WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: We All Fall Down
Between this show and Alphas I may just end up crying tonight. Last week we lost Leena in the closing moments of the show. Pete and Myka get to The Warehouse to find out what Pete’s vibes are about. They try Leena’s cell phone and find it on the desk in the office of The Warehouse. There is beeping on the screen, Pete says he will take the Dark Vault and Myka take the Bronze Sector.
Pete finds the Dark Vault torn apart, artifacts everywhere, he gets Myka on coms. She is in tears, telling him to get to the Bronze Sector RIGHT NOW. He finds Myka over Leena’s body.
They get Mrs. Frederick on the phone, Pete is now crying as well as Myka. Mrs. Frederick says it was Artie that did this, there is no other explanation. Mrs. Frederick is close to tears too.
Claudia shows up and is filled in by the rest of the team. She is in disbelief.
Mrs. Frederick is still with The Brotherhood and Brother Adrian, whom I have a hard time looking at without seeing the evil Brother Adrian Artie imagined, is telling them what happened the last time the artifact Artie activated was used.
Claudia says Artie isn’t evil, he has just been whammied by the artifact, she isn’t giving up on him.
Mrs. Frederick says they are for sure not going to give up on him, but they must find him before there are any other casualties. They must be careful, Artie knows them and all about the artifacts, he is going to be hard to capture.
Warehouse 13 is really trying to make me cry.
Back at The Vatican, Brother Adrian is trying to help Mrs. Frederick and Jinx. There isn’t much on the artifact.
At The Warehouse the team is trying to figure out where to start looking for Artie when he shows up. Artie doesn’t feel like himself, he doesn’t know what has happened but he thinks the best course of action is to use the artifact; he needs to know where it is. The team is pretty adamant that isn’t going to happen and Artie starts to crack. They try to reason with him and Claudia accidentally touches him, turns out the Artie in the office is just a hologram. He wants the artifact…or else. Artie mocks Claudia’s attempt to offer him help and when they won’t help, he sets off a blast the team must go into the IRS Quadrant to put it out. The team figures Artie set the blast to destroy something in the crates in that section.
Jinx is starting to get upset at how slow the research is going. Brother Adrian found something though. It basically states that if you live the same day twice your reason will fracture and he shall live his life as two until there is only one. According to the text, the dark will eventually overtake the light in Artie and it will be too late.
At The Warehouse the team is still going over the burnt quadrant. It is from Warehouse 8 and was hosted by The Holy Roman Empire. They can’t figure out what Artie would have been after since the artifact was never housed at Warehouse 8.
Pete keeps seeing Leena…she is calling to him and he follows her to a cabinet she wants him to open. He opens it but when he turns around she is gone. He is starting to wonder about his sanity. He looks around in the empty cabinet and finds a secret drawer. In it is the research HG did on the dagger Artie wanted her to find, the dagger from his visions.
They call Mrs. Frederick and she fills them in on the vision Artie had of Claudia stabbing him. Turns out the dagger was housed at Warehouse 8, which is why Artie was looking in the IRS Quadrant for it. Claudia thinks now that they know what Artie is looking for they can track him. Claudia finds him. He is in Budapest to find the dagger. Claudia is staying at The Warehouse while Pete and Myka head to Budapest.
In Budapest Artie gets flagged at customs thanks to Claudia while Pete and Myka head to Prague to get the dagger from a museum where it is being shown.
Claudia has also figured out Arties plan. He wants a deadly orchid which is cased in an impenetrable box. He needs the dagger to open the box and then the orchid will unleash a virus that will wipe out millions and millions of people, forcing the agents to give Artie the artifact he wants.
Before Mrs. Frederick can get to Artie he escapes custody. While Mrs. Frederick is explaining this to the team Artie has tapped into their phones and hears the dagger is in Prague.
Jinx meets Claudia in Berlin; they need to find the orchid before Artie can find the dagger. They start their search where Warehouse 8 was. Apparently when Warehouse 8 was moved to Warehouse 9 they felt the orchid was too dangerous to move so they left it buried deep in the ground under where the warehouse stood. Claudia finds a trap door down underground to wear the warehouse once was. It is pretty much just an empty cave. They find a clue…maybe.
At the Czech museum Myka and Pete are talking about Leena. Myka says they are a family, they will get through this, they just need to focus. They find the collection the dagger is part of; in fact they find the dagger. Of course that is just when Artie shows up; he is very mean to Pete, bringing up his alcoholism before turning on Myka. It was a diversion so he can pull out a noose from his bag, causing all of the people in the room to start to hang from invisible ropes. He leaves them all hanging like that after getting the dagger.
Pete swings, while hanging, enough to grab an axe and cut down the noose.
In Zittau, Germany Artie approaches a guy at a café, he shows him an artifact and the guy says, “So you are from The Warehouse”.
The team all check in with Mrs. Frederick. The symbol on the rocks in the cave of Warehouse 8 is the symbol for the “Artie” of Warehouse 8. It is the guy that Artie is talking to at the café. He tells them dangerous rouge agents are after him, they must show him where the orchid is. He says whatever the other people say about the orchid is a lie. The team shows up and an artifact is set off that sends the team to their knees. Artie and the Warehouse 8 agents go after the orchid. Claudia and Jinx get into a fist fight with two of the family members while Pete and Myka track down Artie.
They find Artie and in the shuffle Artie drops the dagger. Myka grabs the dagger. She and Jinx find the orchid but Pete ends up on the wrong side of Arties gun. Artie threatens to shoot Pete; he says he is not bluffing. Pete and Myka exchange a look before Myka throws the dagger down a shaft. Artie yells NO and Pete closes his eyes. There is no shot though. Artie turns the gun on Myka and freezes time. He grabs the orchid, goes down the stairs and manages to grab the dagger. Claudia runs up to Artie she tells him it isn’t too late. Artie is meaner to Claudia than he was to Pete and Myka, if that is possible. Claudia starts crying, but she chases after him anyway. Artie uses the dagger to free the orchid. Claudia takes the opportunity to grab the dagger. She suddenly realizes what she has to do. She takes the dagger, yells” I cast you out” and stabs Artie in the chest. Pete catches the orchid but he is too late. It becomes a black dust like swarm that spreads throughout the world.
And that is the end…the worst part is this is the last episode until April 2013.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy