WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: The One You Love
At The Warehouse Artie is taking inventory when Brother Adrian shows up. He starts a little scuffle that causes a few artifacts to break and the alarm to sound. Pete and Myka run to see what is going on. Pete and Myka get to Artie right after Brother Adrian escapes.
Before leaving Brother Adrian told Artie he would punish all of Arties friends and this time Artie wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Claudia has been doing some tracking/research and she just found three packages mailed to Pete’s ex-wife, Myka’s sister and Claudia’s brother. This is how Brother Adrian is going to punish them, through the ones they love.
The team takes off to help their respective friends and family while Leena and Artie try to find Brother Adrian.
In Rome Mrs. Frederick and Jinks are speaking with a priest. He shows them to a secret library, covered in dust.
In Colorado Myka shows up at her sister’s house, her sister is none other than Amy Acker. When she hugs Myka there is a huge electric charge that runs between them. Myka tries to find an artifact without making it obvious.
Tracy makes Myka some tea and in an artifact induced haze puts drain cleaner in Myka’s drink.
At the Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Pete stops by to see his ex-wife, who as you recall is Jeri Ryan. She isn’t feeling very good, in fact she faints.
In Menlo Park Claudia is at her brother’s place. She sees Josh encased in some kind of amber looking stuff. That’s right, amber looking stuff.
Back at The Warehouse Artie is loading a gun, next time he sees Brother Adrian he will be ready.
Leena is interrupted from trying to talk Artie out of this by a call from Claudia. Leena searches the database and says it could be a scroll, that’s perfect because Josh is holding a scroll…under the hardened amber.
Pete calls Myka up to see how it’s going on her end, he isn’t doing so well on his end either and now Amanda is in the hospital with a super high fever. Myka is about to give him some calming advice when she notices a knife missing from her sisters kitchen. She says she has to go.
Pete gives Amanda a hug and tells her it will be okay. He sees a tattoo on her back and touches it. It is glowing and so hot it is almost on fire. Amanda immediately feels better, but Pete looks down at his hand to see the cat tattoo there before it turns into smoke and slithers up his arm to his back. Suddenly Pete doesn’t feel too good and he starts to sweat.
Myka is on the “phone” with Artie, he thinks the hug was what triggered the artifact. It is probably something to do with sibling rivalry. This is the point in the show where I yell at the TV that they should have gone to each other’s family/friends not their own but it’s too late for that now.
Artie is walking around The Warehouse with his gun looking for Brother Adrian while talking to Myka. Pete calls next and shows Artie his tattoo. It is from a German Nazi who assassinated Czar Alexander the Second. He was histories first arsonist/suicide terrorist. Before he can help Pete Artie sees Brother Adrian. He hangs up on Pete and chase after him.
Pete gets a scalpel from the drawer and asks Amanda to cut it off of him. She can’t though, the tattoo moves every time she tries. The tattoo relocates and really starts to glow, causing a radiation detector in the hospital to activate.
Claudia is with her brother still, she lights a blow torch and holds it up to the amber covering his hand.
In Rome Mrs. Frederick can’t find a single clue as to what happened to The Brotherhood. The priest that showed them to the library says not a single member of The Brotherhood has been seen in months. They start looking for a secret panel and as Mrs. Frederick turns around Jinks disappears; Mrs. Frederick looks about and sees Jinks in a painting on the table with a number of other priests.
Tracy, Myka’s sister, is standing in her soon to be babies nursery with the missing knife. Her eyes flash green as Myka enters the room. Her sister grabs the knife and tries to stab Myka. They have a little tussle.
At the base Amanda is taking Pete to a blast shelter. He is going to go inside and hope it can contain the blast, he is glowing all over. Amanda tells him she never stopped loving him as he shuts himself into the “vault”.
Myka is tearing apart her sister’s nursery. She hysterically has her sister tied to the crib with two stuffed monkeys. Pete calls Myka and he doesn’t look very good at all. He called to tell her this might actually be the end; he doesn’t see a way out this time.
Myka says they are going to figure this out, she thinks the tattoo came on the leather box that was delivered to Amanda, not in it. Leather is basically skin; maybe he can get the tattoo back onto the box. Unfortunately it is in a place where Pete can’t reach. He lays onto the box and the tattoo transfers to the leather box. He grabs the box and throws it in an artifact bag.
Claudia has managed to crack the amber around Josh’s hand, enough to get the artifact scroll out of his grasp.
In the library Mrs. Frederick gets Jinks out of the painting by removing the frame, a frame made from the wood of the tree of life. Slowly the rest of The Brothers emerge from the painting.
Myka is the last one to get her artifact figured out. Tracy is still spewing mean things to Myka when Pete shows up. He was able to borrow a Black Hawk Helicopter thanks to the ex-wife. His first concern is Myka and if she is hurt…awwww. She isn’t hurt but she can’t find the artifact and her sister isn’t doing so well. Pete suggests they check the wrapping paper the gifts came in. Myka dumps the garbage bag of wrapping paper on the floor, they find an old cord in the paper, they cut it and everything sparks and goes back to normal.
At The Warehouse Artie has found Brother Adrian, Artie doesn’t hesitate this time; he shoots Adrian in the shoulder.
Pete gets a call from Claudia. Claudia tells Pete and Myka that she thinks Artie lied to her about knowing where Josh was. Josh told her it was Artie that set up the secret government mission he was on. Pete and Myka head back to The Warehouse where Artie is bronzing Brother Adrian.
Mrs. Frederick and Jinks are still in Rome trying to explaining things to The Brotherhood. Jinks tells them that evil that was created when Artie set time back is actually one of their Brothers.
Here is the problem with that…Brother Adrian was in the painting. Not only that but as soon as Artie bronzes him he disappears from the bronzer and is standing again in front of Artie. Artie tries shooting him again but the bullets don’t even hit him, it’s like he isn’t really there.
Leena is standing behind Artie pleading with him to stop whatever he is doing. She cries that it is just him, no one else is there. Artie looks around and Brother Adrian is gone.
Artie starts to freak out more. Leena insists Artie has been shouting at the air, Leena gets a call from Mrs. Frederick, she thinks using the artifact to rewind time has caused Artie to have a psychotic break. This Brother Adrian that Artie has been battling is all in his mind. Artie is slowly figuring this out himself. Mrs. Frederick tells Leena to leave The Warehouse right now. She doesn’t though, she tells Artie she wants to help him and when he turns around Artie is no longer Artie, he is calm and tells Leena she is in his way.
Pete and Myka are rushing back to The Warehouse when Pete gets hit with a vibe so bad he slams on the brakes. He tells Myka to call The Warehouse immediately. Myka tries to call Leena but there is no answer. We are left with the image of Leena lying on The Warehouse floor dead.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy