WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Endless Wonder
Pete and Myka are looking for an artifact at a mans house. He was 5’7” a few weeks ago and now he is 5’ 10”. He didn’t mind at first but now his joints are painful. Pete can’t find anything artifact related.
They call Leena and there are other people in the town that are taller as well.
At the warehouse Claudia and Jinks confront Artie about the black diamonds. They want to know why Artie is being so secretive about all of this. Artie says maybe he is protecting them.
Claudia: We also considered crankiness, senility and Arties just sugar crashing.
Jinks reminds Artie he was ATF before all of this warehouse stuff and he has already literally given his life for this job. Claudia tells Artie to stop trying to do this alone.
Myka and Pete are visiting with a lawyer who also has grown taller. Before he is about to eat a burrito covered in hot sauce he takes a heartburn pill. Myka recognizes them as the same pill the first victim was taking.
At Moorpark Pharmasuticals a lady goes into her bosses office. She has heard reports of people getting taller after taking their heartburn pill. She wants to look into it because she thinks it could be something they could market.
At the hospital there are four victims now and the doctors give them two days tops because their bodies are literally pulling themselves a part.
Myka finds the same doctor prescribed two of the victims the heartburn pill so maybe there is an artifact at the doctors office. As they walk up to the receptionist they pass the lady from the pharmasutical company.
They are talking to the doctor about the pills, finding no link to an artifact, when the pharmasutical lady pops her head in. She wants to know what is going on. She is kinda bossy and pushy, in fact she wants to work with them.
Pete thinks it would be a good idea to split up. Myka can focus on the four victims they know about and Pete can “go play doctor” with pharmasutical girl, whose name is Deb. I should mention that Pete also managed to get in a giggle when she said the word supena because it sounds like penis. Deb doesn’t quite seem as amused with Pete as he is with himself.
At the warehouse Artie must have told Claudia and Jinks a little something because Claudia says, “Brother Adrian as in Brotherhood of the Black Diamond?” Artie looks shocked but Claudia says she did some research after they started finding the black diamonds in the warehouse. Artie says they are one of the last offshutes of the Knights Templar. Claudia doesn’t understand why they are upset with the warehouse. Artie says not the warehouse, me. Brother Adrian is upset with me. Artie says Brother Adrian is trying to force him to do something he will not do. He won’t tell Claudia and Jinks what it is Brother Adrian wants him to do though.
Pete gets a call from Myka. They haven’t found anything else, no other victims so she is going to go back to the hospital to see if any of the victims can talk. That leaves Pete and Deb to do some more investigating.
What I’m about to type next happens very fast so please try to keep up. One moment Deb and Pete are flirting in the street by her car and the next they are waking up in bed next to each other. I had to pause I was so surprised. Now that I have recovered we get to see Pete shirtless and he is all cute about saying good morning and kissing her. Who knows what would have happened if Myka hadn’t pounded on door.
Myka comes in the door, not noticing that Pete is wrapped in a sheet. She starts talking about how Leena heard about a 911 call for a new victim and Artie sent over the spike from the transcontinental railroad. He figures since it pulls things together maybe it will slow down the growth. Myka stops mid sentence, she looks at Pete and tells him she can’t believe he slept with Deb. She tells him to get dressed and hurry up. One of the victims is a Christian Scientist so he didn’t have a doctor and he didn’t take any pills, so that isn’t the connection anymore.
Deb is listening to this from the other side of the bathroom door. When Myka leaves Deb comes out of the bathroom. Pete tells her it wasn’t her pill that made them taller. She says great, what do we do next. Pete says, “We?” He says he has to go. She really wants to help but he says she can’t.
Pete and Myka hear of a new victim and give him the spike to hold. He stops writhing in pain and his limbs glow and shorten. They take the spike back and head to the hospital. We pan over and Deb followed them and was watching the whole thing.
At the hospital Pete and Myka put the railrood spike in each victims hands. It slows the growth and buys them a few hours.
Deb calls her boss and tells him it isn’t their drug and she is on to something even bigger, a group of people that collect objects with special properties…she is all excited about the medical applications they could be sitting on.
At the warehouse JInks and Artie get the artifact detection system back up and running at about the same time they get a beep that Harriett Tubmans thimble is missing. It lets the wearer look like anyone they want. Claudia also was able to track Brother Adriens cell. Jinks, Claudia and Artie pull up to the abandoned house where Brother Adrians phone pinged. They plan on taking him down.
Claudia and Jinks see someone walk by upstairs…they pursue.
Myka thinks the thing that is actually uniting the victims is what caused the heartburn. They find a cooking class the victims all took. The teacher collects antique cooking tools…artifact jackpot.
They get to the school to find it was cleaned out. Myka doesn’t understand what happened but Pete does. We see Deb in a car on the phone with her boss Gil. She got there first and cleaned it out…sending all of the stuff to the pharmasutical companies R&D lab for testing.
Back at the abandoned house Artie is on the “phone” with Leena. They figured out how Brother Adrian is getting into the warehouse. He has an artifact that is, “The Threshold of Limentinus. Limentinus being the Greek God of threshholds. Artie hears something and tells Leena to keep digging.
There is a knock on the door of Leena’s place and the ever pesky Deb is there. She has questions and she wants answers.
At the cooking school Myka gets off the phone to relay that the pharmasutical company bought the whole school and shipped it’s contents to Miniappolis. Leena calls Pete just then to ask him what she should do with Deb.
Pete quips that this is the worst one night stand ever but he gets a good vibe from Deb and thinks she is a good person. He will explain that people might die and he thinks she will return the contents of the school.
Myka says she will go to Minneapolis to get the artifact and Pete needs to go home and clean up his mess.
At Leena’s Pete is trying to talk Deb out of digging deeper into this. She says too late, her boss is already on his way. He is, infact on his way, that is after he calls a Senator. He tells the Senator that the government has no right to keep these objects hidden if they could be helping people.
Claudia and Jinks are still searching the house when they come across Artie. Claudia notices he has a thimble on his pinky though. Brother Adrian or Artie pulls a gun at shoots at Claudia and Jinks who just barely get out of the way. Brother Adrian gets away only to run into the real Artie upstairs. Artie pulls his gun on Adrian.
Back at Leena’s a very annoying Deb is still asking a bunch of questions. Pete is telling her to just go away. Unfortunately right then Regant Kosan appears. He pulls Pete aside and fills him in on Deb’s boss and his talking to a Senator. Pete figures the Regents have a plan for this sort of thing, right? Kosan says they do but it is messy and borders on treason. Pete would like to avoid that.
All I can think right now is if this was Torchwood they would just Retcon her and wipe her memory but that isn’t how they do things here I guess.
Kosan proposes another solution…but it relies on Pete. Kosan wants to know what Pete’s vibes say about Deb. Pete says she is a good egg and smart, almost Myka smart. The next shot is Pete standing on the mezzanine with Deb saying, “Welcome to Warehouse 13.”
Pete is walking Deb around the Warehouse. He is telling her all about the Warehouse. She thinks it is great, think of all the things they could do, end hunger, misery, poverty. Pete says that’s the thing, what they are looking at is the smartest thing they could do. Every artifact has a downside and it is usually pretty nasty. Deb says everything has a downside. Pete wants to know why this is so important to her. She says her Dad, who was a doctor, got Parkinsons. He was brilliant and his body betrayed him. What if they have something in the Warehouse that could prevent things like that from happening again. Pete says he wants to show her something. He takes her to Mary Mallon’s Butcher Knife. He tells her this artifact could have saved her Dad but to do so you have to give the desease to someone else. He shows her a raincoat. It boosts immunity until nothing can hurt you but it turns you into a serial killer. He says you can’t tell the world about some of it but not all of it and while her heart is in the right place what about her boss. Would he always do the right thing? Can she promise him that?
Myka is at the R&D lab in Minneapolis searching for the artifact. She finds a mortor bowl with old lettering on the bottom, she puts it into an artifact bag and it sparks.
At the old house Brother Adrian is still at gun point. He says he will not stop until Artie undoes the day he redid. He is unwavering in his belief that he is doing the right thing.
Downstairs in the house Jinks and Claudia are looking for the threshold. They start to move the chairs that are in their way but they fail to see the trip wire that is near the floor.
Upstairs Brother Adrian is advancing on Artie preaching about how he is right and how he will separate Artie from everyone he has ever loved. Artie takes that to heart and tries to get Claudia and Jinks on the coms. He can’t though and the threshold falls over after they trip the wire and cause the wall to collapse. When Artie turns back around Brother Adrian is gone. Artie runs downstairs and it turns out Claudia and Jinks tripped the wire on purpose. They have the threshold and are okay.
At the Warehouse Deb’s boss and the Senator are walking towards the front door, Deb’s boss assures the Senator that this trip will pay off. They are escorted into, “Storage Space 6”. It’s a small room with knick knacks. The Senator is pissed.
At the real Warehouse Pete is telling Deb that Myka found the artifact and everyone is okay. Deb says that is good but she is pretty sure she is fired. Pete is sorry about that. Kosan shows up wants to talk to Deb alone. He thanks her for her assistance and then offers her a job. He says sometimes this is how they find new agents.
Artie, Claudia and Jinks are back at Leena’s. He thanks them for their help, but they have to be done now, it is too dangerous. Claudia says okay, but she isn’t at all done digging into this.
There is a knock on the back door and Artie goes to open it. It is H.G. Wells! Yay…I missed her!
She is the one Artie called a few episodes back to track down the dagger he sees in his vision. H.G. says she has some leads but she has a few questions too. She wants to know how Artie knew about the bomb in Skys wheelchair, the precise location. He says it is instinct. H.G. says she is an expert in time travel. He knew things the rest of them couldn’t because he had been ahead in time. Artie begs her not to tell anyone but she says it is too late, she already told Mrs. Frederick. She doesn’t know why he is keeping this a secret but now it’s out.
We are left with a stunned Artie hearing Brother Adrians voice, “Anyone you tell will be in grave danger.”
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy