Recap: Parks & Recreation: “Ms. Knope Goes to Washington” & “Soda Tax”
Sorry for the delay in my recaps – real life sucks sometimes. 😉
I’ll be recapping the first two episodes of Parks & Recreation’s 5th season – so you get two for the price of one! (okay, it’s free, but still…)
“Ms. Knope Goes to Washington” is the season premiere, and we see quite a few changes when it comes to what the characters are doing. Leslie has taken Andy to Washington, DC for a visit to their respective Significant Others – Ben & April. Ben has taken April with him as one of his new interns.
Leslie is, of course, very excited to be in her country’s seat of power, and has scheduled a meeting with one of Indiana’s representatives to pitch a project to clean up the Pawnee river. She learns very quickly that not every elected official is as excited as she is to govern. She also meets a few of her role models and learns that ‘looking up to them’ isn’t just a figurative term.
Seeing the Dwyers reunited is sweet – at least as sweet as they *can* be. I love them as a couple. One of the best things P&R has done.
Back in Pawnee, Ron has taken on hosting the annual Employee Appreciation Barbeque. When I think of grilling in the outdoors, I think immediately of Ron Swanson. However, I think the writers may have gone a little over the top with this storyline. Ron goes so far as to ban all veggies – even corn on the cob (sacrilege), and he introduces the team to the actual pig (while it’s alive) he’ll be butchering.
Lastly, after Tom and Ann sobered and realized their whole ‘moving in together’ thing wasn’t working – they kept up the charade in order to prove their co-workers wrong. They also didn’t want to pony up a grand by losing a bet to the ever-awesome Donna. Of course, Donna knew anyway, and the gig was up. Glad to see that relationship go the way of the dodo IMO.
The episode concluded with Leslie back in her hometown, cleaning up the river on her own – proving she talks the talk AND walks the walk. Chris gives Ron a lecture (in the ever peppy Chris Traeger style), telling him he needs to step up, and lead his department.
“Soda Tax” – The storyline was ripped right from the headlines, as NYC is very close to implementing a ban on large sugar-laden drinks. The premise fits perfectly with the show’s ongoing mentions of the ‘fatness’ of Pawnee’s citizens. The scene where Leslie & Ann meet with Kathryn Pinewood from the ‘Pawnee Restaurant Association to talk taxes’ (who knew Pawnee had lobbyists?) was hilarious! Hearing the riffs on naming soda sizes… priceless.
Leslie calls a public forum, and the usual wackjobs show up. Nothing productive happens – as usual – and Leslie attends the council vote still wondering how she should vote. She leans on Ron, who is her compass, and votes for the tax.
Ben finds out that he doesn’t have much in common with his young interns and tries to bond with them. Fairly classic Ben Wyatt behavior – awkward and adorable at the same time. April made me laugh out loud as she played around with his insecurities.
Andy continues reaching for his goal to get a job in law enforcement, but stumbles when he learns he’ll have to be able to run two miles in under 25 minutes. When it comes to personal trainers, Chris is the perfect man for the job – so he volunteers to help the future Officer Dwyer. After attempting to help, Chris learns that Andy really wants to do this for & with April, and gives up. Tom offers him some advice I never thought I’d hear… Chris should probably seek therapy. A little deep for P&R, but not a horrible idea.
Tune in to NBC Thursday October 4th at 9:30/8:30c, to see the next episode: “How a Bill Becomes a Law”.