REVENGE Recap: Intuition
Emily goes to Aiden with her suspicion that he accidentally located her mother, Kara, while hunting down the flight recorder. She then plays the phone message her mom left for White Hair. Aiden isn’t sure that finding her mother is necessarily a good thing, she has no idea what else she will find when she does. When he leaves her, though, he goes back to the motel and finds Kara again. He changes his tactics this time, telling her that he was working with Gordon and he’s there to help. She appears to be buying it, until the moment his back is turned. She shoots him with a taser and straps him to a chair. Last week it was Emily hitting him over the head and now this, he needs to learn not to turn his back on Clarke women.
Amanda packs her bag and leaves Jack. If he isn’t committing to her, she isn’t hanging around. She and her baby are a package deal, and he can’t have one without the other. He seems distressed over her departure, but doesn’t have much time to dwell on it because of more pressing matters. Mainly, the bar is still not passing inspections, and his brother is still an idiot. It turns out that the ominous “victim” of Declan’s crime spree isn’t so much a victim as a puppet master. He and Declan’s newfound criminal friend are working together, and their target seems to be getting the bar for cheap. He’s pressuring Jack to pay for the items stolen, or else he will need to turn Declan in to the police. The code inspector is working for them, as well. Jack just can’t seem to catch a break.
Victoria is practically drooling over thoughts of getting her hands on David’s journal after Charlotte tells her about it. She invites Amanda over for a little chat, and when bribes don’t work, she invents an impromptu baby shower to give her a second run at coercing her. Emily watches over the entire encounter, thanks to Nolan hacking security cameras the Grayson’s have just had installed, and she is all for the shower because she too wants a second chance at uncovering information. Despite Amanda’s resistance, Emily pushes her to attend.
Padma is also doing some pushing this episode. She pushes Nolan to deal with his father’s passing. Nolan didn’t even know about it, he and his father have been estranged for years. They go to his father’s storage unit, and inside find evidence of almost everything Nolan ever did in his life. Nolan is clearly moved by his father having kept all these mementos of his life. During the sentimentality of the moment, Nolan and Padma share a kiss, and the two seem to be developing a genuine bond. Later, Padma discovers the cancelled check from David Clarke’s initial investment in Nolan’s company. Considering all David was accused of, there are bound to be some repercussions from this during Nolan’s big audit.
Daniel is finally catching on that his girlfriend’s loyalties lie more with his father than with him. He is still applying his lessons learned from the Emily Thorne school of revenge, but seems to be a quick study. He keeps what he knows to himself, for now, but uses it to turn the tables and set his own plans in motion.
At the baby shower from hell, Amanda tries to make things more interesting by bringing some of her stripper friends. While they cause a bit of a distraction by…well, by being themselves…Amanda and Victoria have another little chat. Victoria includes a generous check with Amanda’s gift, still trying to obtain those journals. Amanda offers the journal for a price, she wants information about Kara. Victoria claims that Kara had tried to kill Amanda, that’s why David kept her away from the child, but Amanda doesn’t believe her. The check Victoria gave her is proof that Victoria visited Kara before she disappeared, she wrote the name Clarke on both the check and the visitor registry. When Amanda and Victoria have a brief struggle over the documents, Amanda loses her footing and falls from the balcony. Everyone rushes to help her, and she is quickly rushed to a hospital, but it doesn’t look good. The baby is delivered early, and Amanda remains in a coma.
Kara may prove herself a force to reckon with. Aiden struggles to free himself from the constraints Kara left him in, then phones Emily to warn her that her mother is on her way and she’s dangerous. Emily wanders to Amanda’s room to check on her, and stops at the doorway when she spots her mother sitting by Amanda’s side caring for her “daughter.” The memories flood back to her and Emily recalls Kara trying to drown her when she was a toddler. A rare thing happens, Emily is shaken and makes a hasty retreat. She goes back to her beach house, where Aiden catches up to her. He comforts an obviously distraught Emily, who finally breaks down and cries in his arms.
Revenge airs Sundays at 9/8c on ABC.