ALPHAS Recap: Life After Death
Last weeks episode ended as Danni died thanks to a bomb set off by Parrish. This week we start the episode with home video of Danni as a child. It’s quite sad. It gets even sadder as we see Rosen picking out a coffin for Danni.
In the office Hicks is at his desk, which seems like not a good idea. Bill and Gary check on him, he doesn’t say much and they leave him alone.
Rachel and Nina are talking about Danni’s death. They are having trouble processing everything.
Bill takes the lead, clearly Rosen’s head isn’t in this right now so he wants them to get organized and stay on top of the investigation.
Clay shows up with his guys. He is taking all of Rosen’s intel on Parrish; he is going to rip Parrish’s organization to pieces. Rachel is NOT okay with this; she reminds everyone that Rosen doesn’t trust Clay but Bill says they need their help.
Rachel runs into John on her way out of the building. He is there to check on her. He offers to get her coffee but she has other plans. She wants him to take her home. He is understandably shocked but he isn’t complaining.
In the lobby a lady is looking for Dr. Rosen, Gary tells her he is out so she leaves her baby with Gary. That’s right…she left her baby with Gary yelling how he is special before running out.
Back upstairs Nina checks on Hicks. He isn’t very responsive but before she can leave his office he tells her he wants her to push him so he will forget. He doesn’t want to be like this. She says she can’t do that. He takes out a little anger on her and turns away.
Gary shows the baby to the team. Gary looked up how to take care of a baby and he thinks he has it down. Bill and Nina seem less than convinced.
We get a flashback of Rosen in a taped “interview” with Clay. They are talking about the events that led up to Danni’s death.
Rachel and John are at Rachel’s place getting really familiar with each other when her ability goes into overdrive. She doesn’t look like she is having a very good time.
Bill is in the office going over the security tapes of the woman that left the baby. He wants Gary to find the lady, Gary says he already tried. He also thinks the baby looks like a Kyle or a Benji. I’m rather impressed with Gary’s ability to feed and comfort a baby. He’s doing better than some parents I know.
Hicks confronts Clay. He is understandably upset because Rosen warned Clay about Parrish a year ago and they did nothing. Clay says they are doing something now and Rosen gave him full access to his Parrish intel. In fact Rosen agreed that the search for Parrish would be handled by Clay and not the Alpha team. This is news to every one of the Alphas.
Gary is still looking for the lady who left Kyle or Benji; he finds a picture of her online. At the same time people claiming to be the baby’s parents show up. They came as soon as they found out that Magda took their child. Magda was the nanny, she was sure the baby, Adam, was “one of those people” an Alpha.
John and Rachel are in bed at her place…having an awkward talk. It seems very uncomfortable. Rachel says it was “good…” but she isn’t telling the truth.
At Danni’s apartment Rose is looking over her things. We get another flashback to the conversation Clay and Rosen had. Clay wants to know why so many people follow Parrish. Rosen says it is because Parrish is a master manipulator and a sociopath, preying on people who are looking for a purpose and sense of belonging.
In the office Gary is talking to the baby Adam. He is even making jokes with the baby. Gary doesn’t want to give Adam back. He shuts Bill out of his office.
Bill calls Nina to come help him get Gary to give the baby back. Gary thinks the parents are suspicious; they only have driver’s licenses, no bank accounts, no pictures with the baby, just the licenses.
Clay interrupts Bill and Nina to say they are done for today. Tomorrow they will be back as their office is base of operations for the find Parrish mission. The Alphas aren’t off the case, they just aren’t running it. Clay says they all want the same thing.
John is making tea at Rachel’s discussing what movie they should go see. He thinks they built this up too much; they just need to get past the first time. He thinks it felt like Rachel was far away while they were “together”. She finally opens up. She was 18 her first time, she felt so out of control and overwhelmed that she just shut down, it’s always been like that. John says they will get there; he wants her to feel comfortable. Rachel says he kept his shirt on so she wouldn’t see his scars so clearly he isn’t too comfortable either. He opens up about his ex not being able to stomach looking at his scars. Rachel says she thinks he is beautiful before leaning in to kiss him. Of course at that moment Rachel’s Dad comes home. Rachel gets caught sitting on John’s lap in the family’s dining room by her Father. She introduces John to her Father and then runs out of the room leaving John standing there in his t-shirt and underwear.
The parents of Adam want to know what is taking so long. Bill and Nina are trying to explain that for some reason Gary is feeling a connection with Adam. It’s something that never happens with Gary. They suggest their child might have Alpha abilities. The mother says they don’t believe in “that stuff” and when Bill suggests they call Rosen to figure this out the father says absolutely not, he doesn’t want Rosen anywhere near his child. They seem super nice.
Bill and Nina split the parents up to question them separately. Bill brings up the fact that they can’t find any information about the father or mother. The father doesn’t seem to think that is relevant.
Nina pushes the mother to tell them the truth. The mother says the lady who brought the baby to the Alphas was the lady who watched Adam at the lab; the baby has no real parents. The mother says there are about 4 babies now at the lab. Mr. Murphy told them to get the baby out of there, and if things get tricky show them who they are dealing with. That can’t be good.
The father, in the meantime, is getting agitated and threatening to call the police. Bill calls his bluff and tells him to go ahead and call them. Of course he doesn’t. Instead the father touches Bill’s arm and gives him an electric shock strong enough to knock him to the ground.
The mother then snaps out of Nina’s push and grabs Nina by the neck and holding her up against the wall.
Bill’s ability kicks in and he tackles the father.
The “parents” get the upper hand and go after Gary and Adam. Before they can get Adam back Bill and Nina come too and take care of business.
Still at Danni’s Rosen is going through an old sketch book of Danni’s from when she was a child while we get another flashback to Rosen and Clay. Rosen goes over the blast and Danni’s death. It’s still as sad to watch as it was the first time. Rosen breaks down in tears.
Rosen makes his way back to the office. Nina called him in to “deal” with Gary. Gary is exhibiting a high level of a hormone in his blood that increases a man’s instinct to protect ones child. Adam has the ability to induce production of the hormone to anyone who is in contact with him. Rosen gives Gary a dose of something that will reduce the hormone levels in Gary’s blood.
Rachel and John are still in bed. Her Father, with a smile mind you, left them so he could “go shopping for two hours.” Rachel is all smiles and she tells John she has figured out what his Alpha ability is. He of course is pleased to hear that.
At the office Bill’s wife is there, they are going to foster Adam until they can find a safe place for him.
Hicks is outside Rosen’s place. Rosen says he knows Hicks blames him for everything and he blames himself too. Hicks takes some of the blame sayig he had Danni in his arms, he could have stopped her.
Hicks says if Clay catches Parrish he will put him in prison and he doesn’t deserve prison. Rosen agrees…he is going to need Hicks’ help to make sure they catch him first.
Alphas airs Monday 8/7c on Syfy