WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Personal Effects
Steve is packing up his room at Leena’s, actually it’s the dead agents vault. He is being marked as un-deceased by Claudia.
The group is having a mission briefing at the warehouse, which consists of Pete reminding everyone to conserve hot water so he can take a 30 minute shower in the mornings.
In walks Artie. The mission briefing is really about a lady in North Dakota who presented at a hospital (that’s right presented…all of my medical drama watching over the years is really paying off) with the symptoms of a spider bite without any actual spider bite, a very rare spider. Before Artie can say what type of spider Jinks says it. He has seen the artifact that does this. It was in Sykes collection of artifacts.
Pete and Myka go to check out a house in Devil’s Lake, ND where they hope to find Sykes artifact collection.
They search the house looking for the artifacts…of course that leads Pete to a creepy basement. The boxes in the basement are empty. All of Walter Sykes artifacts are out there somewhere.
The house was protected by a security system so Pete and Myka go to check out the alarm company.
The alarm company employee folds immediately. He gave a friend the alarm code to do the break in. This leads Pete and Myka to a pawn shop where the artifacts were fenced. Pete gets a bad vibe right before the pawn shop blows up.
The rest of the team joins them at the pawn shop, including Leena. The owner has already sold six of the artifacts and then there was the one that Jesse the “hood rat house burglar” kept, a pipe.
Eddie McClintock gets the best lines!
The team splits up, Steve and Claudia, Leena and Artie, Pete and Myka.
Pete and Myka look for Jesse. They find Jesse’s apartment missing the ceiling. Searching Jesse’s browser history they find the last thing he was looking for was a bank address.
Claudia and Jinks are in a lingerie shop tracking down a pair of sunglasses that makes you invisible.
Leena and Artie are after a violin at a music school. They successfully get the violin and they are off to the country club to get the golf club.
Pete and Myka are at the bank where there is already an ambulance. There was a rogue tornado and it is still snowing. The ATM is gone too.
We see Jesse with a bag of money in an empty warehouse. He is saying it isn’t nearly enough money. Then he uses the pipe to lift a forklift in a storm cloud, he is getting the hang of this evil vibe.
Claudia and Jinks are still trying to catch the invisible man. Jinks manages to catch him by clotheslining him. For a moment Claudia’s arm hurts and then when you see Jinks leaving the store he rubs his arm too, makes me wonder if he and Claudia are now connected physically.
Pete and Myka are following a weather radar devise to track Jesse.
Pete: I feel just like Helen Hunt in Twister. Bill Paxton, I feel like Bill Paxton
They get a hit on the radar and get to a building to find a cuffed guard and an armored truck being opened by Jesse and his storm. He has the pipe but he is unwilling to give it up so he drops the armored truck in their direction. Jesse gets away with the money.
When Pete and Myka get out of the rubble, Myka remembers seeing a bandage on Jesse’s arm. She thinks he is sick.
Leena and Artie are talking to the guy who bought the golf clubs. His wife has the missing 9 iron and she is walking around the club beating people with it. Artie grabs the club and starts spouting about how he saved everyone and he can’t tell anyone. After neutralizing the club Leena seems concerned.
Claudia and Jinks are at a bird sanctuary. They found the bird cage artifact. The birds really love it. They make a run for the car and get the cage in the neutralizer tank. Claudia thinks she was bit but Jinks doesn’t see anything. She is sure she can feel it. There is a bite on Jinks’s neck in the same spot. It’s his turn to look freaked out.
Pete and Myka find Jesse’s Mom at the hospital with Jesse’s little brother. He has a heart infection. That is why Jesse needs the money.
Jesse is at the hospital as well. He is talking to the hospital admin, she says helping his brother is more complicated than just the money. He grabs her arm and drags her to the roof.
Pete and Myka get up there to find Jesse who says they have an hour to start fixing Ronnie (his little brother) or he will turn the hospital into a pile of rocks.
The storm is getting bigger. The hospital admin says the only hope for Ronnie is a transplant. But they don’t have a donor.
Claudia and Jinks show up. Claudia has an idea. Myka goes to the roof to talk to Jesse. Pete puts on the invisible sunglasses and goes out onto the roof. Pete gets stopped by a tarp that knocks the glasses off.
In the struggle Jesse drops the pipe and the storm clears. Myka tells Jesse they need a perfect match and they don’t have it. That is why his brother hasn’t been helped.
Jesse says he understands and to tell his brother he is sorry he wasn’t there for him more. He grabs the pipe and has a bolt of lightning strike him from the clouds. He dies. Myka lets the hospital admin know he was a match for his brother, so she readies an Operating Room to do the transplant.
As they are leaving the hospital Claudia asks Myka to make sure she doesn’t have a scratch on her neck, it’s so weird that she is sure she can feel something. Jinks picks up a safety pin and pokes his finger. Claudia feels it on her finger but since she isn’t facing Jinks she doesn’t realize what is going on. Steve looks even more freaked out as he realizes what is going on.
Back in the warehouse Leena wants to talk to Artie about what he said when he had the golf club. He doesn’t have to tell Leena but she doesn’t want him to carry his burden alone. She leaves and Artie calls someone on the phone. He needs something done and he can’t tell anyone, completely off the books. He wants them to find an artifact before it finds him. It’s the dagger from his vision.
This episode, while good, largely seemed like a set up episode for what is to come. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on SyFy