Nice Boys
I had the good fortune to meet J.D. Pardo in the press room at Comic Con where he was promoting the new NBC fall show, REVOLUTION. He’s the kind of guy that is instantly likable – a smile that will melt your heart and the charm to back it up. J.D. has had recurring roles in the mini series Drive, and the shows 90210, Hidden Palms, and Clubhouse, but this fall’s projects are his highest profile to date as we’ll get to see him as Nate in REVOLUTION and as vampire/human hybrid Nahuel in Twilight: Breaking Dawn, Part 2.
J.D. was a lot of fun to talk with in the press room. Throughout the interview, he was charming and humble. That is, until I asked him about his archery skills (in REVOLUTION, all electrical devices have ceased to function, so it’s every man for himself and they have to go old school when it comes to weapons). Without hesitation, and with a huge smile, he immediately told us “Ah, they’re great, I’m not going to lie about it!”, before adding that he’d take on Jennifer Lawrence (who played Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games) any time any place.
It’s been a few years since I’ve hefted a bow, but I’d happily join JD at the archery range any day, and for that, he’s our Nice Boy of the Week!