WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: There’s Always a Downside
Quick shout out, if you will, to a few of the guest stars tonight. Sam Huntington from SyFy’s Being Human and Justin Kelly from Degrassi The Next Generation. I’ve been watching Sam Huntington on TV since he had a guest spot on Veronica Mars so it was nice to see him pop up on Warehouse 13.
Anyway enough of that…on to the recap.
An agitated Artie has a message from Hugo Miller. He found an artifact they need to retrieve. Artie sends Pete and Claudia to get the artifact, while Jinks and Myka are going to New Orleans to talk to a doctor (therapist) whose patients are being cured overnight.
Before they all leave Artie tells Pete to watch Claudia. She’s been thru a lot, make sure she is okay.
Claudia and Pete go see Hugo. He shows them Bobby Fischer’s marbles. You get extreme focus but with a violent side effect. Someone FEDEX’d them to him.
When Pete puts the bag of marbles in the goo nothing happens. Turns out Hugo’s nephew Brady (Justin Kelly) took the marbles with him to school. His school hosts the IMT a crosstown mental brain battle.
Hugo: Think Hogwarts but less cool.
Brady is exhibiting a side effect of the marble; the veins in his arm are pumping black.
In New Orleans Jinks and Myka are talking to the therapist. She is concerned about her patient’s miraculous recoveries. Jinks clearly doesn’t think finding an artifact that helps people get over their neurological issues is a priority. He doesn’t see the downside.
At Leena’s Brother Adrian shows up. Artie tries to blow him off but Brother Adrian thinks he found something to help them track down the artifact. He lets himself in.
Hugo is admonishing his nephew, Brady. Turns out Brady loaned out 4 of the marbles to friends at school.
At the school Pete, Claudia, Hugo and Brady track down the kids with the marbles. The first kid is found after he beats the crap out of another student. He beat him up because he wanted the last math spot for the IMT.
Pete: Yeah throw in some violent deadly marbles and Harry Potter becomes Full Metal Jacket
Myka is going thru the therapist’s case files. She asks Jinks if he wants to talk but he insists he is fine.
They find a flyer for a jazz club down the street from the doctor’s office. They are going to check it out.
At Leena’s (where it is pouring by the way – that never bodes well) Artie and Brother Adrian are looking at an artifact Brother Adrian brought with him. It’s a spur from the most successful bounty hunter in New Mexico back in the day. Brother Adrian thinks the spur will help them track the person that used the artifact. Artie says they aren’t allowed to use artifacts. You can’t rush into things. Brother Adrian pulls out all his research. Now Artie has no excuse but to use it.
At the bar Jinks and Myka are looking for an artifact that would have caused the patients to be cured. The bar is full of…crap…the bartender says there are no new pieces of crap in there though.
There is a band playing in the bar and the trumpet player Ethan (Sam Huntington) is a regular, he plays there every night. Not surprisingly he has had a flu like cold for three months now, the same amount of time the patients have been being cured. Myka and Jinks surmise someone has been giving Ethan all of the pain from the patients.
Back at the school Pete wrestles a microscope away from an angry kid. The kids are using these marbles to get a better standing in the IMT tournament. Pete has to chase after the kid and tackle him to get the marble.
Hugo and Brady find the third boy just as Brady’s black veins reach his eyes and he passes out.
Artie and Brother Adrian are about to use the spur artifact. Artie has Brother Adrian close his eyes and concentrate. While he does that Artie waves something over the spur and it glows red for a moment before melting. Brother Adrian says it is a good thing it wasn’t really an artifact. He always suspected Artie and now he knows for sure.
Back at the bar Jinks and Claudia are talking to Ethan. He thinks they are crazy to think someone would do this to him. Ethan is just going to play thru the pain while he can.
At the school Claudia was able to get the marble away from a kid before he crushed another opponent and Pete shows up with the last kid who had a marble only to discover the marble was confiscated by the Headmaster earlier in the day. Pete hopes the headmasters goal is to put on a car wash, we see the headmaster gathering chemicals though, so that’s not good.
Myka is still at the bar talking to the bartender while Jinks is spraying the goo around to see if anything “pops”.
The bartender is telling Myka that Ethan only really got good a few months back. There was an old jazz man that came into the bar and was talking to Ethan about pain making your music better.
Myka thinks he is doing this to himself. In order to sound that great he needs to feel others pain, even if it kills him.
Pete heads to the gym for the last event of the IMT, a basketball game. Pete can’t find the headmaster and before Claudia and Hugo can leave to go help him the four marble boys, who they are holding in the nurse’s office, revolt and tell them they can’t leave. They can’t shut down the IMT. They have a defibrillator and apparently plan to use it.
Artie is sitting in a diner holding his head when Brother Adrian shows up. He says Artie can’t just walk away from this, he needs to undo it. Artie says he can’t, this was the only hope. He can handle the evil that is coming. Brother Adrian says Artie broke into his house and stole from him, he will respond in kind. Things have already been set in motion and he will do what needs to be done.
Myka and Jinks confront Ethan. Ethan says this is what he wants, as he collapses. He then grabs Jinks arm and tells him he can take away his pain. Claudia can feel it and starts to have trouble breathing. Jinks tells Ethan to stop, it is his pain. Myka recovers from being tossed aside when Ethan grabbed Jinks arm and breaks their connection, but before she can she hears Jinks say he is connected Claudia.
Claudia shock guns the boys and pep talks Hugo. They can stop this. Pete calls them to let them know the school board has just entered the gym. His bad vibes are going crazy.
Claudia and Hugo get to the gym to look for the headmaster. Hugo points to a door that leads under the gym. Pete heads down there and gets knocked out by the headmaster. The headmaster is making a poisonous gas that he plans to release into the furnace. His goal is to stop the school board from making budget cuts that will hurt his school…and he now has Pete’s gun. Pete ends up getting the upper hand though and knocks the guy out. He tells Claudia to get everyone out of the gym while he tries to figure out how to shut down the furnace before the gas can get into the gym. He grabs the marble from the headmaster and uses it to focus on how to shut the furnace off. The marble works and Pete does a fun little dance to celebrate. He gets the marble to Claudia and she puts the whole bag into the artifact catching bag.
At the bar it turns out Ethan’s artifact was a cigarette case owned by Scott Joplin. Jinks says people have the right to work through their own pain. Ethan said he is 27, for a musician that is a “good” age to go. The bartender interrupts chastising Ethan, “How dare you think about leaving when there are people that love you.” Ethan can’t believe she likes him. Myka and Jinks take the artifact and leave them alone.
Myka and Jinks are talking over a beer. He is telling her about the side effect of the metronome. Myka is a little shocked Jinks hasn’t told Claudia yet. Jinks says what is best is to have himself taken off of the metronome. Myka tells him she won’t let that happen though. She has lost too many people recently and she won’t lose him again.
Back at the warehouse Artie is looking at the cigarette case. Jinks says he needs to skip a few missions and stay close to home to figure out what exactly is going on with the metronome and for the second time in as many episodes they make a Revenge comment. Claudia has it on TiVo and wants him to watch it with her. Jinks wants to know why people want him to watch that show.
This makes me smile because I don’t watch Revenge either and I have a number of friends that are always trying to get me to watch it.
Pete brings Artie their artifact. Artie wants to make sure Claudia was okay. Pete says everything was fine they got the marbles. Artie freaks out…marbles? He practically runs to the warehouse floor and finds the marbles missing from where they were; in their place is a black diamond.
“Things have already been set in motion.”
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on SyFy