This episode opens with a flashback scene to 1100 A.D., and a witch marked five men (who happened to be shirtless…yowza) with swords and tattoos like Connor’s. In present day, Stefan and Damon are going through Connor’s things, looking for a supernatural handbook. They want to find out what Klaus was referring to when he said the hunter was a member of “The Five.”
Klaus tells Rebekah that the brotherhood of the five still exists hoping she will work with him. But he was wrong. It peaked her interest, but she doesn’t want to have anything to do with her brother. He comes home to find Stefan looking at Connor chained up. Stefan said “I was going to take him but I figured you went through such trouble to truss him up in your red room of pain” (Nice Fifty Shades of Grey reference. Fingers still crossed that Ian Sommerhalder gets to play Mr. Grey). Klaus told Stefan that Connor didn’t give up any information on the fire or the so called evil that is headed their way. After questioning, Klaus told Stefan that The Five was a brotherhood of highly skilled vampire hunters that he ran into in the 12th century in Italy. Rebekah fell in love with one of The Five and he told her all their secrets. That is why Klaus wants to make peace with her and wants Stefan to help get her on board. He warned Stefan that Connor held the answer to all of Stefan’s prayers.
Rebekah comes to dinner and after a little bickering, Klaus finally gets to the good stuff. He tells the story about Alexander, the hunter that Rebekah fell in love with, and how they have a weapon that no vampire can survive. The tattoo that the hunters have is a map to this weapon. Since Jeremy is the only one who can see the tattoo, Klaus threatened him to draw the tattoo.
After attending a college course about witches (taught by a friend of Bonnie’s), Elena, Bonnie, and Damon went to a Murder House frat party. Elena sees a guy drop a pill in a girl’s drink and figures he should be her practice victim. She bit him, compelled him and didn’t kill him! Score for Elena! She felt great and now she wants more which seems like it might take a turn for the worse.
Jeremy was drawing Connor’s tattoo and Connor accused him of setting him up. Jeremy asked him why he was the only one who could see the tattoo. Connor told him that there was a guy he served with in Iraq that had the mark. He told Connor that he felt it was in his DNA to kill vampires and, like Jeremy, he was the only one who could see it which meant he was a potential hunter. He lost track of the guy and one day the tattoo just showed up on his hand. The more vampires he killed the more it spread across his body like it was trying to tell him something.
In a flashback scene, Alexander tells Rebekah that the key to reading the tattoo is the sword. While they were kissing he stabbed Rebekah with a dagger. Flashback to present where Klaus tells Stefan that Alexander put them all down after he stabbed Rebekah. Lucky for him the dagger didn’t work on him because of his werewolf side. Of course Klaus killed Alexander and yelled at Rebekah to tell him what Alexander promised her. He told her that the map would lead them to the secret weapon and that secret weapon was a cure for vampirism (Say what? I did not see that coming!).
Klaus told Stefan that after they killed the hunters, the marks disappeared and there was no whisper of the five for 900 years until Connor showed up. Klaus and Rebekah got into it again over her bad choice in men and she left. Klaus told Stefan that she knows where the sword is and wants him to get that information out of Rebekah. He knows Stefan would want to cure Elena (and so does he so he can continue to make his hybrid family). So it looks like they are working together on this one.
Bonnie met with her professor friend who kept some of her Grams belongings. He asked if she practices magic like Grams did, but she doesn’t because of consequences. He told her there are other ways to practice magic if she is interested (sounds like a date to me).
Elena and Damon are having fun at the party dancing, biting and compelling people. Then they start dancing with each other and things start to heat up until Bonnie sees them and Elena is ready to leave.
Jeremy gave Klaus the drawing of the tattoo and Klaus said it wasn’t finished. Jeremy told him what Connor said about it spreading when he killed more vampires and he let him go.
Stefan called Rebekah over and she told him that she used to want the cure. Stefan wants the cure for Elena before she ever kills anyone because he believes that once she turns off the humanity switch they will never get her back. She told Stefan she envied their love because she truly believed that Alexander loved her. Stefan told her if it meant that he and Elena could have children together, live and be buried together then he would take the cure. She told him she wanted to help him but did not want to give Klaus anything he wanted. She confided in Stefan that she laid Alexander to rest at the church where they were to be married with the sword. She immediately realized that was the piece if information he was looking for and Klaus came out with a dagger to validate it. Stefan apologized to her and she taunted Klaus to look her in the eye and do it. Well he didn’t look her in the eye, but he stabbed her.
Klaus has a plane waiting so he can get the sword. The Hybrids are keeping an eye on Connor and Stefan is to hide Rebekah’s body where no one can find her and make sure Jeremy forgets everything he heard. Klaus warns that Stefan can tell no one about the cure or it could mean all of their deaths. He told them it was just the two of them in this together. Stefan promised not to say a word.
Damon and Elena got home and she apologized for letting things heat up at the party. She told him that she thinks he is right about how vampires are supposed to be, but she hates feeling that way. Damon says she doesn’t want to be like him. Right when she was going to respond, Stefan opens the door and interrupts (dang Stefan and his bad timing). Damon left and she told Stefan that she learned to feed without hurting anyone but he was right about one thing. She got caught up in it. She is becoming someone she doesn’t want to be and can’t live like that. Well if they find the cure she might not half to.
One of the Hybrids has some food for Connor and as soon as he turns his back Connor wraps a chain around his neck. He basically chokes him until his head comes off. Then we see his tattoo spread across his shoulder. Wow! Connor is one bad ass that should not be messed with! Then he shows up at the professor’s office (Bonnie’s friend) and the professor said “Shouldn’t you be in Mystic Falls killing vampires?” and Connor replied, “Why the hell did you send me there?”
OMG! What an episode! Every week packs a serious punch! Do you think there really is a cure? What is up with the Professor and Connor? Do you think Jeremy is marked to be a vampire hunter? So many questions! Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!
The Vampire Diaries airs on Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.