THE MINDY PROJECT Recap: How not to hire a nurse
Mindy is talking about love on the train, turns out her narrative is out loud to Danny, he doesn’t seem very amused.
When she gets to the office she tells the front desk girls about her weekend and they guy she met at the bookstore. She was there to buy a tote bag, or to get a free tote bag if she can talk Bookstore Guy (Seth Meyers) into buying enough books with her to get a free tote bag.
I’m not sure if I’m a fan of this show yet or not so having Seth Meyers be the guy she meets at the bookstore is a good thing. I think he is often the only redeeming part of SNL some weeks.
Mindy and Bookstore Guy go for frozen yogurt. She doesn’t like any of the yogurts though so they settle on a pretzel from a street vendor and they decide to have dinner together.
In the office Danny has joined the conversation and by joined the conversation I mean he has a rude comment about her story.
She blows off his comment because she has a date tonight with the Bookstore Guy and he is an architect, something she seems overly excited about.
Mindy has a problem with the nurse they have, Beverly. She calls the guys into her office to talk about Beverly. Mindy found blood samples in the couch cushions of the break room labeled, “Sort comma Asian” and “Fat Lady”. Beverly is inefficient and rude. Jeremy is elected to fire Beverly (he’s the hot British one). Mindy talks herself into hiring the new nurse.
Danny is in his office playing his keyboard, he is a little upset he didn’t get to hire the nurse. He is worried she is going to hire a “Mindy” to be the new nurse, where does it end.
In fact Mindy is interviewing a lady that quotes “Sleepless in Seattle”. They have the same slightly annoying high pitched voice. Danny doesn’t like this at all and he is going to sit in on her interviews, which is okay according to Dr. Shulman.
Mindy runs into Dr. Shulman’s office to “whistle blow” on Danny sitting in on the interviews.
Jeremy is trying to fire Beverly. It’s not going well. Not at all, in fact she thinks he is hitting on her.
Back at the interviews Danny and Mindy are fighting…some more. They can’t agree on anyone. Not only can they not agree they start fighting in front of the nursing applicants.
Dr. Shulman can’t believe they are acting like this. They are acting like children, but they have one more applicant. It’s a nightmare. He wants to go by the name Ransom and he spent time upstate in a prison.
Danny: What are your strengths?
Ransom: Upper body.
This is the one candidate they agree on, he is a mess and they don’t offer him the job. The accord doesn’t last long before they are fighting…again.
Beverly and Jeremy are back in the office. She hasn’t been fired. He couldn’t do it. Mindy sits down with Beverly and fires her. Beverly punches Mindy right in the nose. Beverly broke her nose in fact. While she is freaking out about this and quite honestly everyone in the office is freaking out Ransom comes into the room and takes control. He sits Mindy down and “readjusts” her nose. It’s still a little creepy since he kisses her forehead afterword.
Mindy reconsiders and hires Ransom as the new nurse. Danny says this isn’t okay but Dr. Shulman says Mindy earned it.
Danny and Mindy are on the subway on the wave home. Danny tells her to keep her voice down. To retaliate Mindy loudly implies that Danny broke her nose while they were in a marital fight over his drinking.
She giggles as everyone glares at Danny.
I’ve decided what it is I don’t quite like about this show, and I want to like it because I generally like Mindy Kaling. The characters are all a little bit over the top, too mean, too ditzy, too ridiculous. I’m hoping this all evens out as the show goes on though.
The Mindy Project airs Tuesday 9:30/8:30c on Fox