ALPHAS Recap: If Memory Serves
The team is on the hunt for Stanton Parrish and this time they are ready for his Alphas abilities…they are rounding up his associates one after another, quite successfully before getting them back to the office so they can be pushed by Nina for information.
Clay and Rosen are looking through the intel when Rosen recognizes an address. He tells Hicks about the address and sends him to go check it out. He needs back up though so they recruit Kat to go with. She is really excited. So excited she makes a video diary of the mission on her iPhone.
Hicks and Kat breach the premises…that’s right, I’m using my cop lingo from hours of watching CSI…they find none other than Sean Astin. He’s locked in an upstairs room watching cartoons. He doesn’t seem quite all there, spouting random things. He does say he is very important to Stanton Parrish though and that is enough for Hicks and Kat, they cuff him.
At the office Senator Burton (Lauren Holly) comes by, she is the Senate liaison. Of course she is. She sees Nina and pauses for a moment, an odd look on her face. Senator Burton pulls Rosen aside and thanks him for getting her neurologist the brain scans that probably saved her life. He looks stunned, looks like Nina didn’t run that by him first, he is mad. He wants Nina to push her so they don’t get caught. Nina won’t do it.
Bill takes Gary to the hospital, a place Gary doesn’t want to be. He doesn’t like hospitals, but his Mom was in a car accident so Bill insists.
While there Gary figures out what was in a shipment sent from China to NY for Stanton Parrish. The manifest says industrial electronics.
Kat, Hicks and Mitchell (Sean Astin) are on their way back from the farmhouse. Kat is still making a video of the mission. Hicks is less than amused even though it’s pretty cute.
Kat is sorry Danni died. Mitchell in the backseat of the car says “Danni is dead. I’m responsible for her death. I killed Danni.” Hicks and Kat both turn around stunned. Not good timing though because at that moment the guy that was watching the farmhouse where they found Mitchell catches up to them and starts shooting, taking out the tires.
The Alpha jumps onto the car and Hicks slams on the brakes throwing him from the windshield of the car. His neck is broken and he is dead. Hicks grabs Mitchell and Kat and heads for the hills so they won’t be seen while they try to contact back up. As soon as they get off the road though the Alpha that jumped onto the car unbreaks his neck and gets up. Fantastic.
They are walking, not in cell range, when Mitchell touches Hicks hand and shows him a memory of Stanton and Danni. Hicks freaks out a little bit. It’s really a good thing Kat went with or I’m concerned Hicks would have shot Mitchell by now.
In the office Rachel has the manifest that Gary found. It has been translated; it is more devises a lot like the flash box that Stanton was trying to distribute before the Alpha team shut that down.
Back at the hospital Gary and Bill are still at the hospital. Bill is trying to make Gary understand why he has to stay at the hospital to look after his Mom.
In the woods the three are still walking, Kat is explaining to Hicks what she thinks Mitchell’s Alpha ability is. You touch him and he stores what you are thinking about and then when you want your memory back he touches you and it is like you were there all over again.
The dead Alpha, and yes that is what I’m calling the mound of muscles that is chasing after Hicks, Kat and Mitchell stops off at a store, downs half a bottle of antacids and three ½ gallons of milk before continuing after them.
The three find a town after hiking through the woods for a bit. Hicks goes to rent a car while Kat keeps Mitchell hidden in a building out of site. Kat makes a comment about not being able to remember something and Mitchell offers to help her remember. Mitchell reaches out his hand and touches Kat. The memory of the woman Kat thought might be her Mother is actually a commercial for a cleaning supply.
At a diner Senator Burton runs into Nina. She wants to know if the people Nina pushes remember what happened. She thinks an Alpha like Nina, one who works for Parrish, might have pushed her. Nina says she has to go home and that triggers a flash in the Senators memory of Nina pushing her to go home. She gasps.
Rachel, Rosen and Bill are at the docks looking for the shipment Stanton had shipped in. They find the container but it is empty, Parrish already has the products that can make thousands of devises to boost Alphas abilities.
Gary’s Mother wakes up to find Gary sitting next to her bed. Without any preamble he says he’ll do it. He’ll move home and look out for her. I find Gary is one of my favorite characters, not only because of how different from Ryan Cartwright he is but the way he functions and the funny and sweet things he says.
My love fest of Gary is short lived though as Gary’s Mom starts to code. One moment she is talking about pudding with Gary and the next she starts seizing. Turns out she had a stroke, a small one that made her crash her car and now a bigger stroke.
Nina is back in the office telling Rosen what happened with the Senator. Rosen is not happy she told the Senator but he is going to try to smooth it over. He gets to the elevator and finds the Senator there. She confronts him. She threatens him with telling the Attorney General about his team and what they do. How dangerous they are and the way Rosen uses the Alphas on the innocent. I’m not disagreeing with her outrage but the man just lost his daughter to his nemesis…this might not be the best time.
Rosen lays it out for her, it was push her or black mail her. She helped Parrish and she took an illegal contribution for her campaign. He doesn’t think he will regret choosing to push her. He leaves her with, “My team is dangerous and so am I.”
Back to Hicks and Kat. Hicks is about to get into his rental car when Dead Alpha finds him and chokes him. Hicks’s phone rings and Kat get Dead Alpha on the line. Kat agrees to meet him to exchange Mitchell for Hicks. Kat asks Mitchell what the downside is to Dead Alphas ability. She starts to do some calculating.
Dead Alpha meets Mitchell at a lake or reservoir. Kat is nowhere to be seen though, well that is until she shows up in a big Mack truck. She runs Dead Alpha into the lake and he sinks. He is very heavy, the downside to his bones being “fixable”.
Unfortunately Kat ran the car Dead Alpha was driving into the lake as well. The unfortunately part is Hicks was in the trunk. Kat, being a down ass chick grabs a rock to help her sink and runs into the lake, heels and all.
Mitchel watches this from the side of the lake. Hicks pops his head up and seconds later goes back under to grab Kat. Turns out she doesn’t know how to swim. So really quite impressive jumping in after Hicks.
They get Mitchell back to the office where Rosen sits him down to talk to him.
Mitchell: Dr. Rosen, he’s an arrogant bastard but I like him
Rosen wants to know if Mitchell can show Rosen the last time he spoke to Parrish. Mitchell grabs Rosen’s hands and shows him. It is shortly after Danni died. Parrish is talking about how he lost another person who was dear to him. Parrish tells Mitchell he doesn’t think he made the right decision this time. He can’t let that be for nothing, he must succeed.
Rosen also finds out the farm house is a house Stanton built, he raised his first family there and it is the only place he feels like home. I don’t know if that is significant but I’m telling you anyway.
In the office Hicks finds Kat watching the cleaning product commercial. He grabs her phone and does a video message while she is sitting there. He thanks her for saving his life even if she is the most annoying person to take a road trip with.
Kat tells him he is lucky to have his memories even if they hurt, they tell him who he is. Hicks says he knows who she is, she is the girl that can drive a big rig and pick locks underwater. She records one more message, she killed a man today and she doesn’t want to forget how that feels. She doesn’t like the feeling and even though it might have been justified she is pretty upset about it.
Hicks wants to know what Rosen found out from Mitchell. Rosen says while he didn’t find out anything about Stanton’s battle plans they did find Stanton’s weakness, his deep affection for Mitchell and his love for Danni. They are going to use it against him.
Mitchell is in a room being prepped for Building 7. Hicks says he doesn’t deserve that but Rosen says it is the safest place for him. They are standing in front of Parrish’s farmhouse watching it go up in flames.
Alphas airs Monday 8/7c on Syfy