WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Second Chance
Pete and Myka are questioning Artie about Brother Adrian. They want to know what he wants. Artie says it is none of their business. He does have a ping though…a guy checked into a hospital because he was rusting. He sends them on their way.
Next Steve and Claudia show up to ask about Brother Adrian. Artie uses the metronome to distract them. He has the metronome in a filing cabinet which he gives to Steve. They are going to try to figure out how to get Steve off of the metronome so he and Claudia aren’t connected anymore. They have been doing research, and there may be a way to “get free” of it.
“To live free of this heart one must first find one’s own and make a pure start from whence ones comes.”
Artie says it is a riddle for them to solve. He tells them to go, figure it out.
Just as they leave Mrs. Frederick, Leena and HG all show up to question Artie about Brother Adrian. I’m not sure he will be able to put them off as easily as he put off the others.
Mrs. Frederick can’t believe he would take a risk like that. He says he had to, everyone was dead, HG, Mrs. Frederick, Pandora’s Box and any hope were all destroyed. Mrs. Frederick says she would have done the same, but she wants to know what the repercussions were. Artie repeats Brother Adrian’s line about an evil that he will have to live with for the rest of his days.
In Dalton, WI Pete and Myka are questioning the rust covered guy. The only guy that doesn’t like him is the owner of the mill where he works. He starts coughing up quite a bit of rusty dust.
In New Jersey Steve and Claudia are at Steve’s childhood home. Steve doesn’t want to go in but Claudia makes him. He says he had a fight with his Mom. Claudia assumes it is about “the gay thing.”
Steve: No, not that. This is New Jersey not North Carolina.
He just wants to get this over with so they can go. Steve’s Mom answers the door and is so happy to see him. She gives him a huge hug. She gives Claudia a huge hug as well before inviting them in.
At the mill Pete and Myka pull up to see the workers picketing. They start telling Myka all about the problems they have been having at the mill and how the owner is threatening to shut the mill down and lay off everyone. Just then another of the picketers starts to cough and sure enough he is coughing up rust.
At the hospital Pete is talking to Artie. They have no leads except the guys in the hospital both got into arguments and fist fights with the owner of the mill not long before they got sick.
Artie goes on to tell them the owner of the mill changed his name in 2001, Pete thinks it is sketch ball. Artie thinks sketch ball is funny and tries to riff off of that but Mrs. Frederick grabs the device telling Pete and Myka that they are grown agents and to handle it. She turns to Artie and says he is stalling.
They are at Leena’s and he is talking to HG, Leena and Mrs. Frederick about this whole Brother Adrian thing. Artie tells them his fear that Claudia is the evil. Mrs. Frederick says that can’t be. If Claudia was evil Mrs. Frederick would feel it. Artie says okay but then what is the evil. Mrs. Frederick thinks maybe Brother Adrian is the evil. He has been stealing artifacts and trying to kill the people Artie loves.
At Steve’s house his Mother is serving them tea. Claudia says Steve still drinks that kind of tea every day and if he doesn’t have it he gets pretty cranky. Steve’s Mom pauses. She says she is sorry but something about Claudia and the way she talks reminds her of her…Steve cuts her off and thanks his Mom for the tea. Claudia looks uncomfortable. Steve’s Mom asks how he has been and if he still works at the ATF. He says yes, everything is still the same. She wants to come visit him sometime and he says that won’t work. She gets up and whirls around, close to tears. She says it has been two years…when are they going to talk about it. He says they aren’t, they just need to do something in the house and then they will be out of her hair. She tells him she doesn’t want him out of her hair before walking out of the room.
At Leena’s HG says Brother Adrian being the evil makes sense. He wanted Artie isolated. Mrs. Frederick wonders for what purpose. Artie says he has no idea, just that Brother Adrian wants him to undo the day he altered but he will not do it. Mrs. Frederick is going to talk to the Regents to see what they can do. Before HG can leave Artie stands up and says he trusted her and this is not what he had in mind. She says no one understands the peril of time travel artifacts like she does; she won’t lose him like she did the other two agents.
Myka is at the Mill; she shows security her badge and asks to see the owner. Pete uses this time to snoop in the owner’s office. He is testing things in the owner’s office to see if they will spark. Nothing sparks. Pete interrupts Myka via coms to tell her there is another victim, a woman and she has never been to the mill.
In Steve’s living room Claudia has the metronome out. She wants to say again out loud that they have no idea what the fallout from this might be. He says he can’t live every day knowing something he does could hurt her. They must do this.
Claudia and Steve both put their hands on the metronome and her other hand on his heart like she did when she brought him back to life. Nothing seems to happen so Steve stops the metronome to “test” it which I think seems a little risky. It is risky since Steve almost immediately has sever breathing issues as does Claudia they both fall over but luckily Claudia is able to restart the metronome before they both die. Steve’s Mom burst into the room very concerned. Steve storms out saying he came home for nothing. Steve’s Mom wants to know what is going on.
Back at the hospital Myka is talking to the latest rust victim. Pete says the first two victims are deteriorating very quickly. Myka notices the gym bag by the hospital bed. The other victims all worked out/did some boxing there too. Myka and Pete get to the gym and start to question people. They are pretty hostile. Pete of course thinks maybe the best way to get any information out of them is to get in the ring with them. Pete does what he does best, talk. He does that while boxing with a bunch of different guys and by boxing I mean he gets punched a lot.
Pete and Myka think that while the owner of the mill is not a good guy their new suspect is the head of the labor union. He hears that Pete is asking all sorts of questions and gets into the ring. After trying to beat up Pete and being dragged from the ring another of the mill workers steps up. He and Pete start to box. The mill worker is a Marine and while they are boxing he and Pete sort of bond over that shared experience. The bonding doesn’t last and the mill worker knocks Pete out.
Claudia and Steve’s Mom are talking. She says she can’t really explain but Steve is connected to the metronome and they thought they could disconnect him. Steve’s Mom says she was hoping he was there to finally talk about what happened, she says sometimes Claudia looks just like her departed daughter, Olivia.
Steve’s Mom says it started at the sentencing of the guy that killed Olivia. (Robbery gone bad)
She didn’t see the point of adding to the suffering of the boy’s family, with the death penalty, it was enough that he was going to spend the rest of his life in jail. She fought against the death penalty but Steve felt she betrayed Olivia and he has never gotten past it.
Steve’s Mom looks down at the notebook and says the poem reminds her of when she had her kids, “From whence one comes…” She says she doesn’t think there is a more pure moment then the birth of your children. Claudia has an idea.
Myka is having a medic check Pete out. He says he is fine but his vision is all blurry and he is having trouble with all of the loud sounds. The gym has filled up for the fights they are holding.
Myka thinks she saw something when Cody (the Marine) hit Pete, a shadow on his arm. She can’t be sure what it was though. They start to question the union foreman about Cody. Cody knew all the victims and his Dad was the guy who was hurt in the accident at the mill. The Union foreman starts coughing rust and Pete gets him to a medic.
Just then Cody knocks out his opponent and Myka gets it on video from her camera. She plays it back slowly and she can see there is something showing up on his arm when he punches. But they don’t know what it is.
Claudia goes looking for Steve. He is in his sister’s old room. She wants to know if he is still pissed. He apologizes for his behavior. Claudia tells him she thinks the poem is about him and his Mom. Steve says that is too bad because then it is all over. Claudia can’t figure out why he is still so angry. He says the guy killed her sister and he just can’t understand what his Mom did. His Mom shows up at the door. She says loving her daughter and her conscious are separate. All this hate isn’t good for your soul. Steve can’t grasp it. His Mom says every day she has to forgive the boy that killed Olivia. It isn’t easy but she thinks about Olivia and it is what she would want. Instead Steve thinks about the boy every day and holds onto his anger. Steve starts to cry and his Mom walks out of the room. Claudia says she doesn’t know how he is supposed to let it go, but maybe he can try thinking about Olivia like his Mom does.
In the hospital Myka and Pete are talking to Cody’s Dad. He is there recovering from the accident. They are wondering if he knows where Cody’s new found boxing prowess came from. He says it is probably anger. When they had the accident. Myka stops him, they? Cody was there? His Dad says Cody wasn’t just there he saved his life. We flash back to the accident. The rig sparks and fails. Cody caches his Dad as he falls off the rig and is dangling way above the ground. At what looks like the last moment, Cody’s arm shows the protective “armor” and he is able to lift his Dad up to safety.
Pete asks if he thinks his son is using anything to enhance his ability. His Dad gets upset. His son is a hero; in fact he has an article next to his bed. Myka picks up the framed article and reads how Cody saved two of his fellow Marines from an IED explosion at the National Museum in Baghdad. Myka has an idea. They go into the hall and call Artie who confirms that in 2005 there was an explosion at the Baghdad National Museum where they were housing a collection of 7th Century Peloponnesian items. The Spartans and their stand against the Persians. Pete says he loves that movie. Myka looks not so amused.
Myka recalls the article which said Cody was hit by shrapnel in the attack. Cody probably doesn’t even know he has the artifact. It is inside of him. The scar is on the left side so maybe when people have come in contact with his left arm the rust spreads. It didn’t affect Pete because they were wearing boxing gloves…not direct contact.
Artie thinks the incident where Cody saved his Dad caused the artifact to “activate”. As Myka and Pete are discussing how to get the artifact out of him and how much it sucks that they have to Cody walks up and hears them. He is the one making them sick? When were they going to tell him? He gets mad and shoves Pete before running out of the hospital.
We are once again back at Steve’s house. His Mom is holding the metronome. Steve enters the room still crying. He apologizes for not letting this go. His Mom hugs him while holding the metronome. Claudia leans around to take the metronome from his Mom and it starts to glow. His Mom starts to lose her breath; they don’t know what to do so Steve grabs the metronome and throws it against the fireplace. It shines a blue flash and his Mom can breathe again. The metronome is on the floor in pieces and Steve is still alive! Sacrificing his heart to save his Mom’s was an act of pure love.
At the factory two guards are on the ground coughing up rust while Cody has the owner of the mill by the front of his shirt. He is yelling that he almost killed his Dad. Pete shows up just as Cody’s arm turns into armor and pushes the owner of the mill out of the way. Pete takes the punch meant for the mill owner. Cody gets mad that Pete won’t let him go after the owner and punches him again. Pete starts to cough up rust but he isn’t going to let Cody go. Cody hits him a few more times…which really isn’t so good for Pete. Pete keeps telling Cody he is a good guy and he needs to stop this anger. Cody finally gets it together just as Myka gets there. She is really worried for Pete. She tells Cody they have to remove the shrapnel in his chest. He says they can’t, it is up against his heart. It will kill him if they take it out. She doesn’t know what to do, but she sees a first aid kit. She grabs the syringe in the kit and fills it with artifact goo. She stabs the syringe into Cody’s scar and the goo neutralizes the artifact next to his heart. Pete almost immediately starts to get better.
Cody is still holding his shirt up, I assume it is so we can see the scar glow purple but I am stuck on his 8 or maybe 10 pack abs. I digress.
Medics check Pete out and he seems okay, even though he has a split lip and a few bruises. Pete basically has to waddle away he is so beat up. Poor Pete.
At the warehouse Mrs. Frederick takes the artifact Artie has hidden and gives it to HG. She tells her to take it and disappear. The less Artie knows about where the artifact is the better. Mrs. Frederick tells HG she can’t trust anyone and can’t communicate with any of them until this is solved. The Brotherhood will stop at nothing to get Artie to undo what he has done.
I’m wondering if this Mrs. Frederick is actually Brother Adrian with the thimble but they don’t tell us. We fade to black.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy