DRAGON*CON: The Vampire Diaries Panel you will never forget
Last weekend at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, The Vampire Diaries cast members Ian Somerhalder, Joseph Morgan, Nathaniel Buzolic and Sebastian Roche sat down with fans for an unforgettable panel. These guys were so funny. We didn’t get much season 4 scoop, but we did get an idea of how silly these guys can be. Nathaniel and Sebastian need to be a comedy duo and take their show on the road.
It started when a fan asked Ian what costume he would wear to Dragon*Con and he said he always wanted to go to a convention wearing his birthday suit and a pair of boots (now that is a visual). Needless to say the crowd went crazy and that set the tone for the rest of the panel. Every time someone answered a question, Sebastian found a way to turn it into a sexual innuendo. It got to the point where halfway through the panel, Joseph Morgan made up a drinking game about it. He said if you go back and watch this panel on you tube and drink every time Sebastian makes a sexual innuendo you will be drunk by this point of the panel. The crowd screamed with laughter and from that point on whenever Sebastian made a comment, he would apologize to a baby that was in the audience and Joseph Morgan would say “And Drink!” It was classic.
They were asked if they could compel anyone in real life who would it be? Sebastian said Jennifer Lopez and Ian quoted a Chris Rock joke about her butt and it all went south from there. Once they got themselves together, Ian said he would either compel Julie Plec (executive producer of The Vampire Diaries)so he could do what he wanted on the show, or he would compel our president and decision makers in Washington to make some really good decisions. Joseph Morgan said he would compel the baby in the audience to forget the craziness of the panel (hilarious)!
Ian talked about how whenever anything goes wrong on The Vampire Diaries they call Bonnie in to save the day. He said they “run around for 48 minutes in an episode on the brink of death, and then Bonnie walks in, does a few chants and all is well. End of episode. Cut to black.” Joseph talked about how Kat Graham gets embarrassed when she has to do the chants during the cast read through, and out of the blue Sebastian started singing Bootylicious by Destiny’s Child (and drink).
Then they were asked if they were vampires in real life, who would they turn to be their true love? Ian answered immediately “J.Lo!” Sebastian said “Hey! She’s taken! I guess we can share. There is enough booty to go around” (and drink). Nathaniel said he was single but he does date fans and screams filled the ballroom. Joseph said he would compel Ian and that prompted some Klaus/Damon love (and drink). Then they decided to give the sign language interpreter a tough time by saying random words like “Peeing in Bed “and watching her try sign them. She did a fantastic job and stood and took a bow.
Ian was asked about playing Christian Grey in the upcoming film 50 Shades of Grey, but he said he doesn’t know anything at this time and the fans will be the first to know anything.
Ian said the episode he had the most fun shooting was from season one when Vicki (Kayla Ewell) was dancing around in her underwear and also turned into a vampire. The moderator then said “I actually casted the guys in the background that season for car wash scene.”
Ian: “I bet that was hard.”
Joseph: “And Drink!”
This hilarity went on for rest of the panel. One fan mentioned how nice the cast was with fans, and Nathaniel and Sebastian decided to run out into the audience and hugs fans. Sebastian actually ran and jumped on a woman and wrapped his arms and legs around her. The fans once again lost it! Hilarious!
Once order was somewhat restored, they were asked what traits they wished their vampire had and Joseph Morgan said “Oh definitely I wish I sparkled in the sunlight. Maybe I should just cover myself in glitter.”
They went on to discuss celebrities they have met, odd fan encounters and vampire traits and myths. Ian thanked the fans for being so supportive of the show and for supporting his charity, The Ian Somerhalder Foundation (ISF). He was happy to share that they are currently building a giant animal sanctuary and they will be taking troubled youth to help with the animals and learn compassion.
This had to be the funniest panel I have ever been in. It went by too fast and the actors were very candid with the audience. Thank you Dragon*Con for an awesome experience for the Vampire Diaries fans.
Notable Quotes
“I think Damon needs to get laid at some point.”-Ian
“I think I am more awkward than the fans. I think I scare them away.”- Sebastian
“Let’s see if we can say something Sebastian can’t turn into a sexual innuendo.”-Joseph
“I feel like Ian’s eyes sparkle though. I have to be honest with you he does have beautiful eyes. When I look at him 2 things go through my mind. He has beautiful eyes and damn…I have brown eyes.” –Nathaniel
Roxie 21 uploaded a good video of the panel. Click here to see it. Thanks Roxie!
The Vampire Diaries returns with all new episodes on October 11th at 8/7c on the CW.