Annabeth and Lemon are giving Lavon a pep talk to get him ready for the debate; it looks like the whole town is there. Including George and his new date/girlfriend chick whose name I can’t remember. I know I know…there is always one character in every show whose name I can’t remember and tonight it’s hers. She wants to get a drink with George but he has to moderate the debate. She says she will be waiting at her house for him because she doesn’t vote. George seems rather appalled.
George starts the debate and Ruby has uses nice flowery sentences whereas Lavon is one big rambling mess. This however leads way to some debate flirting the likes of which I have never seen. Lemon is looking on in anger/hurt.
The next morning Lemon accuses Lavon of being involved with Ruby. Lavon denies it but Lemon isn’t convinced. She wants Lavon to win and she also wants Lavon but she doesn’t really say that. Wade pops his head in only to be recruited by Lemon to go traipsing through the woods looking for red neck trailers so they can get voters.
Marigold and Brick burst into the office yelling at each other. Marigolds driving lesson didn’t go so well, the yelling apparently isn’t confined to the Zoe/Brick relationship this episode. Zoe comes out of her office and announces that she will teach Marigold to drive but only if Brick lets her do an exam on him.
Brick doesn’t think more than a moment before taking Zoe up on the offer.
Lemon finds George at the Rammer Jammer and convinces him to talk to his girlfriend about voting. She gets a call from Wade, the trailer he found out in the woods, it belongs to his ex-wife Tansy.
George meanwhile finds his girlfriend at the local coffee shop; he tries to talk her into voting. She agrees to vote, for him.
Wade is talking to Tansy but she can’t vote because technically she is 6’ outside the town line. He tells her to stop being ridiculous, she starts yelling at him to stop telling her what to do. It ends with her slamming her trailer door on him.
At the polls Lavon spots Ruby and wants to talk to him about what happened last night, she asks him if he was flirting. He denies, she denies, but then they do some more backhanded flirting anyway.
Zoe is doing her exam on Brick but he isn’t taking it very seriously. Zoe asks about Emily and Bricks pulse skyrockets.
Wade has George bring his truck out to pull Tansy’s trailer 6’ over so she can vote. George seems reluctant since the last time he got in the middle of anything to do with Tansy and Wade he was shot in the leg. Wade tells him to suck it up and help him. Tansy sticks her head out and threatens George’s life if he touches her trailer.
Back at campaign headquarters Lemon tells Lavon she told some undecided voters he would do yard work for them oh and paint a fence or two. Lavon says that is buying votes and he won’t buy votes. Lemon says he better figure out a way to get the votes then or Ruby will be sticking around. Lavon thinks that is all Lemon cares about getting rid of Ruby. I would like to remind Lavon that that is exactly what Lemon cares about. That was the whole point in her becoming his campaign manager. To beat Ruby. Lemon says she has had enough and she quits.
Zoe and Marigold are having their driving lesson. It is not going well. Like Alicia Silverstone in Clueless bad.
Still over in the woods George and Wade are “discussing” moving Tansy’s trailer. George says it is kidnapping and Wade thinks it is only 6’ so what’s the problem. George does want Tansy’s vote for Lavon so he talks to Tansy. Her excuse is she can’t go back to Bluebell, too many memories. The woman is on the outskirts of town in the woods but that doesn’t seem to be registering with her. Tansy is also mad because Wade knows she has her cosmetology license and he didn’t once ask her if she would cut his hair. George offers to let her cut his hair. I’m thinking this isn’t going to end well for poor sweet George and Lavon better win after all this trouble.
Annabeth finds Lemon at the Rammer Jammer drinking in the middle of the day, how far she has fallen. Annabeth wants Lemon to go back to work for Lavon because with Ruby gone she might actually have a shot with Lavon. Lemon says she can’t do that, she comes clean with Annabeth about liking Lavon. She goes as far as to tell Annabeth she and Lavon were in love once and she might still be.
Lemon says she doesn’t think Lavon still feels the same way. Annabeth, the best possible friend, is very understanding.
Tansy is cutting George’s hair while talking about Wade. She tells him they fought from the very beginning. They thought it was passion but it was really just dislike. Sometimes you want something to work so badly you ignore the signs. George seems to be taking this to heart. He doesn’t have time to think about it too much though because Wade hooks up the trailer and takes off. This of course jolts the trailer and causes Tansy to shave a big old section of George’s hair clean off.
At the office Zoe finds Brick checking his phone for what must be the 100th time this episode. She asks him if he is waiting for Emily to call. Turns out he is. He has been waiting for three days. She sends a text saying, “Call U soon” but then she doesn’t call. Brick thinks Emily has broken up with him, or is seeing someone else. Zoe tells him to stop torturing himself and the others in his life and go to North Carolina to talk to Emily.
There is only one minute left to vote though so Brick quickly fills out his absentee ballot before catching a flight to North Carolina.
Tom runs into the Rammer Jammer to announce, it’s a tie! I guess Zoe should have turned in Bricks vote before giving Marigold’s driving lesson.
According to Bluebell bylaws there is a recount, a duel with a club or pointed stick and then the chicken decides. That’s right, the chicken. Lemon can’t have this. Annabeth tells her to go tell Lavon how she feels before the chicken decides who is mayor so if Ruby does stay he will know how she feels before they are stuck with Ruby there all the time.
Wade finds Lavon at home; he doesn’t want to watch a chicken pick the mayor. Then again if the chicken does pick him, Ruby will leave town and Lavon doesn’t want that either. Wade’s advice is to tell Ruby how he feels before the chicken picks the mayor. Sound familiar? Lemon rushes in to talk to Lavon but he says there is something he has to do and he leaves her standing in the doorway.
The whole town is gathered around the chicken, all except Zoe and Marigold who are mid driving lesson with Brick’s ballot. George’s girlfriend finds him in the crowd, she tells him she voted…for Ruby. He gets upset and she says they need to call this relationship now before it gets any worse. George, recalling Tansy’s advice agrees.
Lavon pulls Ruby aside; they both admit they were flirting with each other and do some longing stares.
Zoe however has finally gotten to the chicken shindig, she has Bricks ballot to turn in, which stops the chicken from choosing. Bricks vote put Lavon over the top; he is still the mayor of Bluebell.
The whole town turns to see him kissing Ruby in the parking lot of the town square. Lemon is devastated but the rest of the town claps.
Ruby proposes a toast to the mayor and the town celebrates. Well everyone but Lemon. Lavon finds her at his house collecting her things from the campaign. He has a present for her for all her help. It’s a candle. Not what she wanted, but she thanks him anyway before leaving.
Wade and Zoe are in bed talking about Brick and the mayoral race. It’s a cute little moment between them and I don’t just mean because Wade is shirtless.
Meanwhile George is helping Tansy set her trailer back up. They have a moment of their own as we fade to black.
Hart of Dixie airs Tuesday 8/7c on CW