ABC Family
Pretty Little Liars 3.09: The Kahn Game (Recaps)
This week in Pretty Little Liars, The Kahn Game, more secrets were revealed, world’s were rocked, and Emily Fields broke hearts (Seriously Shay Mitchell should be banned from crying on national television, she is just too good and it is too painful to watch. Someone give that girl a hug).
If you are a fan of Aria Montgomery, Rosewood’s resident OMG what is she wearing?! fashionista, then you either hated or loved this episode. For Sparia shippers it was an episode for the ages. There was arm touching, bed laying, intense looks, and oh so many two shots. Feel free to giggle with glee. I could practically hear the sobs of happiness on my twitter feed while watching their scenes together. For Ezria shippers, there was a gasp that would echo throughout time. Are you ready for a shocker? EZRA FITZ HAS A BABY! Or better yet his high school sweetheart Maggie had a baby. But Mama Fitz(gerald) wasn’t having her son caught up in no teenage baby mama drama, and took care of the situation the best way she knew how; with her check book. Maggie was paid off and Ezra Fitzgerald, left his family becoming our adorable Ezra Fitz. Ezra’s brother Wesley “accidentally” spilled the beans to Aria about this one. Somehow I don’t feel like this is the last time we will be hearing about this Maggie. Anyone want to take bets on how long it will take for her to make an appearance?
In Spencer’s world life was over because she missed the early admissions deadline for UPENN, Spencer’s dream school. At this plot point I call SHENANIGANS! No matter how crazy her life has been, no what type natural disaster or crazy murderer came along to threaten her life, I refuse to believe that our Spencer would have missed such an important deadline. Besides what was she doing with a paper packet anyway? Aren’t most admission applications online these days? Anywho, CeCe comes along and promises the hook-up on getting Spencer’s app into the right hands that could get her into UPENN. By the end of the episode Spencer gets an email that says her application has been received by the school. Anyone else feeling like these are A-Games? It was the weekend and in the middle of the night. How exactly did her application get processed? Hmm…seems really suspect to me.
Hanna goes through ups and downs this episode as she is FI-NA-LLY reunited with her beau with the I just want my fingers through it for hours hair, Caleb. But the happiness isn’t to last, as she is also told that she has to give up her blood to the cops. Don’t worry; Mama Hastings is on the case. She’s not letting any needles anywhere near her daughter. Speaking of the ever gorgeous Ashley Hastings, she went on another date with Pastor Ted. Their relationship is…interesting.
Emily spent most of this episode in a snotty, crying, ball of emotions as Hanna revealed to her that the other girls had indeed cracked the Maya code, and now had access to her website. Emily spent hours (presumably) going over the various videos of her first love. She was awoken from her den of depression when Paige stopped by. As you all know, I am not a Paily shipper, nor a fan of Paige (nope not over the drowning thing, maybe I will be one day). However, Paige really came through for Emily in this episode by being a totally supportive and understanding girlfriend. Paily shippers were rewarded with some cute Paily cuddle shots.
Ready for some more clues, that will really just gives you more questions? The stamp that Holden as well as Maya had on their wrists that was shown in previous episodes was from a party at the Kahn’s house. Weird right? What would Holden or Maya be doing there? My guess is playing a fierce game of truth, which is what Spencer and Aria end up doing when they are brought to a party there by CeCe. Turns out that CeCe used to hook up with Noel Kahn’s older brother, and I guess occasionally likes to revisit her past mistakes, because she hooks up with him again that night.
Spencer and Aria are talked into going by promises of ivy league connections (remember that UPENN hook up). The best way I can describe the truth off between Spencer and Jenna is, INTENSE! It seemed like I was watching a hardcore game of tennis as the questions went flying back and forth. At any second I swore one of them was going launch themselves across the room and there was going to be a brawl.
One last thing to get your head scratching, the night that Emily doesn’t remember, part of it she was with Jenna and Noel. Excuse me?! They found her at the diner. So why did Jenna lie and say she found her in the middle of the road? Still trying to figure that one out.
What do you think of this week’s episode of Pretty Little Liars? Does Ezra have any more secrets lying in wait? Was Spencer’s application really received by UPENN? Is Aria going to be able to fully accept that her beau has a baby? And finally, but most importantly to me, WHERE IS TOBY?!
Leave any reviews, comments, and of course A-theories in the comments sections below. Follow me on twitter: @Reignbowbrite