HART OF DIXIE Recap: Suspicious Minds
I want to start off by thanking the writers for beginning this episode with Wade shirtless. It’s shallow but I just don’t care, I like looking at him sans shirt.
Looks like Zoe is really getting into this casual sex thing, the cute part is they are role playing…strangers on a train, WWII pilot and Air Force Medic to name a few.
Enough about them, for now, Lemon is showing Magnolia and Brick her house boat. It’s all fixed up and Lemon-ized. Lemon seems worried her Dad won’t be able to handle things around the house while she is gone. Which I find amusing, she isn’t gone, she is on the water which is still in BlueBell.
The next morning Zoe is sharing her active “athletic pursuits” with Lavon, I feel bad for him but Zoe says this is all his fault she doesn’t have any girls to talk to this stuff about. Ruby was going to be her first BlueBell girlfriend and since Zoe is Team Lavon now she and Ruby can’t be friends.
At The Rammer Jammer George is confiding in Wade that he doesn’t know how to break up with a girl without hurting her feelings and because George is a nice guy this means he is still going out with the girl he met at BlueBell-Palooza, even though he doesn’t like her.
What’s next is some knowledge I’m not sure I’ve ever heard spelled out quite like this, see below:
The Compliment Sandwich
Bread = Flattery
Meat = The break up
Bread = Flattery
George is going to give it a try.
Zoe is treating Ruby at the doctor’s office. Zoe says Lavon is her best friend but Ruby says they need to be friends as well. They will just talk about boys and shoes. Also Ruby has a cousin coming into town and she wants Zoe to meet her. Zoe isn’t so sure about that either.
Back at The Rammer Jammer, which doesn’t seem like the best place for campaign strategy, Lemon is going over her ideas for Lavon. She is gung-ho and that is putting it mildly. Lavon tells her she can’t be his campaign manager, he apparently never hired her. Lemon, as usual, isn’t dissuaded and Lavon as usual is a pushover so Lemon is going to run his campaign.
The night Zoe is literally ready to play doctor, skimpy outfit, thigh highs, etc…she heads over to Wades to find him with another girl. She is not happy. I’m wondering what she thought no strings attached casual sex meant.
What does Zoe do the next morning? Tell Lavon of course, who isn’t comfortable with any of this. She says she is going to find someone who does want to hear it.
Lemon is at The Rammer Jammer when Ruby gets there. Cue catty banter and a grand exit.
Magnolia and Brick aren’t doing as well without Lemon as they thought they would. They are out of groceries and clean dishes, but oh they are going to handle it.
Zoe is complaining about Wade’s sexcapades with Ruby, she is upset enough that she decides to go out on a date with Ruby’s cousin, Zach.
Zoe gets home to find Wade there. He makes a comment about getting together later so she does what any girl would do, she flaunts her date. He seems unaffected much to her dismay. So Zoe does the only other thing she can think of, moves her date to The Rammer Jammer.
Meanwhile Lemon has assembled the Belles to talk about helping Lavon’s campaign. I should mention here that once again she is feeling a little nauseous. It’s been happening sporadically though out the show. I think we are supposed to think she is pregnant. I’ll get back to you on that.
At The Rammer Jammer Zoe and Zach sit down for their date while Wade waits on them. He even offers to buy them their first round. Zoe doesn’t handle it very well, of course.
Lemon and Lavon are going over the events of the Meat and Greet BBQ, but Lemon isn’t thinking right. She is thinking she is pregnant and it is messing with her focus. She starts crying but sucks it up and tells Lavon they have to go shopping for supplies.
Shelby shows up at George’s house and when he manages to get a word in edgewise he tries Wade’s Compliment Sandwich. George, not being as smooth as Wade with the women doesn’t get past the compliment. Poor George.
Zach’s date with Zoe isn’t going great. She pounds her drink and yells for the barkeep to get them some more.
Lemon and Lavon are at the store buying the supplies for the barbeque while she tries to get a pregnancy test. She can’t seem to bring herself to buy it though so she sticks it in the bags and shop lifts, except there is a security system on the store and it triggers when they go to leave. Being caught with a pregnancy test in BlueBell can’t be a good thing.
Lavon covers for her, he says the test is his, he needs it for his gator Burt Reynolds. The shop owner seems confused but accepts the story.
Zoe’s date is going even farther downhill. Ruby’s cousin is a great guy but all Zoe can do is focus on Wade. That and she is getting pretty drunk. Zach offers to walk Zoe home when Ruby shows up. She gets exactly what is going on.
You would think this can’t get any worse but Wade comes over to whisper that they are needed at the store by Lavon. Zoe in her drunken state yells out, “Lavon got arrested for shoplifting?” This makes Ruby very happy.
At the Breeland house, Magnolia has turned all of the whites purple and Bricks dinner tastes like “cat’s butt”. Magnolia says they need to make Lemon come home.
Brick and Magnolia are plotting a way to get Lemon back. They decide trickery is the best way to handle it.
George is still stuck talking to Shelby when his phone rings. Wade tells George what happened at the store. They are piecing together that the test was obviously for Lemon.
Zoe tracks down Ruby and asks her to not tell anyone about Lavon. Too late she already leaked it to the BlueBell paper. Ruby is apologetic but she isn’t really sorry. Zoe feels betrayed and she can’t forgive Ruby and be friends.
Lavon and Lemon are on her house boat talking about what Lemon is going to do. What I think Lemon should do is take the test. For the love of all that is good, she doesn’t even know if she is pregnant yet and she is freaking out. Not only that but she sure did drag Lavon into this for something that might happen.
Lavon gives her a pep talk that makes her feel better. Good enough to go take the test anyway.
Lemon is looking at the test stick when George shows up. She can’t believe he already knows but she doesn’t make him suffer. She isn’t pregnant. He is relieved, very very relieved. They have a drink to celebrate.
George takes this moment to remind Lemon she gets seasick, you would think that is something she would have remembered. His solution is to swap their residences. He will live on the boat and she can take his apartment, the apartment Lemon decorated anyway.
Lemon tells George he is too kind hearted, he always does what is best for others and never what is best for him. He insists he wants the boat and they have a nice laugh.
Zoe is back at Lavon’s, the paper just called him for a quote on his shoplifting incident. He can forget about the election. Zoe comes clean about how Ruby found out about the story.
Lavon: In trying to prove to Wade that you can be casual, you casually destroyed my campaign.
He turns his back on Zoe and walks away.
The next day at Lavon’s barbeque the turn out isn’t great. However at Ruby’s they are lining up to read the story about Lavon. Lemon thinks she must do something about this, it’s not right.
Zoe comes by to apologize and Lavon being a nice guy accepts. Not only does he accept he lets her talk about Wade like a good friend.
Lemon is over at Ruby’s to talk to the shop owner. She comes clean with him. In turn the shop owner tells Brick. Brick wastes no time asking Lemon how she is. They are almost disappointed to hear she isn’t pregnant and won’t be coming home.
Meanwhile Shelby shows up at the barbeque but this time Wade is there to keep George focused. He doesn’t do it gracefully but he gets his point across and breaks up with her.
With the shoplifting cleared up Lavon’s barbeque gets more people.
We end this episode with Zoe telling Wade she can’t do the whole casual sex thing, it’s just not her. However she says maybe they can work something out, no titles but they could be “casually” monogamous. He say he can do that something which Zoe looks surprised to hear. Oh and the blonde from the other night…he didn’t sleep with her, she was from the building supply store dropping off the tile for Zoe’s bathroom.
She looks quite happy to hear that and they go into his place together.
Hart of Dixie airs Tuesday 8/7c on CW