ALPHAS Recap: The Devil Will Drag You Under
Rosen is going over the plea deal he must have worked out for Danni. She seems quite okay considering she was just on Stanton’s team and now she is going to spy on Stanton. She is so okay in fact she gives Rosen a pep talk.
That was a flashback because now we are in the office and Rosen is explaining that Danni has missed the last check in with Rosen and has not responded to any of Rosen’s signals.
Hicks is pissed that Rosen sent Danni back in to work with Stanton and Bill is pissed he wasn’t advised about this sooner. Rachel is trying to keep the peace, it doesn’t work though and Hicks yells at Rosen before shoving him and storming out.
We jump to two weeks later. Nina and Bill are racing down the road, thankfully not in that beat up old minivan but an actual government issue SUV. Gary is telling them about a break in where the intruder melted the fence with his hand. Nina surmises it is Cornell, the fire starter.
Bill asks about Hicks but Gary hasn’t heard anything.
At the Darpa Storage Facility in Upstate New York, Cornell and two others are leaving with bags full of something just as Bill and Nina pull up. It turns out one of the guys with Cornell is Hicks. Bill manages to grab him but the last guy with Cornell grabs a canister out of one of the bags he is carrying and tosses it in the air. It opens and flashes. Whatever it does it knocks everyone out for an extended period of time. When Bill and Nina come too, three guards are dead and Hicks and Cornell are gone.
In the office Rachel is showing the team what Cornell and Hicks stole, it’s a grenade that fires off electricity. It overloads electric systems, like the human body. Set off in the “right” place and it would kill hundreds. The team can’t figure out why Hicks would be involved in something like this.
At a big lake house Hicks is with Cornell, Hicks wants to meet Stanton, he says he has helped out with some of their missions. Instead Hicks meets Agnes. She ties Hicks to a chair and takes off her glove sleeves. Agnes explains that when she touches someone it rips open their mind, she’s the official greeter at Stanton’s. It’s how Stanton knows what people are really thinking.
In Hick’s mind there are a lot of visions of Hicks and Danni together.
Nina is in the office break room talking to Gary. He is having a hard time justifying what Hicks and Danni have done since they were his friends. Nina says people do things for complicated reasons.
Back at the lake house Hicks wakes up from his brain splitting daze to see Stanton Parrish siting near him. Stanton seems surprised Hicks passed Agnes’s “test”. Hicks just wants to know when he can see Danni. Parrish says that won’t happen yet, she is being kept in a safe place until he can decide where her loyalties really are.
Looks like Stanton has been keeping Danni on a ship in the harbor. Stanton is talking to Danni about why he doubts her loyalty. She says she is still loyal but his plan involves killing people, mass murder. He only sees the outcome and like a good cult leader gives his best, “we are in this together” speech.
Stanton tells Danni the only way he can be certain of her is to have Agnes pay her a visit and Danni looks worried.
In the office Bill confronts Nina, she is the reason Hicks got away after the break in. We flash back and Nina pushed Bill to let Hicks go. Bill says it is Nina’s fault Stanton has the grenades. Rosen intercepts Bill who is seriously going to arrest Nina. Rosen says they need to talk.
Agnes greets Stanton at the pier, he wants to know what Danni told Rosen. He trusted her and she betrayed him, he can’t have that. Hicks, who followed Agnes, watches this from behind some well-placed crates.
On the ship Agnes is getting ready to touch Danni but Hicks shows up. Agnes can’t believe she missed something in Hicks’s mind. She touches his face and we flash back to Hicks at his apartment. Nina and Rosen are there. Rosen just wants to talk about Danni. Turns out with a few drugs and some “careful pushes” from Nina, Hicks should be able to withstand any “probing” from Stanton’s Alphas.
Agnes seems genuinely in awe of what Hicks did to get to Danni and gives them a 10 minute head start.
Danni and Hicks get out onto the deck and hide from a guard. Hicks can’t believe Rosen sent her in to this but Danni says she is a junkie and a liar, this was her one chance to set something right, to do good. She needs to see this through.
Rosen gets a call from Danni, he is so glad to hear her voice. He assembles the team to tell them Hicks was able to rescue Danni. He doesn’t seem too happy and that is because, via Danni, Rosen has found out Stanton is planning to use all of the grenades in one big weapon. Rachel says that if you string the grenades together and set them off at the right point in the power system a million people could die.
On another ship Stanton is talking to an Alpha who can see power flowing. He is telling Stanton the best line to use to detonate his device. Stanton in turn relays the information to Cornell. They now have a target.
Before they can do more than that Hicks comes out of nowhere and knocks Cornell’s friend out while Danni uses her ability on Cornell. Stanton’s Alphas get the upper hand and a third Alpha shows up, a girl who whispers into Hick’s ear. Hicks walks right over to the gun laying on the floor, with tears in his eyes he holds the gun under his chin. Danni is yelling at him to stop when Bill shows up.
He punches the Stanton Alpha that Hicks hit earlier across the room and into the side of a truck, the whisper Alpha is next thanks to Bill, she flies across the room. Nina gets in front of Hicks, grabs the gun and pushes him to forget what the whisper girl said.
Cornell however takes off in the truck full of grenades. Hicks and Danni give chase, the team also joins the chase, this time in their crappy minivan. WHAT IS WITH THE MINIVAN?????
Hicks of course catches up to Cornell first. What happens next is a bad ass stunt with Hicks, a motorcycle and some pretty awesome use of his ability. Cornell loses control of his truck and crashes. Cornell however gets away, which isn’t even a problem at this moment because it turns out the crash was at the target location. The truck Cornell was driving is the grenade bomb.
Hicks is on the phone with Gary who is trying to reroute the power so that if the bomb does go off it won’t start a chain reaction. That however leaves Hicks and Danni standing in front of a bomb that can be remotely detonated.
Danni tells Hicks she can buy them some time. She takes his cell phone and goes into the truck/bomb. She video calls Stanton. She tells him if he ever cared about her at all he will let this go. He says he can’t do that.
Danni: Just because you’ve believed something for a long time doesn’t make it true.
The Alpha that can see power tells Stanton something is happening in the grid, it’s now or never with the bomb. Danni is still talking/stalling Stanton. He says he doesn’t want to hurt her, please don’t make him do this. Meanwhile Gary is still working his magic trying to shut off the power grid.
The team pulls up as Danni says to Stanton, “You taught me to stand for my principles, you taught me that sometimes sacrifices need to be made.”
As the team watches Stanton actually sets the bomb off. Danni is thrown from the truck while Hicks and the team are thrown back from the blast.
Gary managed to divert the power, he is pretty excited but there is no one around to hear him.
The Alphas who sees power tells Stanton it didn’t work, Stanton cryptically says it did what it needed to do, “It has begun”.
At the blast site Rosen and the team start to come to. Rosen sees Danni’s body laying a few feet away, she is barely breathing. Rosen tells her he loves her and to stay with him. Hicks gets up and stumbles to Danni’s side. He wants someone to do something. Nina tries to push Danni into staying with them, instead Danni uses her ability to make Nina feel something that causes Nina to gasp. Moments later she dies in Rosen’s arms.
Alphas airs Monday 8/7c on Syfy