REVENGE Recap: Resurrection
Emily isn’t going to let the fact that White Hair is coming after her be a cause for concern. Nolan is concerned enough for both of them, but that’s sort of Nolan’s place in this friendship, isn’t it? He voices the concerns any normal person would have, while Emily just rushes headfirst into the eye of the storm. It isn’t over-confidence if you’re really that good, though. She is sure white hair won’t kill her.
Amanda pays Emily a visit, and as usual Emily is one step ahead. Amanda is having a paternity test to put Jack at ease and convince him he’s the baby’s father, and she wants Emily to make sure the test turns out the way she wants. Emily is there for her, for a price. She has decided her best path to Victoria is through Charlotte, so she arranges for Charlotte to meet with her “sister”, and uses impending aunthood as a way to manipulate Charlotte into staying in the Hamptons. Since Victoria wants to use Charlotte’s trust fund to get them both out of the country to start a new life, this doesn’t sit well with her. As usual, anything that doesn’t sit well with Victoria sits extremely well with Emily. Vicky lashes out at Charlotte and reveals her true colors. It couldn’t have gone better if Emily had planned it that way herself. Oh wait, she did!
The money pressures continue to mount for Declan, and he is attracting the attention of a classmate who seems all too anxious to be his friend. The guy offers him cash, a lot of it, if Declan will just hold onto a piece of jewelry for him for a few days. He knows Declan is a sucker….err, I mean, he knows Declan needs the money. He isn’t wrong. Declan takes the cash and watches his new benefactor walk away. I’m sure this is going to end well.
Daniel is still dating Ashley, who is either oblivious or simply ignoring that big flaming torch he’s still carrying for Emily. Or maybe she’s just too busy working on her reports about him to Conrad to pay much attention. Emily calls to let him know about the dirt she found on Charlotte’s doctor, and he practically throws Ashley out of the room so that he can take this important call in private. He later lashes out at Conrad for going after Charlotte this way in order to get his hands on her trust fund, but Conrad suggests it’s Daniel’s fault. After all, if Daniel had just given him his trust fund, he wouldn’t have had to do it this way. I’m waiting to see if Conrad gives Danny a bill for the time he had to spend working on this evil plot, all because Daniel wouldn’t just roll over.
Amanda and Jack get the paternity results, and it seems congratulations are in order. Jack is going to be a daddy, ready or not. Amanda calls Emily to thank her, and ask what the tests really showed. Emily tells her she’s sorry, Jack wasn’t the father. Amanda is crushed, yet appreciative. I’m guessing the appreciative reaction was what Em was going for, as we learn from Nolan that Jack truly is the papa. It may come in handy to have Amanda owing her one.
Speaking of Nolan, he has an accountant from his company trying valiantly to hold him accountable. Apparently being Emily’s sidekick is as time consuming as it looks, because Nolan is neglecting his duties at his company. The girl’s name is Padma, and she has come prepared with a list of qualified candidates to be CFO, freeing Nolan up to continue playing Robin to Emily’s Batman. Nolan will have none of her suggestions. He wasn’t someone he can control, a partner in crime so to speak. He wants her to be his new CFO.
With all her plans in a ruin, Victoria sees only one way out of the mess she’s in. She calls Conrad, who is surprised to learn she’s still alive, but goes to meet her and get the story. It’s Conrad’s lucky day, all she really wants is for him to beat her to a pulp. When White Hair shows up later and asks who did it, she tells him he did. She has set him up, and he now has to run for his life because the cops are closing in. Before he leaves, he notices the clam cam on a shelf. Recognizing it as Emily’s handiwork, he contacts her and asks for the footage. She’s more than happy to oblige, and a meeting is set.
Victoria now has to go public with the fact that she’s alive, and the story that White Hair kidnapped her. Daniel is shocked yet elated to see his mother, while Charlotte seems more stunned and confused. Victoria tells her it was her only play left. The dysfunctional Grayson clan is all together again, minus dopperganger Ashley, whom Conrad tossed out because it’s a family moment and she isn’t family. She still seems clueless that her foothold in the Grayson family is like a house of cards.
When White Hair arrives at the beach house to get the video, he has other loose ends he wants to tie up as well. He and Emily discuss the meeting between Victoria and Emily’s mother, before David’s conviction. White Hair was there as well. Victoria told Em’s mother that her life depended on whether or not she let them help her, and then led her away. When Emily asks what he did with her mother, he regrets that she will never know. He takes Emily by surprise with a knife to her throat. He tells her goodbye and is about to slash her throat, but falls away after taking a shot in the back. Emily is stunned to see her savior’s identity. It’s Aiden, the man who was training with Emily in Japan and has been watching her. He intervened just in time.
Revenge airs Sunday’s at 9/8c on ABC.