REVENGE Recap: Illusion
This week the Hamptons are all abuzz with making plans. Conrad and Victoria plan their nuptials, a very public show…or spectacle, depending on how you look at it. Amanda and Emily work equally hard on planning a cover story to throw Mason Treadwell off their trail. Emily has other plans for Treadwell, too, but first things first.
All of the Grayson’s are busy with wedding plans. Charlotte is a little less than enthusiastic, she doesn’t even want to attend the publicity stunt. Daniel is excited, however, he’s biding his time waiting for the right moment to strike and take his father’s place leading the company. His plans to go after Nolan’s company, however, are temporarily stalled, since the government long ago confiscated any paperwork the company had on David Clarke. Daniel isn’t likely to get far with his hunt, anyway, because his is one of Emily’s favorite channels on the security network, and she knows every move he makes.
Kara is playing cat and mouse games with Victoria, trying to feel her out about what may have happened to Gordon. When Victoria talks of how heartless he was, Kara flashes back to a tender moment between them. She still isn’t’ revealing to anyone her exact relationship with Gordon, but she’s on a mission to find out what happened to him. During a conversation on the beach with Emily, she alludes to the fact that the Grayson’s will eventually get what’s coming to them. Somehow, I get the feeling she means it.
Emily’s plan to get rid of Mason starts with also getting rid of Gordon’s body, which has been kept on ice waiting for just such an occasion. She moves his body to a small trailer, carefully constructing a crime scene, then has Amanda meet with Treadwell and gives him information supporting her claim that she had surgery to remove the scars on her back. She also plants the idea with him that Gordon may have been blackmailing Conrad, because she saw them arguing at the house last summer. When Treadwell traces the phone number that Amanda gives him, it leads him straight to the trailer and the rather decomposed body of Gordon. Amanda, meanwhile, tells Emily that if her plan to get rid of Treadwell doesn’t work, she’ll take care of him herself. She won’t allow anyone to threaten the family she has built.
After Treadwell brings the police into the equation, the evidence leads them straight back to Conrad. His monogrammed cufflink on the floor was a big help, courtesy of Emily. They search his car while the oblivious Grayson’s party inside to celebrate the wedding. They find the gun used to kill Gordon, exactly where Emily had hidden it in the trunk. Conrad is arrested during the wedding reception, and the party is over.
Declan’s “victim” turned business partner, Kenny Ryan, is getting more and more involved in the running of the business. When he wants to cut their liquor supplier off and provide cheaper liquor himself, Jack and Declan don’t question it. He’s giving them news that helps them financially, why question him? Their old supplier warns them that they should know who they are doing business with, no legal supplier could offer such low prices. The boys just keep digging themselves deeper and deeper. Declan later visits Charlotte to check on her, and they end up kissing after she tells him the only time this past years she’s been happy was with him. Charlotte doesn’t make good decisions either, so perhaps she and Declan really are meant for each other.
Victoria isn’t exactly sympathetic when she visits Conrad in jail. She tells him he sealed his fate when he helped the Initiative do the unthinkable to David. Later, it’s the Initiative who ultimately gets Conrad out of jail. He doesn’t know what price he will have to pay for the favor, and tells Victoria that by the time he does know it will probably be too late.
Treadwell approaches Victoria, making insinuations and threats about exposing her kidnapping as fiction, exposing her big motive for wanting Gordon dead. While trading barbs, he comments on Daniel taking a step down from Emily and now dating the help. Victoria brushes it off, revealing Emily’s history in the juvenile justice system. Treadwell is suddenly ready to leave, Victoria has shown him the light, and all makes sense to him now. He goes home and works on a story chart, realizing now the common denominator between Amanda and Emily is that they spent time in the same juvenile detention center. He’s getting very close to the truth.
Jack sets a romantic scene on the boat for Amanda. He talks about “their” childhood, and he wants to let her know he’s there for her. He proposes, and she says yes. Meanwhile, Aiden and Emily have their version of a romantic evening at her house…sipping wine and spying on Grayson’s. They learn that the Initiative sprung Conrad from jail. Aiden tries to turn things to a more romantic scene, and tells Emily he’s changed. She is hesitant and thinks he should leave. He relents, for now, but tells her he won’t give up on her.
Revenge airs Sunday’s at 9/8c on ABC.