HART OF DIXIE Recap: Zoegate
Hart of Dixie how I have missed you. So maybe I missed seeing Wade shirtless or George being ridiculously adorable or Zoe being cute/manic, yeah that’s probably more like it.
We pick up the day after the almost wedding from last season. Zoe is in bed next to a sleeping Wade, a sleeping shirtless Wade. Thank you writers. She gets a call from George but ignores it. She does however sneak out of bed.
Lemon’s friends are rallying around her while she sleeps. Of course by rally I mean they are talking in their version of Southern Belle Shit Talking.
Zoe snuck out of bed to wake up Lavon, her BFF. She spills her sex with Wade secret to Lavon.
Zoe: Let’s just say I understand what R. Kelly was singing about all these years.
She goes as far as to say she and Wade connected. She wants Lavon to decide which one she should keep. He is very uncomfortable.
He also mentions everyone thinks George left Lemon for Zoe.
Lemon’s friends are still trying to help her. Their suggestions are move to another town, change her name, take a singles cruise. Lemon thinks she is going to get her own place instead, everyone objects.
Zoe is in the main house eating breakfast when George shows up. He doesn’t waste any time, he leans in for a kiss and even admits he called off the wedding for her. It’s no surprise Wade enters the house at that moment. Wade makes a comment that leaves nothing to the imagination, George is stunned. He isn’t taking it well that Zoe and Wade were “together” and I have to admit I’m not okay with that. Up until yesterday he was set to marry Lemon and now he is upset that she slept with Wade and may have feelings for him? He keeps saying he turned his whole life upside down for her. I am again a little concerned; I’m hoping George didn’t leave Lemon for Zoe and that he did it for himself because otherwise there is going to be some major problems down the road.
Wade is shirtless again…that’s two gift baskets for the writers. Carrie Underwood’s Cowboy Casanova is playing as Zoe approaches. Seems about right. He gives her crap about being a walking country song and she tries to talk to him about needing time to think. He acts like…well like Wade…he tells her women often mistake good sex for a connection. He even rates her sex as a B or B-. That is the part that really ticks her off.
Lemon is looking at places to rent, the relator admonishes for not wanting to stay home with her family. As I am wondering how she is going to pay for this new apartment the relator voices my question. She has no job and no income and will need her Dad to cosign, something that really irks Lemon since she is trying to do everything on her own.
The town is still cleaning up from the hurricane. The old biddies of the town are gossiping on each side of the Zoe/Lemon/George debacle. As if Zoe didn’t already have enough detractors in the town.
After Lavon redirects the woman to other parts of the town to help with the cleanup someone tells Lavon Zoe-Gate might bring his reelection ideas to a halt, him being Zoe’s bestie and all. Lavon doesn’t look too happy.
At the office there is a patient refusing to be treated by Zoe, because she is a home wrecker. The patients Granddaughter Ruby says she has heard a lot about Zoe today, none of it good, so that means she likes Zoe. Zoe says that means she likes Ruby as well. Ruby says she moved away right after high school graduation and never, for obvious reasons, wanted to come back to Bluebell. Ruby just sold her cosmetics line and now she is back to figure out what is next for her. She stays for coffee with Zoe. Awww….looks like Zoe made a new friend.
At The Breeland’s, George’s Aunt Emily stops by to do some flirting with Brick. She even asks Brick out to dinner. He wants to but he has to pass, the timing is terrible. He does look genuinely sorry he couldn’t go.
Zoe and Ruby are talking; mainly Zoe is spilling all her drama on Ruby, who is doing a lot of nodding and smiling. Ruby tells her to look deep inside herself and figure out which one she sees herself with. Which is word for word what Zoe said to Lavon that morning.
George Tucker shows up and before Ruby leaves them alone she invites her over for dinner.
George is there to apologize, it boils down to he was jealous and he shouldn’t have waited to tell her how he felt. He does want to tell her he is completely done with Lemon, for sure, for real, etc…so choose him. George does smile and say a bunch of very perfect things. They are about to kiss when Brick interrupts them. George isn’t dissuaded; he wants her to chooses him.
Lemon is sitting in the town square looking for a job in the paper when Ruby comes by. Lemon does NOT seem happy to see her. Ruby not so subtly rubs in the fact that Lemon was just left at the altar. It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable but overly sticky sweet conversation I’ve ever heard.
Ruby: I only teased you in high school because you were three grades younger, you were too big for your britches and you were named after a fruit, but just look at you, you haven’t changed a bit.
(All said with a sweet giggle and a sticky smile)
At the Rammer Jammer Wade is picking on Zoe, as per his usual. She wants Wade to be serious and tell her how he feels. He says he thinks they should keep sleeping together, he basically isn’t about to fight George for her.
Lemon comes home and blames her Father for not having a Plan B, never having job, never having a plan other than being a wife. She storms out and Brick takes this opportunity to call Emily and ask her out for dinner.
Zoe is setting out her food for dinner with Ruby. At the mention of Ruby’s name Lavon spills red wine all over Zoe’s white shirt. Guess what? Ruby and Lavon dated in high school. This won’t be awkward at all.
George shows up with beer at Wade’s place as a peace offering. From across the yard they see Lemon show up at Zoe’s place with a cake knife. Lemon is only there because she thinks she is having a heart attack. Lemon doesn’t want to be coddled by her Dad anymore so she is going to spend the rest of her time on this earth with her sworn enemy Zoe.
George gets a call from the Sherriff saying Lemon was seen walking through town with a knife and he wants George to be careful. George invites the Sherriff to come on down to the carriage house since Lemon and her knife are at Zoe’s.
Lavon and Ruby reminisce about just wanting to get out of town after high school and now here they both are. They talk about their last days together. Sounds like Lavon left Ruby when he left town. Lavon is really uncomfortable.
After Ruby leaves Lavon’s Lavon comes across Wade and George. They fill him in on the situation going on at Zoe’s.
Zoe is explaining to Lemon she is having a panic attack. Lemon is adamant she isn’t having a panic attack because that means she is a mess and she can’t be a mess.
Brick and Emily are at dinner at The Rammer Jammer when Tom interrupts them. He informs him Lemon took Zoe hostage, the town overhears and takes off for Zoe’s place. The entire town is outside the carriage house to see how the first ever Bluebell hostage situation ends up.
Sherriff: Sometimes you just have to ask yourself what would John McLane do?
So clearly he has everything under control. George has had enough, he’s going in, he’s worried. Wade says George will make things worse; he is going to go in.
George pushes Wade. Wade snarks that they don’t have 15 years for George to make his move. Wade can’t help himself; he makes a sex comment relating to Zoe and going three rounds. George has apparently had it because he tackles Wade…in front of the town. It’s a fantastic knockdown, drag out fight.
In the house Zoe gets Lemon’s heart rate down and tells her she will be okay. Lemon opens up to Zoe about being a mess. Zoe says her life is a mess too, they all think she is a home wrecker AND she had sex with Wade last night.
Zoe actually gives Lemon good advice about taking baby steps. She offers to walk Lemon out. Once outside the sheriff accuses Lemon of kidnapping but Zoe says she wasn’t kidnapped; she and Lemon are just trying something new, being friends.
Lemon even tells the town the breakup wasn’t any one person’s fault, it just wasn’t meant to be. Lemon thanks Zoe for saving her life even though she will hate her until her dying day. Ahhh….Southern Charm.
The next day Zoe meets George at a café. She tells George she is sorry, he can’t believe she is picking Wade. She corrects him; she is actually choosing no one. He insists he won’t hurt her again but she reminds him he just got out of a 15 year relationship, he doesn’t know who he is without Lemon. He knows how he feels about her though. Zoe says that may be but she doesn’t want to be his rebound.
I’m actually quite proud of Zoe. It was the adult thing to do. Good for her.
Brick is talking to Lemon at The Rammer Jammer. She says she loves him but she has to live her own life. She will be okay, really. Wade overhears this and offers Lemon a job. It’s not going to be easy but the upside is he gets to boss her around for once. Lemon takes him up on the offer to become a waitress there.
Lavon finds Ruby at another café I had no idea Bluebell had. He sort of apologizes for his behavior after high school towards her. She accepts the apology and tells Lavon she is staying in Bluebell for a while.
Zoe comes across Wade fixing his car and wearing a shirt *sigh*. He makes more Wade like comments about sex and Zoe calls him an ass. Maybe they are back to normal because I like them when they are fighting. Next thing you know they are in her bed and Wade is taking her clothes off of her while she says this doesn’t mean anything, she still doesn’t like him. I’m understandably distracted again because he has his shirt off. *sigh*
So what do you think? Did Zoe make the right choice?
Hart of Dixie airs Tuesday 8/7c on CW